Toys come alive at night when you're asleep
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I believed that my stuffed animals would come alive and protect me if something ever happened to me at night...I was never afraid of the dark
That all my toys would come to life while I slept, and if they ever caught me seeing this they would kill me. Keep in mind this was pre-toy story. I'd sit in bed awake with my eyes shut hard so they would never catch me peeking at them and murder me.
When I was 5 I thought that every time you cried because of a dream, the dream would come true. One night I had a dream that all of my toys were flushing themselves down the toilet--- and I cried. I thought that my toys would start going down the toilet, so every night I would make sure that the toilet seats and tops were down before bed. That went on until I was 7!
I used to think that, at night when I was asleep, all my cuddly toys got up and had a massive party. You see, they were all in different positions in the morning. (I later found out that I'd just kicked them in my sleep.)
when i was little i use to think that the stuffed animals would come alaive when i was sleeping and have fights with the monsters that came out from under the bed and that was why i never got eaten by the monsters.
i used to belive that as soon as i fell asleep all my stuffed animals ( i had like 350 would run play and talk all night, but as soon as i opened my eyes they would go back to their spots. And i thought sometimes i caught them moving.
I belived that untill i was eleven.
Wen I was little I used to think my stuffed animals would come alive at night and go to work! I thot they would make my dreams and not let me have any bad dreams! It was pretty lame! I stoped beliving that when i was 10!
i used to believe when i was younger my teddys came to life when i was out of the house, and this was the days before toy story was even thought up.
i had 3 teddys Biggy, Pinky and Leo, at one stage i would talk to them and say its ok i won't tell show me your alive.
i used to believe that when i left my room all my dolls and plush toys came to life! i would always wonder what they did and talked about
I used to believe that when I went to sleep, all my stuffed animals would come alive and go party in the land behind the mirror. I remember trying to cajole ‘me, telling that I knew they were really alive so it was okay to speak to me. I also remember begging to get to go along on the nocturnal jaunts to behind-the-mirror land; and, on at least one occasion, I beat the tar out of them for keeping up the pretense and not letting me through the mirror.
I used to believe my toys, specifically my Cinderella and Snow White dolls came alive while I was asleep. I used to put out Barbie plates with bits of food on them because I felt bad they never got to eat! I even went so far as to fill Barbie cups with water in case they got thirsty.
I used to believe that my Build-A-Bears would talk and dance when I went to sleep. So I tell my Build-A-Bears that it was okay to talk and dance in front of me and I wouldn't tell anyone. I'm still not so sure of it now!!
When I was a little girl, I firmly believed that at night when I slept, the dolls in my doll house woke up and conducted their lives. This belief also applied to all my stuffed animals.
I used to think that my teddies would come to life if I wanted them to so i used to play my recorder in a sort of snake charmer tune (made up on the spot obviously) to try to intice them to come to life..once i swear i heard one of them talk...or maybe it was my cat meowing
I used to believe that my toys came alive in the night while I was asleep. So I would try to stay awake as long as possible, pretending to be asleep so I could see them.
When i was little i thoght hat my toys would come to life when i left a room so i used to hide round the corner and jump back in quickly to see if i could catch them out !!
when i was about 3 my mum told me that when i went to sleep or if i was out of my room my toys came alive and played and always believed this until one day when i was about 9 i was talking to my friend about it and they said it wasn't true so i called in my mum and she said my friend was right and she thought i knew that she was joking,i was very upset and anrgy with my mum!
After watching ToyStory I was convinced that toys came to life whenevr I left the room and I used to double check where they were when I left the room, and checked if they were still in the exact position when I came back in. Once my mum found out she played a mean trick on me with this rather scary 'Amazing Allie' doll and made it look like she was coming 'round the doorway to get me.
I always treated my toys like people after that.
When I was little I had a black doll called Susie. My friend told me not to sleep with the doll in my room cos it would come alive at night and kill me. My mum was furious when she discovered I had put the doll in the bin (she didn't find out until after the binmen had been round)!
When I was a kid, I had a lot of teddybears. I believed that when no one was around they came alive. So when I left my bedroom or went to sleep, I made sure that the teddybears who I believed were friends where placed so that they could easily talk to eachother. I also feld very guilty when I stepped on a teddybear... sometimes I even said "sorry" out loud.
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