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When I was little, my mother gave me this new remote-controlled, hot pink, barbie-car. I thought it was so cool! Immediantly I went outside and tried it....
The batteries were put in and even before I pressed any of the buttons, it started to move on its own! I pressed the left and it went to the right! I shut it off and it kept on going! Quickly I threw the car into my closet and NEVER used it again...
...I thought it was possessed. rofl.
When I was I would watch this show called "The Secret Life of Toys", and if you've never seen it, it's about these toys that are still when people are around but when they're gone the toys come to life. I used to try and close my door and open it fast enough to catch my toys talking. I even set traps to try and catch them.
you know how when most kids play with toys, you hear them chattering away, making up their own conversations and the like?
i never did that. i beleived that my toys were actually alive, and that i could talk to them telepathically. each had their own personalities and quirks, and their own groups of friends and the toys that they didn't like so much. oftentimes they would fall in love, get married, and have families. sometimes new toys had a hard time adjusting and would get homesick for their old families, and wouldnt want to play with the other toys.
i kinda miss the good old days, even though the high school drama is a lot like the situations my toys would find themselves in! oftentimes i still find myself conversing with the odd stuffed animal...
I had a huge collection of stuffed animals when I was a kid. I would stare at my toys then pretend I'd go to sleep then pop my eyes open as fast as I could. I was positive that I'd catch my stuffed animals moving around the room and interacting with one another.
I was in Kindergarten when Pokemon started appearing, and for a while the Lunchables lunch kits had these little miniature cards on the back the you could cut out. The Pokemon "Mr.Mime" was on one of the cards, and I was convinced it said "Mr.Mine". So one little boy I was sitting by pointed to Mr. Mime and goes, "What's that one's name?" I reply, "Mr.Mine!" The little boy said, "What does he do?" I told him, "He is a coal miner that works in the coal mines all day. That's why he's called Mr. Mine." I bet that poor little boy believed that all his life.....
I could've sworn, at the age of 6, that my stuffed animals had conversations when nobody was around. This is why I'd place them facing each other when I would make my bed in the morning. I actually treated them like real people.
When I was younger I used to believe that when I wasn't in my bedroom my toys when get up and move around (like Toy Story). I used to think they had parties and played games while I was out. I loved my stuffed toys. We used to do everything together.
top belief!
When I was little, (6 years old) i had an insane fear of swallowing things that aren't meant to be swallowed. On many occasions I would run, bawling, to my mom to tell her that i had swallowed my bouncy ball. whenever i lost something, i was convinced that i had put it in my mouth and accidentally swallowed it.
But one time, all of my friends had little keychains with virtual pets called GigaPets. I had one too, and it was a dog. We were forbidden to bring them to school, but I snuck mine into my backpack. i lost it during lunch, but during the rest of the day i kept hearing faint barking noises and I was convinced I had swallowed my GigaPet. I went up to my teacher, crying, and told her that I had swallowed my GigaPet. She asked the class, and it turns out that someone had snuck theirs into school.
I had one of those bouncy balls with the handle on it that you sat on and bounced around...I used to believe that was the way I would ALWAYS get around, more walking for me. Gee, I miss that bouncy ball!
When I was like 4 or 5, I used to believe that the barbies I played with had barbies smaller than them and those barbies had barbies smaller than them and that when I went to sleep, I big giant would come and use me as a barbie so every night i would try to catch the giant.:-)
I used to think that all of my stuffed animals had their own private lives, and yet they managed to find time to be with me. I was very afraid to offend even one of them, so I had to sleep with every single one each night. I thought that if one of them became angry, it might harm me. I had quite a few stuffed animals, and managed to achieve this by making a little nest out of all my animals, and sleeping in the middle of them. I have now aquired a small collection of stuffies over the course of a relationship, and they all have to sleep on my bed with me. I'm 27! You'd think I would have gotten over that irrational fear. Now, I think it is just habit rather than terror that keeps them near me.
When I was little my mom said when you left your room all your dolls would get up and talk to eachother. So I would stand flat up against the wall outside my room so the dolls couldnt see me and then jump back in my room trying to catch them talking, I was always so amazed they could jump back into their spots without me catching them.
My mom bought me a whole collection of trolls of the internet. My friend came over one day and she said that if you rub thier belly and then kiss it and make a wish it would come true. So i tried it and i asked for 20 bucks but i never got it. :(
My parents couldn't afford to get me a real cabbage patch kid, so I had a knock-off, with someone else's signature on the butt. I also had a space heater in my room for cold nights. For some reason, one evening just before bed, my mother decided it was important to tell me that some bad men had been using fake cabbage patch kid dolls to smuggle explosives into the country, and I should keep my doll away from the heater at all costs or it would explode and burn the house down. I hid the heater in the closet and threw my precious doll out the window.
I used to believe that my stuffed animals had magickal protecting powers, and that if I didn't surround myself with my stuffed animals at night, that these evil people that looked like the people from the band Wicked Sister would break through my walls and try to hurt me. (I didn't believe in death...) It was my stuffed animals' 'magick powers' that saved me.
(I have NO idea how I got the idea that Wicked Sister lived in my walls... I was quite a weird child...)
I also thought that if I only slept with my favorite animals, and never with the other ones, that they ones that were left out would get sad and angry, and would use their 'powers' to hurt me. (Again, I didn't believe in death, so I didn't worry about that.)
I used to believe that my toy animals were alive
this one is actually about my lil brother (bless him) when he was about three my nan took him and my little cousin sophie shopping and bought them a 101 dalmation teddy each when the two kids got out of the shop they started arguing about who got which teddy(the teddies were identical)my nan gave my brother his one saying "there's your poxy dog". Later on when my mum asked him what he had named his teddy he said Poxy as he thought that was its name
top belief!
When I was a little kid my mom told me the garbage man's job was to come get the toys of oall the kids who had been bad. I used to cry when the garbage man came down my street. I was convinced that he was going to come get my toys becuase of something I did that day. Finally one day sick of my hysterical bawling my mother told me the truth. I was VERY bad from then on.
When I was little, I thought that if you called the manufatcturer on the back of the toy package that you could find out facts about your favorite toys and they would be able to answer all the questions of the world like: What happened to the fantastic four?
when i was 9 years old and younger, i had a collection of barbies, after seeing the movie "chuckie" i was terribly scared. i'd imagine my barbies in the nude having a wild party while i was sleeping and when i'd wake up, i'd see them, and they would attack me. so i had a younger cousin who adorred dolls so i gave them to her. now i'm not AS scared but i'm still afraid of the dark. i'm 12 years old now.=)
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