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that teddies were real people and when you walked out of the room they would talk to each other but as soon as you came back in they would pretend to be teddiies again!! and if they fell off your bed they would plot revenge on you so i always made sure my teddies were in a comfortable position!!!
I used to think that my teddies and fluffy toys were alive and would move around the room and play and chat with each other, but they would only do it after I had left the room so that I wouldnt find out. I used to try and catch them out - I'd make a big point of saying out loud to myself 'hmm im thirsty i think i'll go to the kitchen and get a drink!!' then i'd go out of the room and pull the door shut and make loud footstep noises, gradually getting softer as if i was walking down the hallway... then i'd wait for a few seconds and burst in, hoping to catch them in the act. It never worked, they were always too quick for me. I figured that they must have known what i was up to :D
top belief!
When I was about 7 my brother (who was 9) told me that my Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls had knives behind their backs and would kill me when I was sleeping or if I told me mom their plan. So I told my mom that I wanted to get rid of them but she said I couldn't because my Great Grandma gave them to me. So I put them on the top shelf of my closet and slept with a butter knife next to my bed.
I used to have this stuffed bunny when I was little that my grandma had gotten me for Easter, and boy, did I love this bunny. He had long limbs and tan fur and he was really gangly and floppy; I just loved him.
I also used to sleep in a bunk bed with my mom; I had the top bunk and she had the bottom bunk. Every night when I climbed up the latter, Bunny would be waiting for me at the top.
But one night, as I was climbing the ladder, for some reason I got this really horrifying image in my head of Bunny's face suddenly peeking out from the top of the mattress and bgi sharp teeth and evil eyes, and every night for a month after that I was too scared to climb up the ladder because I was afraid Bunny would appear like that while I climbed up.
When I was younger, I used to believe that stuffed animals had feelings, so when I would drop one, I would be upset, then appologize to it.
I used to believe that Koosh balls had batteries in them, and when you touched them, that's why they shook for so long.
Since I was 4 my mum spent most of the year in hospitals with my baby sister so I wa reased by my grandmother and I slept in a huge living room all by myslef. I used to think that my Teddy a blue bear has a tape insed him that my mum could take and listen from time to time(i still don't know where from I got the idea) so every night before I got to bed I used to talk with my teddy and explain him how was my day, sing songs tell poems.
top belief!
For years I thought that a "ghetto blaster" was the gun they used on ghost busters (don't cross the beams! etc).
I distinctily remember one christmas when all my friends said they wanted a ghetto blaster and it confused the hell out of me, but sounded pretty cool!
I wasn't the coolest kid.
top belief!
I used to belive that if I didn't cataloge and put away my lego everytime I played with it, little demons would steal the exact pieces I would need to complete a project I was working on.
Once, I was working on a spaceship and I couldn't find the lights I needed. I knew the little bastards had been there, so I left some out on a plate and hid behind the sofa with the biggest knife in the kitchen. I sat there for a good three and a half hours before my parents came home from work.
After laughing their asses off at me, the parents sat me down for one of the many "stern" talking too's that I would recieve in my lifetime.
top belief!
Ok, I hope this makes sense...
When I was five, I had one of those sticker books where each page had a black-and-white picture, and a few "dotted outlines." The book came with a page of stickers that you tore out, and stuck the appropriate ones on each page.
I had one from the Disney Peter Pan movie, and one page required two stickers on top of each other. The picture was of Wendy and the boys being captured and tied up to the mast on Captain Hook's ship. In one spot, first you stuck on one sticker of the three kids, and then the "tied rope" sticker on top of the first sticker so it looked like they had the rope around them.
So that the picture looked right, the outline of the "kids" sticker had the words "put this piece down first" written on it. But I didn't understand this. I thought you had to put that sticker on first; otherwise Captain Hook would come out of the picture and kill you. Seriously!
I worried for ages whether I wanted to risk it or not. My dad even asked if I was okay. Finally I decided I'd better not. I put the book away just in case I made a mistake and unleashed Captain Hook on the world.
I don't know why they didn't just make one sticker of the kids with the rope around them and leave it at that.....
When i was about 4 or 3, my dad, a carpenter, made me this hand made rocking horse. it was absolutely amazing now that i see pictures of it...but anyway...the only flaw was that the eyes on it were kind of like a large version of those googly eyes you buy at craft stores...those eyes scared me so badly. my parents thought that if we put it in my room i would get used to it. one night, i was trying to go to sleep..and my eyes MUST have been playing tricks on me, but i could have sworn that the horse started moving toward me....i thought i saw it getting closer, pawing..moving its tail and mane...everything...yet somehow it never got really close to me. so i ran out of my room, and i thought it chased after me. i woke my poor parents up, and my dad came into my room, turned on the light, and showed me that my horse hadn't moved a bit...boy did i feel stupid!!!
top belief!
When i was little and was afraid of monsters coming in my room at night so i would tuck myself into bed with my stuffed animals covered under the blankets. When the mosters would come in my toys would jump out and surprise attack them kung fu-style!
(of course) in the morning they would be all over the floor, solidifying my belief.
I used to cut my doll's hair and stuffed animals' fur, believing that it would grow back...
Needless to say, it didn't.
i beleived my toy bear colud talk and he would fight away the monstors in my dreams ! WHAT I WAS YOUNG lol
top belief!
I was afraid to play some board games because when it said specific age groups that I wasn't in yet (for 10 and older) that some police would take me away.
top belief!
When I was little, I said I was not going to play Milton-Bradley's "The Game of Life" because I actually believed that what you did in that game actually came true, like a fortune teller thing.
I so wanted for my baby dolls to come to life, I decided that if I made them warm, like real babies, then they would become real.
I dressed them in their warmest clothes and hugged them close to me, even taking them to bed.
Mum would try to take the dolls away and I would scream because in my mind she was killing them.
Once, when I was five, I went to Vietnam on vacation with my mom and 2 of my siblings while my dad and my other brother stayed home in America. Well, anyways we were at the beach one day when my favorite little raft thing floated away(someone had forgotten to take it in when we finished playing in the water). When I got back to America, my brother told me that he saw my little raft thing float by and I cried asking him why he hadn't swam out and saved it for me.
i used to belive that allof my teddies were alive and if i only hugged one then all the other ones would get jealous esecially this one sheep teddy .i got so scared of this that i used to sleep with the covers tucked tight around me incase it decided to hurt me because i hadnt been nice enough to it. i didnt get rid of it because it looked at me like it might come and get me if i chucked it .......
top belief!
When I was little, I used to play with play dough a lot. And I used to think that everything around me was made of play dough; my other toys, my bed, my dog, my mom and dad, etc. I thought that if I used the "right" colours to create a living creature, then they would become alive. For example, if I use green to make a frog then the frog would become a living frog.
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