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top belief!
i used to have a stuffed bunny that i got for easter one year. i always so my mom putting carrots down the garbage disposal in the sink, so i figured it was a bunny hole. one day, i decided that my bunny would want to go in her 'bunny hole' to eat some of the carrots that were stocked up for her. i put her down the disposal, and decided it was too dark in there. then, i flipped on a switch so that she could see better, but it ended up being the switch to turn on the disposal! well, lets just say i dont like bunnies anymore...
my friend once asked her mum for a vibrator when she was about 11. her mum just looked at her shocked, and so my friend thought she didnt know what one was so described it further. turns out-the thing that she was describing was one of those stuffed toys that have a cord which you pull to make it vibrate! embarrassing mix up.
When I was little, I thought I knew everything about dinosaurs. My parents tried to get me lots of educational books about them, and my uncle, a biologist, knew enough paleontologists to give me spare bones from digs every Christmas, but once my grandparents got me this generic, "dinosaur," action figure. I kept trying to classify it. They played along, insisting it was a Tyrannosaurus Rex because it had sharp teeth, and I countered that it had too many fingers on its front legs for that. This went on for some time with no logical conclusion. I had no conception that a company might make a "dinosaur," that didn't represent an actual species, and thought that the maker of the toy had discovered a new dinosaur and refused to share their evidence with the greater scientific commuinity. I think it eventually turned out to be a representation of Godzilla. I was between 6 and 10 at this time.
Toys come to life
This one was actually my friend's. About 2 years ago, when my friend was 13, he got silly putty stuck in his hair. He stuck the silly putty in his hair 'cause he thought it would leave and imprint.
I used to think that my toys in my room would come alive when I went somewhere. They would have fun until one of them heard the car coming up the driveway then they would all get back to where theywere.
Sometimes I still think that...
I once got a gray stuffed bunny for easter one year, and I used to bring it to bed with me and my other stuffed animals. I used to think that it used to be a real live bunny, but it died and got stuffed and now it could only talk to me
top belief!
When I was little I used to believe that if I went to sleep I would wake up and all my toys would be attacking me I would have to hide them before I could go to sleep.
That State Farm (Insurance) was the poor farm from the game of LIFE. Who knows where I picked that one up?
When I was little I used to believe that blue Lego bricks were stronger than others because my dad said that blue was a strong colour.
When i was younger i used to think that all my stuffed animals were real
and i loved to play docter .When i was about 5 i had a serenge (i think thats what its called.. to give ppl shots.. ne ways.) But it didnt have a needle on it.. Once i thought my toy clown was *sic* so i "injected" Chocolate milk into him. Amazingly it never turned bad... i think my parents washed him. I still have him though.. and he still has that stain.
and 2.) this carries on to now, I still have a feeling that my stuffed animals can feel and that if i accidently sit on them or bend them a weird way they get hurt and i have to appologize... dont know why but i just do..
top belief!
Unlike most kids, I used to *hate* Pokemon. Because the creatures were strange looking, I belived that it was really an alien toy introduced to brainwash earthling kids.
When I was little I had a stuffed lion and one time I took it on a trip and I threw up on him on that trip and I thought it was weird that he was smile so thought he liked it but I told him: no, I am not going to throw up on you again. Since he was smiling I thought he wanted to stay home so since that day (I still have him) he stays in my room.
When i was young i used to have a lamb teddy that i took everywhere with me and i would never let my mum take it off me it used to smell so bad and it was sooooo dirty but everytime she tried to take it off my i would scream like mad. so when i went to sleep at my grans house my mum didnt put my toy lamb in the bag so i didnt get to sleep all night and when i went home in the morning the first thing i did was go and look for him.
after about 10 mins looking for him i ran to my mum who was in the garden and to my horror i saw baa lamb hanging on the washing line an i thought that my mum had killed him.
i used to think that when i went away from home on holiday, all my toys would start crying and be really sad because they would be wondering 'where's mummy gone?'. So when we went to malaysia and canda i brought my whole collection of toys (i think i had about 20-30 combined with my sister) How silly!!
I had these little stones, they were plastic toys, and I was 12. I had just bought them, and I pulled one out of my pocket and put it back it to look at it. Later, I noticed it was missing. I was certain that they somehow granted wishes, even though I knew that was a silly idea. I later ralized that I had put it in a different pocket.
When I Was 6 Years Of Age,I Used To Visit My Grandmother's House And She Had A Bunch Of Stuffed Miss Piggy Dolls And Teddies In Her Room. I Believed That When I Left The Room, The Stuffed Animals Would Come Alive And Talk To Eachother. So, I Would Leave For A Few Seconds And Burst Open The Door To Try To Catch Them In The Act.
my favorite toy was this really nice floppy realistic looking dog named mutsy (it came with that lame name). i had to sleep with it everynite or i thought it would get mad. and when i left for school i had to put it on my bed just right or i thought it would get mad and hate me. i was terrified of it. i still kinda am when i visit my parents and see it in the closet...
you know those ball pits at chucky cheese or whatever? like a pit filled with plastic balls? when i was younger, i guess i put my foot to the bottom and felt something sharp there, and i told my aunt and she said that the bottom was filled with crabs. so everytime after that when i would get in one of those pits i would "wade" frantically. it was more of a challenge then fun. dont touch the crabs!!!
top belief!
When I was little, my parents bought a new refrigerator that was delivered to our house in a big box. AFter taking the refrigerator out, my dad laid the box on its side and cut 'windows' into the sides of the box so my younger sister and I could use it as a playhouse. We loved it! A few months later, my parents told us they were going to buy a new car. For several weeks my sister and I did nothing but talk about how much fun we would have with the even bigger new car box! We were heartbroken to discover the day the new car came home that new cars did NOT come in huge boxes!
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