Toys come alive at night when you're asleep
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As a child, I believed Barbies and all toys came alive at night. And if I didn't go to bed, they would run away from me the next morning and I would never find them again.
When i was little i used to think that when i went to sleep my animals had a party. so i would act like i closed my eyes and secretly watch them, nothing happened.
I know that my stuffed animals are coming to life. Because my stuffed animal Pooh Bear was eating real honey while we were gone. It was still on his mouth when we woke up in the morning.
my toy story 4 toys talk to me at night
when i was a kid i used to think all my dolls came alive at night & walked around & such. so during the winter at night when it would get really cold, i'd wrap every single doll & stuffed animal i owned up in a blanket to keep them warm.
when i was younger i used to think at night my stuffed animals would get up and move around at night.and when the sun came up they would get back in their places
i used to believe that my teddys would come alive in the night and some are nasty and some are nice.In the night i would spy on them to see if they were alive!
When I was a kid, I used to believe that my toys would come to life when i left the room.. like on toy story. I even told my toys that i know they're real and that i would keep it a secret.
My sister used to always tell me to be nice to my stuffed toys because they come to life at night to get me back!!
Used to scare the hell out of me and I still can't stand having stuffed toys 'looking' at me!
I, like many kids I knew, thought that all my stuffed animals would come alive when I was sleeping. Each night I'd pretend I was asleep so I could catch them at play or talking to each other. For some reason it never worked. Go figure.
i used to belive my dolls were staring at me at night and they would come alive....but i had my teddy bear to protect me when they tried to kill me when i fell asleep.
I used to believe that all my toys came alive at night and hung out. My friend once told me she actually saw all her barbies and stuffed animals having a party! And I believed her. Plus I thought if I sent my toys down to live in the basement they'd come back to get me! For the longest time I kept every songle toy of mine in my room.
when i was younger i used to think all my stuffed animals were alive and if they wernt on the bed they were goin to be mad at me so i would put them all on the bed and made sure there faces were able to be seen so they wouldnt suffocate when i got older i got meaner and threw them all away
I used to believe, ( and still do believe) that dolls and stuffed animals come to life when you're not looking. Because I thought this, I'd never be cruel to my toys, for fear that they will attack and hurt me in the middle of the night as payback.
I believe toys come to life I watch their every moment plus my cousin believes the same thing soooooo we share things we have seen about our toys.once I saw my toy blink,move,breathe so I take videos hoping to see em move I have not not Yet but sometime at night at 11:00 or so I would stay real quiet not dated to make a movement I would most of the time hear soft footsteps walking about I knew it wasnt my little sister she falls asleep about 9:30p.m.sometimes I would sleep with a toy but then the next morning it would be on the floor plus I've seen my toy move only once so now I'm trying to caught them evan more along with trying to figure out how to make stay alive so we could be best friends.
i belive that my doughters stuffed animals move by themselvs at night
When I was 5 or 6 years old I used to think that my soft toy was alive in the night. I was completely sure of it because my soft toy is a buterfly and in the night I heard noises so for me it was my soft toy who was flying.
Once I woke up in the middle of the night and I didn't see my soft toy flying, for me it wasn't possible so I tried to make it fly but of course it didn't work. From this moment I tried every night to make it fly.It never worked. So time after time I stopped believe in this but at the beginning I was very sad that it wasn't true.
When I was a young, I used to believe my cuddle toy moved at night when I sleep and when i played with them, I used to believe they talked with me but when I grew up I understood that my cuddly toy was not real but it was me who made them move so I was sad because it was me who talked with my cuddle toy.
i used to believe that when i was lying in bed, and if i closed my eyes for a while and pretended i was sleeping, then opened them really quickly, i would see my teddies and dools 14 now and still try it!!!
I used to believe that when I went to sleep at night, my toys would come alive and play together.
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