i used to believe

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The old commercials for the "Guess Who?" game used to have me convinced the characters on the cards would talk - at least, until they added the "Game cards do not actually talk" disclaimer for kids like me.

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When I was little I used to believe that my stuffed animals were alive because i would sleep with them all around me and when I woke up they would be gone or in different places.

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When I was little I used to believe my toys were living things so every night I picked up one of my plushies and said "sorry I'll sleep with you tomorrow" I really thought I would hurt their feelings.... I'm 19 I stil sleep with plushies

B anomim
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i'm 11 and i still believe my toys come alive and protect me one time i had my doll angelina with me on the couch watching tuff puppy and when i came back with soda she was on the ground maybe my dog spike or my cat luna did that but they werent around so when my family all went out i used my mic to spy on my toys then when i came home to think they were having a party i thought i heard them talking

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My Sister Once Said That Polly Pocket Was A Real Girl That Got Shrunk To Doll Size And Turned Into A Doll.

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I used to belive that my toys would come alive and so i would acualy leave my eyes open a tiny bit and i thought i saw somthing moving but i really did not see anything.

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I was very attatched to my Teddy Bear, Nolline, who I made at Build-a-Bear in the third grade. After her, My stuffed animal collection skyrocketed. I had five in my bed at all time, and would switch them out every 5 days, because I thought the other stuffed creatures would be sad and jealous if I spent more time with a specific toy than I did with the rest of them.

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My Sister Jenna Once Beieved That She Could Shrink Herself To Fit Inside Her Dollhouse.
I Told Her She Can't.

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I was obsessed with playing barbies as a child. I then used to believe that similarly to how I played barbies and dictated what my barbies did, someone was doing the same thing to us humans... controlling and playing with us like barbies!

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When i was little and i went out somewhere and came back to my house i always rang the doorbell because i thought my dolls came to life and i wanted them to get back in the spots i left them in

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My babysitter's 17-year-old son had a bucket full of action figures that I used in lieu of my barbies. But I always gave them stories with action. I would hide them in secret spots during lunch or snack so that nobody would find them. I believed that everyone's mission was out to hunt them down.

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One time when I was playing with my barbies, I told my dad that I had this belief that my barbies were living their destiny. I was controlling them but I was also living out their fate u consciously. It got me to think that if it was this way, then we were also dolls in an imaginary world and other people were controlling us. And then there were people controlling them!

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When I was really little, I thought the goo inside the Stretch Armstrong toys is what made them really stretchy. On one of my brother's birthdays, he got a Stretch Armstrong dog. Being rough-housing boys, my brothers promptly snapped it and left it lying around as they checked out the other new toys. I went to pick up the toy dog without realizing it was broken. When I noticed the goo getting all over my hands, I freaked out screaming and crying- I had frightening visions in my head of my brothers pulling my arms, stretching them, twisting them, just as they did with the toy dog. My parents had no idea why I was so inconsolable. When I washed my hands and realized they weren't stretchy, I was so relieved that I'd washed it off "before the effects started."

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When I was small, I used to believe that my stuffed animals would have hurt feelings if I didn't tuck them into bed with me. I had a dozen or so . . . tried to set up a rotating schedule. It didn't work because CLEARLY Blue Bunny was on the verge of tears. Cleo too. . . and Grandpa Monkey. Uncle Monkey didn't look very happy either. Ended up tucking them all into bed and Mum found me curled up on my bed-side mat.

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When I was a kid there were these action figures for some show (I think maybe X-men) that on the back of each box had a little profile for the character they depicted that included their real name. However one of them for the real name just said "Unknown" and being a little kid I thought their name was actually "Unknown!" which I thought was a really weird name and also wondered why they didn't have any last name..

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When I was younger (5-7), I used to believe that Barbie Dolls actually experienced life the way I experience life, but I controlled it. Similarly, I believed I was a Barbie Doll and some giant controlled the way I experienced life.

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my toys could and did come alive while i was sleeping, i used to pretend to be asleep, then sit bolt upright to try and catch them out. it never worked....its like they knew i was pretending!

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i swear my teddy bear is alive. i used tobe afraid of it and still am. because it said to not be afraid and it was my gaurdian.

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When I was very young I used to always find marbles in the dirt of our garden. Because of this, for a very long time, I truly believed that marbles grew in the ground.

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When I was little my parents had to take away my toys, because there was lice all over them - I didn't know that then - and they made up that they were having a vacation at the beach having a great time. They even told me that it might be a permanent vacation. I was convinced that I would never see them again.

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