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when i was little, like all kids, i beleved my toys were real and that i could catch them in the act. I would stand outside my door and stump on the floor (i was running downstairs, haha) then i would fling the door open and see they hadn't moved and then i thought they were just cautious. I also would blow a kiss to one at night and then keep blowing kisses till i fell asleep, so that every stuffed animal got a kiss. Yeah, i was sad, but i had so many friends (refering of course to the animals)
I saw this commercial for binders. In the commercial the binder woukd open and everything in the world would get sucked in it. My mom bought one for me but I wouldn't open it.
When i was little, I thought that when i left my rooom all of my toys would come alive. So i was scared to be alone in there.
I always used to have dreams about talking dolls. I got SO SCARED! Because of those dreams, I used to HATE dolls. Especially talking and moving ones. Then I discovered that dolls couldn't move on there own....
After I got the book THE DOLL PEOPLE (mind you, I'm not too old yet) and read it, I was firmly convinced that all my toys could come alive... needless to say. I still believe...
See, when I was younger, I had this Talk With Me Barbie doll with a CDROM. I read the manual and precautions, and I mis-read and thought you couldn't touch Barbie's jewel. I had bad dreams for months about me touching the jewel and this weird color combination occurring and Barbie blowing up. O.o
I used to think that when I closed my eyes, all my stuffed animals came to life. I used to close my eyes and tell my stuffed animals I wouldn't peek (and then I'd peek to see if I could see them walking around).
After I had saw Toy Story...I was convinced that my toys too could talk so my mom would find me coming in andout of the room and then sitting and looking under the door of the room...thinking that i would see one my toys talk or move.
When I was younger, I had lots of teddies on top of my wardrobe facing my bed. When I went to sleep, I was convinced that their eyes were cameras and that some1 was watching me!
I never did get much sleep as a kid!
As a kid I used to think my toys were real and had feelings. I had so many that I used to talk to them and when I only hugged one, I used to think that the other ones would get jealous, so I would spend half the day hugging about 100 soft-toys. One day I remember hugging my toy monkey Bennie twice so I went around and did the other 100 soft toys again.
top belief!
I used to believe that stuffed animals were real and that it was a big secret among them and they didn't trust me enough with their secret. I would sit on my bed and line them all up and tell them that I was very hurt that they couldn't trust me and I knew their secret. They couldn't hide it from me. I would also pretend to sleep to catch them in the act but somehow they always knew...
When I was four years old I had a Batman piggy bank. I believed that if I left it in a dark room that it would become real and that I could play with him. I did this for a good couple months before giving up on the idea that Batman and I could be friends.
when i was a child my older sister told me that her dolls used to have dinner parties in a crack in her wall and we could join them only if i promised to keep it a every night after my parents had gone to sleep we would throw parties with her dolls.its quite creepy how impressionable a young mind is since i honestly thought it was all real.i still have images in my head of tiny dolls dancing and laughing around a table.slightly disturbing i know
top belief!
When I was a little girl, myself and all my friends had Cabbage Patch kid dolls, except one of my friends wasn't allowed one as her MUM said they flew around the bedroom at night! I think she still believes it now - bless her!
when i was little i used to believe that porcelain dolls would come and chop my head off and swing it from the light shade....apparently not.
top belief!
I lost a balloon one time and it floated into the sky. So I thought my dad would ask NASA if he could use their rockets to go into space and get my balloon back!
I used to believe tat dolls had feelings and if i broke it it would die and I wold be sad....
I broke a doll one day and tried to put its head back on and i believed that it was crying.
top belief!
When I was really little, I used to sit on my mom's lap and play with an alphabet See-N-Say. She would pull the lever and we'd say the words out loud together. Well, whenever it came to M, she would always say my name instead of "Moon," as the See-N-Say said. She always said it louder than the toy, so I always thought I was really cool because I had a toy that said my name. However, I could never figure out why it said my name but had a picture of a moon on it.
Some time later (we're talking about fifteen years), I found the toy again and set it to the letter M. When I finally heard it say moon, I became really confused because to me, it had never said that before.
I used two think two of my toys were possessed by the devil. First was my
troll who I sweared would talk by itself (it was supposed to talk if you squeezed its stomach), and the other one was a porecelain doll which my sister told me was possessed and I believed her. I was scared to walk into my room because she was always sitting there staring. I was terrified of them!
top belief!
When I was young, I had this REALLY mean babysitter with a son and daughter who were equally as evil. Her daughter (I called her Sissy) led me up to her room where she had a huge basket of plastic food toys. Thinking they were real, I bit into a plastic hamburger. My two front teeth fell out and I had to wear dentures until they grew back.
That was four years later, when I was eight.
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