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Toys come alive at night when you're asleep

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Toys come alive at night when you're asleep. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to toys.

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It isnt my belief anymore...but a sweet story about my youngest son...
H e was 5 yrs old and believed that his "action men" came to life after he went to bed..(my husband and myself used to move them around his room when he was asleep).. then oneday i borrowed some "barbie" clothes from a friend who had girls... needless to say when my son woke in the moring and all his "tough soldiers" were wearing wedding dresses and tutus..sitting in a circles with a teapot and tea cups.. say no more.. we laughed so much....

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i used to think that when i went to bed my toys would come out from their boxes and play and explore my bedroom after a friend of mine told me to cheer me up when i was feeling a bit sad.

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I used to believe that all my dolls were real and they would come to life when ever I was not there. Sometimes I still watch them when I leave a room.

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when I was around 6 or 7 and I had first seen the movie "toys story" i thought that my toys really did come alive at night. so what I would do was pretend I was asleep and leave my dolls on the floor to see if I could trick them into coming alive.

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I used to believe that my dolls, bearies(cuddly bears), tin soldiers and clowns get up at night when everyone was asleep to party n celebrate in the doll house...well i'll always make sure that they are still where i placed them the night before, when i get up the next morning to check on them...haha but i've ever since read little or even no more bedtime stories...lol so no more of all these fantasys...or so called make beliefs??? :>

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when i was a kid i thought that if i left my stuffed anmials out after i went to bed they would come to life and eat me
p.s. i saw chucky and got the wrong idea

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I used to believe that toys had life, I believed it after seeing the "Toy Story" movies. So I spent moments looking at my toys to see if at some point they would move, that never happened, but I spent like two years believing it would happen.

Elian C.
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i used to believe that my stuffed animals were alive at night, and that they had a party every time I went to sleep. I also didnt like it because I thought they talked about me when I was asleep....

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When I was a child, a friend of mine told me that the dolls could be alive at night. My brother and I had the same room, it was nice for me, because in the middle of the night I used to go to his bed, to feel safe. I was reallu scared of dolls.
One day, mu mother come to me and said: " You are a little woman and can have your own bedroom. "
I think that day was the most terrifying day of my life.

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when i was little i had star wars toys i thought they came alive cuz onetime i saw my jawas next to a broken C3-PO and darth vader over obi wans coat and lightsaber. so i used to get scared at night that darth vader was gonna kill me so i put the rest of the jawas and ewoks around darth vader so they would protect me..

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I used to believe my cabbage patch dolls would be alive at night and go on killing sprees and turn back into dolls like nothing happened by morning time.

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Whe I was around 9, I used to have these dreams about how i asked my dolls if they could talk and they said "You know we do." But then I starting thinking while I slept, they would come alive and kill me.

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When I was younger,I used to think my toys can moved and spook when I wasn't at home like in toy story :-)

maxhuile french
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for the longest time i believed that my toys could understand what i was saying and would come awake at night and play with each other. for some reason i didn't think all my toys would come awake, just a select few like my stuffed bear and my special dolls. because of this i was always careful to talk to the ones that did "wake up" because they knew what i was saying. conincedentally only my absolute favorite toys were able to wake up. the rest were just toys. to this day i still talk to these toys (which i kept) whenever i do anything with them.

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when I was about 6, I used to believe that my stuffed animals came alive when I was asleep. (Hey, I was a kid) I never slept until they were all put away in my closet. Then I was afraid of the closet.

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I used to think that after I went to sleep, all of my toys would wake up like in Toy Story.

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When i was 4 years old i think`d that when i sleep at midnight the toy`s get alive and protect me from the monster under the bed that i alsoo believed..lol

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I used to believe that dolls would come alive at night and talk to each other, so every night I would try to stay up late and catch them doing so

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When I was a child, I used to belive that my toys were alive at night, when I was sleeping, so I took a stick and I say that if they attacked me, they would die, so I want to sleep.

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I used to believe that my toys come to life when I sleep at night

Htet Wonn Thaw Tar
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