i used to believe

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after i watched toy story a couple of times, i thought that my toys came alive when i left the room; so, whenever i left my room, i would open the door a crack and look in there. i didn't see crap. i thought the toys were really smart and knew i was there.

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i used to believe that if you out grew your toys and gave them away that they would forget that you ever had them and think of their new owner as one they've always had

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i used to think that anything that was shaped like an animal, was a living animal. i would be very careful with my stuffed toys. i was careful never to drop them, lie on them/ roll over them in my sleep, or suffocate them or neglect them. like when i went on vacation, i would bring as many plushies as i could ... and different ones everytime so none would feel left out. even the ugly ones that i didn't like as much.

also, i felt really sad to eat gummi bears/ gummi worms, i thought they were real and could feel pain. i would alway suck on them until they dissolved, never bite into them

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I was deathly afraid of this marionette bride hanging from my bedroom ceiling. Every night I would see it staring at me and I swear it looked like it was swinging ever so slightly. The fan was never on, so this freaked me out. I made my dad take it down and put it in the garage. I was still always worried that it crawl back up to my room and kill me.

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When I was little I was a big Play School fan, and I had a Jemima doll.
My sister told me that our dog Molly had jumped into the television screen and stolen Jemima from the Play School set and given her to us!

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I used to believe my toys were jealous of each other, so I had to be nice to them all, and say good-night to them each, like a parent.

Lydia from Los Angeles
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when i was little i had whatched the show toy stories when it was over i ran to my room a came back downstairs telling my mom the toys weren't talking to me

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when i was younger my cousin told me that if i slept with my stuffed animal every night and took it everywhere with me it would come to life.

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When I was younger I would always hangout with my older cousin Ashley. She had quiet the active imagination. One day me and her where playing with all my dolls when she told me if you stare at a doll long enough they will move. I was shocked but we both grabbed a doll and held it infront of us as we stared not allowing ourselves to break the gaze. After about 5 mins I swear still to this day the doll's mouth moved. I let out a scream and threw the doll. I was afraid that all my dolls thought I knew their secret. I stayed up late afraid that they would kill me! eek!

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After watching the "Rudolph" Christmas special when I was 5 or 6, I developed a firm belief that if I wasn't nice enough to my toys, that the lion from the show would fly into my room while I wasn't in it, and take my toys to the Island of Misfit Toys. I kept a close inventory on them from that day on.

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I used to believe that my toys would (mostly my transformers) come alive and cast a spell on me to turn me into a Boy Toy. I always was waiting for me to be a toy but I thought that they couldn't do it because I needed to set the ceremony and the magical altar and I would set up a big Lego circle and put a toy fire on it for the ritual and would like dress(?????) the wizard toys in my toy wizard robes and hoped it would work then I realized that I needed a sacrifice so I would cut out a hand drawn stick figure and sense my Lego thing was a trapdoor I put it there it did not work part of me still believes it!! Uh Oh!

the boy toy (tommy)
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I used to think that the reason my mother always knew when i did something wrong was because my stuffed animals would tell on me.

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I used to believe that training wheels were the different colored beads on the spokes.

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When i was younger i would think that when you leave the room your toys would talk to each other and play around and when you come ack the would go back into place, one time i left my room and i came back and my toy was moved i was like oh my god and then i found out it was just my mom cleaning up.

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When I was younger, and had alot of legos and stuffed animals I used to belive that my legos would try to kill me every night in different ways each time. But my stuffed animals would always end up protecting me.

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when i was little i thought that if u didnt play with toys enough that they would feel lonley and cry so every now and they i would play with all my toys!!!

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When I was young, a friend of mine had a doll called Lala. My friend and I wanted Lala to come alive, and become a real baby that we could raise together.

Everytime we saw dandelion clocks, we would wish on them that Lala would come alive. I would do it whenever I saw a dandelion clock, even if my friend wasn't with me, because I wanted it so much.

One day, my friend said to me, "Look! Lala is turning into a real baby. You can see her veins." and, sure enough, there were wiggly blue lines all over her.

I eventually realised that my friend had just drawn on the 'veins', and had lied about Lala coming to life. =(

Rebekah (Long live Lala)
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When I was really little I had this toy play kitchen thing and I believed that I could actually cook stuff with it. One day when I wasn't looking my mom put cookies into the microwave part and I was not at all surprised to find them.. I was however surprised to find that I could never make them again ):

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When I was little, I had two stuffed whales called William and Spot whom I brought everywhere with me. Occasionally my parents would make be leave them at home, but I didn't mind this, because I could just commnicate with them telepathically when they weren't with me.

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