i used to believe

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i usedto believe that when i was asleep my cabbage patch kid doll would come over to my bed and watch me. then she would try to kill me.

zativa millerossonberg
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As a child I had many stuffed animals and one of my favorites was an armadillo that was relatively realistic but I had never seen a live one, only pictures. One day when I was very young I left my armadillo out on bed and when I came back to my room from lunch it was standing in the middle of the floor. I'm convinced now that someone moved it but for so long that Armadillo was my favorite because it was alive as long as you weren't watching it. I was sure to tell all my friends. =)

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I remember hanging my littler brother's stuffed bunny to the monkey bars by its ears and, to the horror of my little brother, threw rocks at it. My little brother told my mom about it, and she said that i would be lucky if 'mr. bunny' didn't become animated when i was asleep and tell all of his friends to get revenge on me. I would lock my door and sleep with my toy dart gun 'just in case.'

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Once when I was 5 or 6 I used to think a doll in my room was evil.It had these big black eyes that used to terrify me.It didn't help that the doll was straight in front of my face,so when I woke up in the morning the first thing I saw were those big black eyes.I also was scared of the plug in the bath because it made a terrible noise as the water drained away.I was a freak then.

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When I was young I believed that if you lost a toy in the snow that it would melt and be gone forever when the snow melted.

Paul Sgro
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When I was little I used to think that all my toys were alive, and that if I didn't treat them nicly or cuddle them enough, they would attack me in my sleep. Thanks alot Toy Story!

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I used to lay naked Cabbage Patch Kids around my house as a four and five-year-old. My brothers once collected them all, piled them up on the couch and took a picture. They said there were about thirty or so of them, all naked. I think I liked their belly-buttons or something, but I can't always understand the things I did as a child, so who knows why I had naked dolls lying around.

I also used to think one of my dolls was alive. It was a tiny little thing, probably not bigger than an adult's hand, but I was just positive it was alive. I would talk to it and stuff, I would "feed" it, and have it "talk" to me about its life. I thought it had come to this earth from outer-space and needed me to be its adopted mommy.

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When I was little, I was very selfish, and when my stuff animals got so old, the stuffing would come out, I wouldn't let my mom throw them away because the poor kids who went through the garbage would get it!

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I use to think that one of my china dolls would kill me

Alyssa Skinner
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I used to believe when barbie kissed ken a kelly would come out

!!!!!!! loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I used to think that when I wasn't looking all of my stuffed animals came to life. I also thought random things had feelings, such as an apple, and when I dropped mine in the park I would pick it up and throw it out at home so that it wasn't lonely.

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I used to believe that my Ragedy Ann and Andy dolls would come to life like on the show. I once when I was litte put a note for Santa one Christmas for him to please make my dolls come to life. Well that obviously never happend. And that was when I believed in Santa too.

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when i was little i had a collection of porcelain dolls that were all propped up around my room, i was convinced that they were possessed and had little video cameras behind their eyes. so everytime i got dressed or changed clothes, i would turn them around to face the wall--i didn't want them looking at me

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ok when i was like 5 (im 10 now) i though that stuffed animals can talk to i was listing and i told my mom about it and she said she cant hear it and i said u have to liten hard and it was funny as hell i still have a pic

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when i was little i thought that stuffed animals were really alive so i would be terrified of them, like if they fell i'd give them a million kisses and hug them and say " i'm so sorry!!" and i'd always be scared to do n e hting like change infront of them

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top belief!

I used to believe that giant barbies controlled us like we controlled little barbies

freaky stuff
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when i was little i read this book on electronics and little people were doing everything inside it to help the kids understand it better i believed there was little people in stuff for about a year until i saw the inside of a toy.

the little people finder
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One night, when I was about five, I thought all of my brother's stuffed animals where sick and it was up to me to cure them. So I took them all of them,(there were about five),and covered each one, head to toe, with vasaline!(you know, that gooey clear medicine stuff) My brother wasnt to happy to walk in on me telling his vasaline covered stuffed animals that they would be alright.

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when i was little i used to belive that barbies could have babies!!!!!

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That the peewee herman doll that my dad got for christmas was posessed. One day when I went in the room alone it was sitting in the closet starting at me and I thought I heard it talking as if the batteries were going dead. I slowly put a pillow case over it and took it outside and threw it in the dumpster.

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