Toys come alive at night when you're asleep
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When i was a child .I used to think my toys we are alive because of the film " toy story ".I was afraid of on enemy of buzz l' éclaire and I had nigtmare . I discovered that it not real because I tried to fight with it .So I was happy to discovered that because I wasn't afraid of gavy to be any more .
When i was a child i used to think that toys were mouving at night.
One day,i tred not to sleep to see if my toys are mouvig but i fell a sleep sitting and the next morning my mother were found me sitting in my bed and she revealed that toys not mouving and i cryed for an hour. But now i don't believe it.
When I was younger, I used to think my cuddly toys come to life when I came out of my bedroom.
When I was 5 or 6 stuffed animals would talk and move around at night.
When I was litlle, I used to think toys were alive and they played the night because I watched a lot "Toys Story" and I was a fan of this film. But when I grew up, I discovered that toys weren't alive. Now I think toys weren't alive and I am relieve
Wen i was lil i used to belive that my stufft animals wold get up at night and goo 4 a picnicand have fun blah blah and i usd to talk too them always and whait four an anwser.
toys come alive
I used to believe:
When i was a litlle girl,
Iused to believe the toys is were alive and
When I leaft of my room.
THe toys woke up talked together of me because,
I had watched Toy Story on TV.
So one day,I pretended to leave my room and I hid behind my bed.
During several hours and my mom come to watch wath I did.
When she watch me .
She sayd this was a movie and this was fake.
I did'nt beleive my mom and left in my room.
hey wen i was lilttle i used to bleive wen i was outa side ma room ma teddys all came 2 life and one day cuz ma mum though it was sweet wen i was out she wenand put themm all round the table were i used 2 do ma homework and i then thought for yrs in yrs that my toys were like the sepacail ones on toy story
As you I used to be child I believes than it is to meus toys they had life AND as you I let they all alone they conversed with each other AND as you I looked they ficavam idle AND haven't you they stirred
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