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I owned one of those old Polly Pockets (the ones that were tiny playsets with a little theme and little figurines inside) and it was the hair salon one. It came with those little hair-drying bonnets/hats that are attached to chairs. As a result of watching many cartoons,I thought that they were the type of hats that the mad scientists always used to switch peoples minds and make them think/act like animals. So I always would do that to my male figurine(from another Polly Pocket Playset of course)since his head fit in there best.
i used to believe that my pikachu doll was real and i used to talk to it and i still do and its my best freind and i would not trade it for any other pokemon in the world............and whoever laughs at me is just a jerk
i used to believe that pokemon were real and i have a pikachu doll and i still think its real and i talk to it ..............................its still my best friend and i would not trade it for any other pokemon in the world.......I KNOW YOU THNK IM CRAZY!!!!!!!!!
when i was younger my mum bought me a teddy clown that had a tear drop coming from its eye and i always thought it was freaky and it was kept on a shelf opposite my bed. one night my parents let me watch poltergeist and the clown was just like mine. after watching this i got my clown by the head and smashed it repeatedly face first into my bed posts to make sure it was dead.
I used to believe that if you made the wrong move in chess, the chess board blew up. I think, perhaps, this came from watching a show on Playhouse 90 where this happened.
My aunt made me beleive as a child that my cabbage patch dolls would come alive. She told me that if I did not take care of them like real people that they would kill me in the middle of the night. So every night before I went to bed, I would gently tuck my two cabbage patch dolls in, pillow and all in hopes i would be alive again the next day.
I used to think that when I left the house, all my dolls and stuffed animals would come alive and then would go back to pretending they were just toys when I got back. So every time I left the house I'd try and catch them moving around and talking. I never could catch them.
As a child, I was afraid to play Twister without my shoes on. Because of their slogan "The hot spot" I thought I would get burned if I touched the wrong circle.
I thought /everything/ was alive.
I must have seemed like a nut saying, "Sorry." To doors I had slammed or crying over a poor lonely old toy who'd been lost under the bed for a week.
when i was little i used to believe that my sisters porcelin dolls were going to come alive and crawl up my bed posts to come an attempt to kill me, the same applies to clowns and cute fluffy bunny rabbits. I've been paranoid since!
After seeing "A Toy Story" I believed toys were alive when we left the room. I watched what I said around them and never through a toy. I still get creeped out when a toy is faced towards me.
top belief!
I didn't know there were poor kids in America. When my old bike was given to charity I thought it would be shipped to Africa and eaten.
I remember losing a toy gun while on vacation when i was five. It was my favorite toy in the world. When i got back home, i had a dream one night that it was at school in the playground. I spent the next two weeks looking for it. My friends couldn`t understand why i kept looking at the ground. Too this day, i still wonder where my little toy gun is.
i decided to cut all of my doll's hair one day because i figured it would grow back like mine did. i cried for four hours when i found out the truth.
From watching Toy Story 2, I used to believe toys were alive, and running around my room when I wasn't around. So, when I was 5 or whatever, I'd go out of my room, and open the door alittle bit and see if my toys were doing anything...they were just sitting there.
I used to think that Barbie Dolls would come alive and kill I took all the Barbie dolls and hung them by there feet in my still scares me today to look at Barbie dolls the same way.
I used to believe that toys can come alive. One day, my mom took all my toys down to the washing machine and I yelled in horror, afraid that they lost their magic to talk to me again.
When my sister was 4 or 5 and she was supposed to be sleeping, she snuck into the kitchen to get those pink and white animal cookies with the sprinkles, when suddenly she heard our dad wake up, so she ran into her room and stashed the cookies in her stuffed dog, Ralph's mouth, and faked sleep. when the close was clear the cookies were gone and never found. She was convinced that Ralph ate her cookies and still is at the age of 28.
I used to share my bed with a big blue and white teddy-bear I named Brian. He had bells in his ears. Every evening when I went to bed I would very, very carefully pick him up and put him into the bed with me, making sure the bells in his ears didn't ring because I believed if they did, then I had hurt him. Consequently I hardly moved in that bed througout the night!
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