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When I was a little girl, I used to have a gorgeous teddy bear called teddy, and my mum said that if i got my hair trimmed regularly it would grow. So I thought if I cut my teddy bears fur it would grow as well, so every week I cut his hair, but it did not grow!! so I had a rather bald teddy!!!!!!!!!!
That my My Little Pony doll could grow it's hair after I cut it. Later I found out that it was two seperate dolls.
My grandma made matching rag dolls for my sisters and me, each with a different eye color so we could tell the dolls apart. My doll's eyes were a spooky-looking light green that kind of freaked me out. I wondered if my grandma was watching me through the doll's eyes - had she purposely given me the spooky-eyed one so she could spy on me? I told myself that this was nonsense; the eyes were embroidered on. But I still couldn't help imagining some kind of microscopic camera hidden in the thread.
i used to think that my toys came to life when i wasn't in the room. i was absolutely amazed that they were clever enough to return to the same position as when i had left them, except of course that barbie's show was inexplicably missing. what was she doing with ken? hmmmm
When I was about 7 or 8, one of my friend's older sisters had a doll whose hair would change colors based on the temperature of the water inside the doll's hairbrush. She told me that this also worked on humans - hot water would yield blonde hair, cold water would make you a brunette, and lukewarm water would change you to a redhead. Since I was a "Little Mermaid" fanatic, I longed to have red hair. I brooded over this for months until I finally asked her if I could borrow the hairbrush to use on myself. She then confessed that she had been lying.
top belief!
My favourite stuffed animal was called Goat. He was about a foot high and two feet long and black...
I loved goat and as a young child couldn’t get to sleep without him.
It wasn’t till I was 14 that my mum told me it was a Yorkshire terrier with the whiskers cut off...
Oh the shame
When I was youmg, me and my three sisters would make a mess with our toys or whatever (as kids do). Mum would come in and say "It looks like a bombs hit it in here!" For years I thought she was saying "It looks like a bum's attic in here" Well, it made sense to me....
top belief!
I convinced a friend that I had a pair of Starlight express rollerskates, that ejected sparks and coloured smoke, and I believe where also motorised and controlled remotely. He believed this even though he knew I couldnt rollerskate......
top belief!
My friends and I were playing with walkie-talkies on the roof of his shed and we were sure we had contacted Korea, because we interrupted a signal of someone else speaking an asian language. We were afraid we would start a war, so we went inside and watched tv instead.
My dad won me a large stuffed dinosaur at an amusement park when I was 4. It was about as big as I was at the time. I named him "Uhfoo." When Dad asked me why, I said that it was because he has a girlfriend.
top belief!
i thought that if i dressed in my holly hobby doll's clothes, no one would be able to find me.
top belief!
when i was 5 my friend told me that if i wrote "QQQ" on a piece of paper, left my house and came back, my toys would be alive. when my family went on vacation, i was sure to write this on a piece of paper, only to discover that my dog had gone to the bathroom in my room.
I used to believe that everything was alive so I'd get very worried about my books, toys, and clothes at night--thinking they'd be cold or lonely. I would usually bring them all into bed with me to keep them company and to make sure they were warm.
I got it stuck in my head that inside weeble woobles (a small egg shaped toy) there was lipstick. I broke every one of them open looking.
When I was about 3, I left my teddy bear in the library. My mom went back to get it for me. A few years later, she told me this story and that the bear knew how to read. I told my little sister this and set the bear up with a book. When she wasn't looking, I turned the pages. She really believed the bear could read.
When I was 6 - on my 6th birthday - I got a cardboard circus & a Lego fire engine as my presents. I took my Lego fire engine to bed as it was the best - I was very scared of clowns as lots of children are. In the middle of the night the cardboard clown was glowing & grew & grew & came over and took my fire engine & put it on the shelf. I was crying "Dad - Dad" - and my Dad came into the room and said "it's alright son, it"s just a dream" - but the fire engine was on the shelf. I remember a few months later we moved & a plastic figure with 1 leg told me they wouldn't bother me again and once we moved to Harlow I never dreamed of circuses again.
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