i used to believe

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I used to believe that my stuffed animals should be rotated every night for which one would sleep with me or else the stuffed animals would get jealous if I slept with only one and would kill it.

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I was very attatched to my Teddy Bear, Nolline, who I made at Build-a-Bear in the third grade. After her, My stuffed animal collection skyrocketed. I had five in my bed at all time, and would switch them out every 5 days, because I thought the other stuffed creatures would be sad and jealous if I spent more time with a specific toy than I did with the rest of them.

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I used to think that the reason my brother and I gave our stuffed animals REAL personalities was because we were the only people in the world who had stuffed animals that look like they're REALLY alive. I later found out that other people had the variety of more "alive-looking" stuffed and just didn't bother to give them real, fully formed personalities.

Trisha Gaurav
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When I was little, I thought you were allowed to have only one toy in any given category at any time. So, when I was given a new doll for Christmas when I was five years old, I thought this meant I could no longer have my old one.

So I set my old doll on the floor and jumped up and down on its head, so it would be destroyed and I could start fresh with my new doll.

I can remember feeling terribly that I "had" to destroy the old one. But somwhere I got the notion that this was necessary.

Years later, I found out that the old doll I had destroyed had belonged to my mom when she was a child. Boy, did I feel awful.

naive Washingtonian
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When I was five we moved to Texas and my Dad put up a swingset in the back yard. It was up but the legs didn't have the stakes on them to keep it in the ground. I was scared to death when my Dad asked me to give it a try. I was convinced that I would fly into space and would never be heard from again.

Space Man
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i decided to cut all of my doll's hair one day because i figured it would grow back like mine did. i cried for four hours when i found out the truth.

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When I was a kid, there was a playground near my place with a spaceship-shaped climbing frame. I was too young to play on it, but I thought that the reason why people weren't letting me play on it was because it was really an actual spaceship.

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I once thought that the electrical wires that came with Erector sets contained electricity, and if you touched the metal ends (as opposed to the insulation) by accident, you'd get a shock.

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When I was three to six years old or so, I used to believe that my toys had feelings. When it was night time, I would stack as many toys in bed with me and cover them up so they would not get cold. At the store, I would pick the stuffed bear with one eye because I knew the other kids would not pick him and that he was sad because he was different. I didn't think they could move or talk, but I was scared it would hurt their feelings if mom threw them away. I also thought crayons had genders. Red, yellow, orange and pink were girls. Green, blue, purple, brown and black were boys. Go figure. (I also knew which letters of the alphabet were boys and which ones were girls.)

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When I was about 8, and my brother about 5, he got a new go-bot named, "Psycho." When he asked me to read this name, I told him confidently that his killer robot was named, "Pistachio." I can only imagine that this raised a few eyebrows on the playground later.

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When she was little, my friend made a barbie doll explode by putting it in the microwave. She thought it would give the doll a tan.

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When I was young I had one of those little electronic robot building kits. What would normally happen is you would plug wires into a battery pack that would run the control panel for your little robotic arm or whatever.
Well, one day the batteries went dead so I needed another way to get power to it. EVERY kid knows that you can't plug wires (or knifes or anything dangerous) into a wall socket so I went out into the garage and found the longest extension cord I could find. The longer the better, I assumed.
I figured by the time all the electricity when through the entire extension cord it would be safe for the robot arm.
I proceeded to catch my bed on fire.

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The old commercials for the "Guess Who?" game used to have me convinced the characters on the cards would talk - at least, until they added the "Game cards do not actually talk" disclaimer for kids like me.

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When I was like 4 or 5, I used to believe that the barbies I played with had barbies smaller than them and those barbies had barbies smaller than them and that when I went to sleep, I big giant would come and use me as a barbie so every night i would try to catch the giant.:-)

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When I was younger, I had lots of teddies on top of my wardrobe facing my bed. When I went to sleep, I was convinced that their eyes were cameras and that some1 was watching me!
I never did get much sleep as a kid!

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I used to believe that if you made the wrong move in chess, the chess board blew up. I think, perhaps, this came from watching a show on Playhouse 90 where this happened.

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When about 3, i believed that my volkswagon bug, toy car would grow in sun light. i would place it in the drive way and watch it grow. of course this took a long time, i thought, but i would someday have a full size car if i waited long enough. i remember at the end of the day, i would bring it to my dad, to show how much bigger it had gotten, but being that i did not speak to well, he never got what it was i was trying to show him, to him it was just a toy which i acted like he had never seen before.

V. Anselmo
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When I was little, about 4 or so, I thought the toy guns that were on the shelf at Wal-Mart's toy section were real, and nearly freaked out when I saw someone else lift one off the shelf and point it in my general direction. I thought he was gonna shoot me!

Daniel Muir
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if i didn't colour in pictures in a colouring book quick enough, they'd suffocate and die. Many creepy clowns gave their lives back then. haha!

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When I was little, I thought if you cried on stuff(pillows, toys, etc.), it would come to life. I spent some time making myself cry, and getting the tears to fall on things.

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