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top belief!
My mom once bought be a very lovely teddy bear, dressed up in a blue lace dress. Now, at that age, I, like most kids, thought that my toys came to life when I was not awake/around. And each of my toys had their own personalities and their own reasons for not coming to life while I was around. Well, I somehow came to the conclusion that this particular Teddy Bear was very rich, and could only speak French. Day after day, I would sit and speak pure gibberish to the Teddy Bear, beleiving that I was talking to it in French. It obviously failed to respond.
In any case, I then proceeded to bring it to school, and show it to all of my friends, convincing them that my Teddy Bear could speak French. I challenged each of them to talk French to it and see if it would come to life. Of course, it never did, and I informed them that they were horrible french-speakers.
Sadly, they beleived every word that I told them.
I used to believe that my sister's dolls would come alive and steal my hands if i slept with my hands outside the covers.
I stopped believing that when i was 15.
As a young child I watched scary movies with my older brother. Well there was a certain movie were stuffed animals and toys would come alive and kill the children that owned them. Well i believed that this was possible so for the longest time I would treat all of my stuffed animal extremly well, giving them all equal turns sleeping in the bed with me, and the ones that didn't get to sleep in the bed had a homemade bed made of pillows and blankets on the floor. This fear fallowed me almost all the way through junior high.
When I was little, about 4 or so, I thought the toy guns that were on the shelf at Wal-Mart's toy section were real, and nearly freaked out when I saw someone else lift one off the shelf and point it in my general direction. I thought he was gonna shoot me!
when i was litle i use to beleve that at night when i had a bad dream my stuffed animals protected me and kill the monsters.
on time when i was playing with my barbie dalls, and i had to sit then down but i dident knoe hoe to make there knees bend. so she did it and i was sooososoo happy and i said "how'd you do that?" and she said "i have mommy magic" i believed that for like ever!
When I was a very little girl, my cousin said the Barbie doll eats apples and she put the dolls mouth to an apple and showed me the apple where she "took a bite" it looked convincing enough to me so everytime I had an apple, I had to find my Barbie doll to share a few bites with her. My mom, bless her soul, helped me for a good 20 minutes searching for my barbie doll until I found her. Now I know why she quietly giggled when she found the barbie and I gave barbie a bite of my apple.
top belief!
A lot of kids believe that their toys came to life when no one was around. I took it a bit further: I would lecture my toys, explaining to them that it was OK if they came to life in front of me because I wouldn't tell anyone and would keep their abilities secret, etc. Of course, they never did come to life in front of me, and I remember being deeply disappointed that they felt they couldn't trust me.
When I watched the commercial for the Goosebumps board game and all the monsters came out after the guy won, I was always afraid that if I ever won the game the monsters would come out and congratulate me. So needless to say I never played the game.
I used to believe that when I went to sleep all my animals would wake up and have parties
I used to think my toys had feelings- and that they were watching me whenever their eyes were on me, and that they were listening to me if I was close enough. So I would always turn their heads away and hide them away when I was done with them. I'd talk to them sometimes, and sometimes I was afraid that they might attack me in my sleep.
when i was little i used to believe that if you hurt one of your cuddly tows you were hurting the same animal in the wild
when i was young i had a stuffed mickey mouse doll, and 1 day when i came home i couldn't find it, until i saw him hanging from the clothesline, i asked my mum what had happened and she told me that he got out and was playing with the hose and got himself wet, and she hung him there so that he could dry and not run in the house and wet everything.
I thought all of my stuffed animals, action figures, and Barbies are alive and be able to talk to other toys each time when I left the room. I always sneak to my door and peek through to check if they are moving or not. Sometimes I set the plastic dinosaurs in order then after I left the room I checked again if they moved at all. I believe that after I watched Toy Story when I was 8 until I turn 13.
My dad had this really nice illustrated book when i was a kid. Parts of the book had holograms on it, highlighting pictures of ponds, rivers and whatnot. He told me that if i ever touched the holograms, i would get sucked into it, and be frozen!!!!!! I'm still pretty reluctant to touch a hologram!
When I was young I had one of those little electronic robot building kits. What would normally happen is you would plug wires into a battery pack that would run the control panel for your little robotic arm or whatever.
Well, one day the batteries went dead so I needed another way to get power to it. EVERY kid knows that you can't plug wires (or knifes or anything dangerous) into a wall socket so I went out into the garage and found the longest extension cord I could find. The longer the better, I assumed.
I figured by the time all the electricity when through the entire extension cord it would be safe for the robot arm.
I proceeded to catch my bed on fire.
The first time I ever saw a hand puppet was in kindergarden. The teacher put the puppet on my hand, played a record, and told me to make the puppet mimic whenever I heard the person talking. I thought the puppet's mouth would move on its own until she showed me to move my thumb and fingers.
When about 3, i believed that my volkswagon bug, toy car would grow in sun light. i would place it in the drive way and watch it grow. of course this took a long time, i thought, but i would someday have a full size car if i waited long enough. i remember at the end of the day, i would bring it to my dad, to show how much bigger it had gotten, but being that i did not speak to well, he never got what it was i was trying to show him, to him it was just a toy which i acted like he had never seen before.
when i was little i thought that toys had parties wee little partys when you would leave home
I used to believe that if i cut of my Barbie dolls hair that it would grow back.
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