Toys come alive at night when you're asleep
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I used to believe that at night my toys come alive and protect me from all monsters and etc. And I thought that if I play with one toy more than with another, they will become jealous and angry on me.
When I was 6 years old, I used to believe that while I slept my stuffed animals became alive and protected me in my sleep from evil spirits.
When I was about 7 or 8 (I'm 18 now) I used to sleep with every single stuffed animal I owned. The reason for this was that I believed that when I was asleep they would come to life and protect me from any monsters lurking under my bed or in my closet. Then I saw the movie 'Chuckie', I stopped sleeping with my stuffed animals and instead would cover them up with a blanket while I slept.
I used to believe that my stuffed animals would come alive at night to protect me.
I used to think whenever you left your bed room your stuffed animals came to life and could talk and walk and they all had their own personalities. My friend and I were playing with our beanie babies one day and I found out that she thought the same thing so later that night i sat infront of my favourite stuffed animal (a cat named Flip) and for about 20 minutes said, "Flip, talk! I know you can talk!"
When i was younger, i used to think that when you were going to other countries that spoke another languauge, to learn that language all you had to do was go to the chemist and buy a pill and the pill would teach you jow to speak that language. I beleived that until high school
My grandma told me toys come alive after I fall asleep,so I pretended I'm sleeping,to catch them hanging around in my room.
I used to think that when I went to sleep all my stuffed animals would go into the toy box and have a party. Then they would go to school, and learn things. I used to think that if I didn't fall asleep the animals would kick me, and I once thought I saw them move. I still watch them all the time. Though, maybe I killed them all from starving them. XD
I used to believe that my toys would come alive after I went to sleep. I would try to "fool" my toys into thinking i was asleep, so I could catch them in the act. I would close my eyes and breath heavy to fool my M&M plush dolls, beanie babies, and barbies. I was crazy.
Due to the overwhelming influence of tv shows and movies, i used to believe that all of my toys, mainl the stuffed animals, were alive and frolicked in my room at night while i was asleep. i would try to wake up at random times in the middle of the night and jump out of my bed as suddenly as i could to catch them in the act. needless to say it never yeilded any results, though i continued my efforts for a number of years.
I used to believe cabbage patch kids would actually come to life while you were sleeping and kill you. So I threw mine out when I was young. To this day I shudder at the sight of them.
I used to believe that when i was asleep all my toys would come out and play. I tried to pretend to be asleep so i could catch them in the act. I aslo though they could feel things so when i dropped them i would have to kiss them better and when i slept with them i had to make sure i didnt roll over them
I used to think that when I went to sleep my toys would all come to life and play games. One night I wanted to stay up and watch them, but I thought they might realise I was still awake and wouldn't be able to come to life and play, then they'd be cross with me. I went to sleep not wanting to risk it.
I used to believe that all of my stuffed animals came alive at night and had their own toy parties as soon as I fell asleep. I was sure that my stuffed animals had feelings and they would feel bad if I didn't play with them as much as the other animals or I didn't give them a name. I also had to make sure that every animal was married to another one, because I thought if I got them married I would wake up one morning and find stuffed animal babies!
I used to think that when you were asleep your toys came alive and had Madonna dance parties. Then when you woke up, they all ran back to perfect order.
I used to beieve that when I fell asleep my toys would wake up and so before I went to bed I would kiss them goodnight, and ask them to please not kill me.
When I was really little I used to believe that my dolls and teddies would come to life when i would go to sleep because I would always take a teddy with me to bed with me but when I awoke the next morning the teddy would no longer be on my bed it would either be under or by the door!But know I think its just because I mover around alot when im sleeping :P
When i was about 6 yrs old i used to have a massive collection of Barbie dolls and my mum told me that every night that when i fell asleep they would come out and have a party. So i used to try and stay awake and be really quiet so they would come out and party. Sadly though they never did.
When I was little I used to think my stuffed animals would go out for a night on the town, to meet other stuffed animals. I this because at night I used to knock my stuffed animals out of my bed. BUT instead I thought they didn't make it back up from there party. Good times as a child...
when i was younger i used to believe that my toys would wake up and move about in my sleep, i belived this up untill the age of 9 when i found out it was my mum moving them around to make me think they were real!
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