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When i was younger my parents thought i was nuts cause everytime they tried to tuck me in it was hard cause i had every single stuffed animal i owned on my bed. i believed that if i didn't have them all on my bed that one of them would feel left out, and wouldn't like me any more.
I used to think that Barbie and ken were brother and sister, until i saw a commercial that showed ken and Barbie making out.
When i was a young child... about 5 i guess, i had a talking robot, if you left it on for more than 10 minutes without playing with it a siren would go off, so that u could turn it off, that way your battery wouldnt go dead! the first time the siren went off, i thought the police were comming after me because i was wasting electricity???
so i turned it off, and didnt play with it again.
we were told never tear apart a golf ball because because there is a liquid center that would sqirt in your eye and blind you
I used to believe that all my dolls were alive. It all started after watching the movie "Child's Play" where that boy gets a doll from his mum and it turns out to be alive and it's evil. I believed that all my dolls were alive so I used to lock them away in my wardrobe to stop them from getting out and forcing me to do things. Every night I hear noises coming from my wardrobe...I know they want out but I don't know how much longer I can handle the stress. They're getting inside my head!
I used to believe that my stuff Mickey toy was alive and that it would attack me whenever I stared at it. So I put it in the storeroom! Finally it was transferred to my Aunt's house and I felt suprisingly comforted, even playing (and staring) at it.
When I was 9 I used to believe that if you jumped on the trampaline high enough you would go into space, i always wondered just high u had to jump so everyday for an hour or more i would jump on our trampaline as high as i could go and after a while my mom asked me why i would always do that n i told her and she set me straight.
In second and third grade i used to believe that dolls had evil souls inside them. Everytime one looked at me I would get sooo freaked out! I took off all the dolls from my bed and even sometimes now (in 5th grade) i get freaked out by dolls looking at me.
i used to believe that if i wouldnt say goodnight to everything in my room, they would come up in my bed and try to kill me
When i was younger i used to belive that if u didn't have ur teddy bears in ur bed when u slept- it automatically meant u didn't love them, i can remember the look on my mom's face as she walks in to find me in a bed filled with 40 teddy bears! lol
I used to belive that blue playdough was what cable was. My firend told me so.
I used to believe that if I didnt say goodnight to all my toys in my room something bad would happen to me in the night. It would take forever to go to bed sometimes!
I used to believe my stuffed aninimals were paralyzed by my presence so I would hide in the closet and then pop out suddenly hoping to catch them moving.
i use to think that my brother was really flushing my stuffed animals down the toilet when really he was putting them in the bathtub (no water) and just flushing the toilet over and over again haha!
my brother was a asshole!
top belief!
i used to believe that stuffed animals had feelings. i had my one special stuffed animal "baby" that i always slept with but i also had many more, like 50 or so. i felt bad for the other stuffed animals so i put them all on my bed. it got so crowded that i couldnt even sleep so i let the stuffed animals sleep on the bed and i slept on the floor.
i believed there were little men in my etch a sketch that did the drawing
I used to believe that dolls were alive and can talk to each other when you were not in the room.
My sister and I had plastic play food and food, and we believed that if we sat around and repeadetly patted the food, it would get smaller, and smaller, and smaller. My mother must have been bewildered as to why her kids were sitting around hitting plastic pizzas.
I used to beleive that all my stuffed animals had not only feelings , but also families somewhere out there. I would never get rid of my stuffed animals because I was afraid they would be angry or sad . Also I made up a birthday for each of them and got them presents . It was quite pathic , but it also makes for something that my family can taunt me endlessly about.
when i was about 4 I got a fairy Barbie doll. On the commercial for it on TV they said it would make all your wishes come true. So, i made a wish and when it didn't come true, i ran up to my mom and told her that the Barbie didn't work. I don't think I ever played with that doll again.
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