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I still believe that toys are alive. I'm a kid. I make towns and stuff for them, I feed them once every 2 months, I put them to bed every night, I write them mail, I chat to them, and I teach them how to do things. I give them jobs, too. My little brother sometimes helps. I felt very sorry for my brother's Galactic Hero Han Solo when my brother and I lost his friend, Galactic Hero Leia. I know that he is very depressed over his loss, and so I sent another toy to comfort him.
If you have human toys, take care of them like i do. If you have stuffed animals or plastic animals, treat them like pets.
i used to believe that animals and stuffed animals could talk but when people were near they wouldnt
I used to believe that my stuffed animals had feelings and felt bad when they were squashed or I ignored them. I only got over that a few months ago...
When I was 7 years old, I asked my dad for a toy at the K-Mart and he said, "Five dollars for that? That's too expensive." After that, I believed anything that costed 5 dollars or more costed too much.
To this day whenever my son asks for a toy, that memory gets stirred up.
When I was a kid I used to think my toys were alive (because of Toy Story) and I believed they had feelings so I always made sure to be extra gentle and nice to my toys and I hated shoving them away in closets or toy boxes cause I felt like they couldn't get air and they were being squished so most of my toys were always on my bed.
Actually I still kinda feel that way... lol
I used to think that everything had feelings. like things like scooters, or chairs, or dolls and such. so i would make sure i sat in the chairs the same amont, and i wuld actually talk to my scooters. when i was like 10 or 11 My brother had a scooter, and I just got one for christmas, I talked to it. I said something like "So I will take care of you and If you are sick, or cold I will ride red" (my brothers scooter, i called mine blue, they were red and blue, i wasn't necessarily creative) I still haven't exactly gotten over that either, sometimes still i have my self thinking that something will feel bad if i don't use it soon. weird, right?
when i was about 9 or ten. i slept over my best friends house and she had this lil mermaid in a class jar on her dressser. so her mom told us that whenever we went into my bestfriends room the mermaid will be lookin at us and like followin us around in her one day she put it away and then her mom told us it was jus a fake mermaid and jus wanted to frighten us.
when i was a 11 i slept over her house again because she sed her toyy doll was alive. so i went into her room wit her n set the doll about 6 feet in front of us n my bestfriend turned off the lights. then like 2 seconds later she turned them back on n the doll was like 3 feet in front of us.... it still kinda wonders me whyy and how a doll would move like that. so we then slept in the livin room down stairs.
After i seen toy story i belived that my toys actually spoke and stuff!
i also used to throw them of my bunbeds to see if they would change their expressions ... but then i grew up SADLY lloll
top belief!
My parents tell me that when I was quite young, I would always express my desire to go to china one day. They always found that quite odd, because there seemed to be no apparent reason for me to want to go there. They eventually figured out that the reason I wanted to go there was because all of my toys said "Made in China" on it. I figured that China was just mounds and mounds of toys.
And then... I grew up...
I once saw an add for a doll and it said batteries not included, I told my mum about it and i told her it didn't need batteries...
When I was a little kid, I recieved a wizard furby. It terrified me, because I thought it was going to come alive and destroy the apartment, or stalk me for the rest of my life or something. One day, we were going out, so I put the furby in a shoebox and covered it up with some kind of cloth, then I put it in a closet and locked it.
I was seriously afraid of furbies.
When a was little I saw that show "Are you Afriad of the Dark" about a girl who stayed in her room too long and turned into a doll.
Until the 2nd grade I wouldent stay in my own bedroom for more than an hour.
The homewares shop IKEA used to have a play area. In this play area was a pen filled with plastic balls and you were supposed to run and jump and 'swim' in between them. I was so scared that when I went under and in between these balls that I would swallow the balls and choke. Hence....I never went in.
When I was just a kid in kindergarten...I used to belive god looked like one of the dolls I would play with in daycare! It was dumb!
i had a furrbe that was broken and woke me up in the middle of the night and was talking to me.
so scary.
that thing was possesed
the worst part was, i didnt know what it was, so every night it would talk to me again.
i was too young to relly understand what it was saying. Now i am deathly afraid of thoes.....things
When I was eight there was this toy being very heavily advertised on TV called Key Charm Cuties. It was this.....playset thinger, and it came with some bracelet you could carry the dolls around on. For some reason I thought there was something DESPERATELY IMPORTANT AND SPECIAL AND MAGICAL about that bracelet. Don't ask me why...the commercial did not let on that the bracelet was magical or anything. I didn't wanna bug my parents for a Key Charm Cuties set though 'cause I had too many toys and it was probably expensive.
top belief!
i used to believe that Cabbage Patch Kids were made from real cabbage XD
When I was like 7 I thought that when you go to school your toys are planning a way to kill you.(I watched Chuckie)
I always thought my dolls and Barbies would live in their own little world and talk and date and have fun when I left my room. so sometimes I would leave and then jet back to see if I could catch them in the act!
When I was younger, about 8 i'm guessing, I had to make sure the lid on the toilet was down, the door was closed (and locked) and towels were stuffed under the door to block the crack. Because if they weren't, my barbies would jump into the toilet and flush themselves.
Even gave me nightmares!
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