Toys come alive at night when you're asleep
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I, like many people, believed that your toys came alive when you left the room. I still like this idea and watch to see if it happens with the dolls and teddys I still have
I used to believe my stuffed animals would wake up the same moment that I fell asleep and that they went out doing things at night while I was sleeping.
When I saw them lying on the floor in front of my bed in the morning, I was sure they just hadn't made it back in time before I woke up.
When I was a little girl I used to think that when I fell asleep my Barbies would come to life and protect me in the night. I once fell asleep with them on the ground then woke up with them in my arms. I stopped beleiving this whenever I stopped playing with Barbies. I was 9 years old.
When i was five i used to think we were all dolls living in a HUUUGE doll house (from Thomas the Tank Engine) and that a girl would drive the cars around and move us about from place to place. When I was seven I thought Barbie dolls came to life in the middle of the night and wanted to kill girls that didn'y play with Barbies (from watching the movie Chuckie). And finally when I was 11 I thought that if i jumped and ran very fast and very high i would stay in the air for a few seconds like in the Matrix, I tried it once and I ended up Spraining my ankle really badly... that's what you get form the influence of tv.
When I was in grade school, I swore and just new in my heart that when I went to sleep at night, all my barbies would come to life. So everynight I would make sure I left a lil bit of my dinner on their dineer plates so they wouldn't starve. : }
when i was younger i thougth when i went to sleep all my toys came alive and plotted ways to kill me.
when i was around 6 i thought that all of my teddies and dolls and toys came alive when i was asleep. Every night I would li down in bed, pretending to be asleep and every 5 minutes or so I opened my eyes to see if they moved. (they didn't). My mum knew of my beliefs and in the middle of every night while I was sleeping she would move around the toys to make them seem as if they were doing somehing eg playing on the computer, climbing back into the toy box. i beleieved this for over 3 years
I used to believe that when you had very big teddy bears they had their own lives and at night with my second brother we left them food every day but the next day we got angry with them why they did not eat and we had to give them that food to our pet
I had the "toys are alive like in Toy Story" belief up until I was freakin' thirteen!
But that's not all: when I was eightish, my mum told be this huge lie that when you can't find a toy that's because it's gone to a place called "Adventure Land".
Even me, logical little miss that I was, believed in a place with that phoney-baloney name for three darned years!
She was so adamant about this lie too: she claimed she'd witnessed her teddy bear trying to go there, that there was one place in that phoney world where no cats were allowed, and there was a literal all-you-can-eat buffet.
When I was a child I used to believe that the toys in my bedroom were alive when I was sleeping. I started to believe in that when I saw "Toy Story". I was very scared when everytime I went to bed.
when i was little (still kinda belive this) that all my dolls and barbies would come alive and either take me to doll world or kill me there so i wold close my closet door or sleep in the guestroom
i used to belive that when you were asleep your teddys would come alive and have a party
I used to belive that all my dolls at night get alive and have a party and the animals can talk as a normal person when anyone can see them.
when I sleep I have a felling that my toys where hurting me so I stayed up with my eyes barrly closed and cought them next time I got my leg cut deep so I burnt my toys it did not sop burnt toys in my bed!
Solía pensar que, por la noche, cuando dormía, todos mis peluches se levantaban y tenían una fiesta masiva. Verá, todos estaban en diferentes posiciones por la mañana. (Más tarde descubrí que los había pateado mientras dormía).
When I was little I used to believe my toys were alive. When I left my room, my toys moved. To be sure they alive I talked to there.
I used to believe that my toys would come alive when I went to sleep. And when I threw them they got mad and when they came to life they would try to kill (in english) me while I slept.*laugh*
I used to think that my Barbies were alive and only moved at night. I would sometimes be afraid to play with them because I thought they were looking at me and I would throw them in my closet.
I used rto believe that my toys would come to life in the dark and plan little plots to kill me
When I was young, I had a dream that all my Barbie's came alive and messed up my room when I was sleeping. And when I woke up my room was messier! So before I went to sleep I would say
'Goodnight, dollies, go to sleep because i sleep too"
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