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My Sister Once Said That Polly Pocket Was A Real Girl That Got Shrunk To Doll Size And Turned Into A Doll.

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When I was little I used to believe my toys were living things so every night I picked up one of my plushies and said "sorry I'll sleep with you tomorrow" I really thought I would hurt their feelings.... I'm 19 I stil sleep with plushies

B anomim
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Around the age of six I developed a pecking order for my stuffed animals about which I liked the best, therefore which could sleep closest to me. Then I developed tremendous guilt about playing favorites because I thought they'd be hurt if I left anyone out. I got them all into a rotation of who got to sleep closest each night. It was very complex and a lot of work. That guilt continued even as I got older and when I stopped sleeping with them and put them away I acted terribly sad and apologetic so they wouldn't feel bad.

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I used to think my stuffed animals were like the ones off Benjamin Bear, and every time I stepped on one I would apologize. I slept with all my stuffed animals so none if them would feel jealous or left out.

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I used to believe that if I didn't sleep with all my stuffed animals and love them equally, then the ones not being loved as much would feel neglected and kill me

I don't know
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my mom used to tell me that if you actually fed those baby dolls that were designed to eat and poo, etc... they would get worms.

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I thought that my teddy bears and other stuffed animals were alive. When it was cold outside, they all had to be covered by the blanket in my bed or they might get sick or even freeze to death.

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I used to think that my Barbies were just actresses who would do anything a kid wanted, and they really liked it when I would make one kiss another one.

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i usedto believe that when i was asleep my cabbage patch kid doll would come over to my bed and watch me. then she would try to kill me.

zativa millerossonberg
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I had one of those bouncy balls with the handle on it that you sat on and bounced around...I used to believe that was the way I would ALWAYS get around, forever....no more walking for me. Gee, I miss that bouncy ball!

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I used to believe that toys can come alive. One day, my mom took all my toys down to the washing machine and I yelled in horror, afraid that they lost their magic to talk to me again.

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In the garden I always used to find marbles in the dirt. Having never seen marbles before I belived they were some kind of special rock that grew in the ground.

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When I was little, I thought toys would come to life because I saw a part of the movie Chuckie. I thought they were out to get me. So every night I would say good night to each one and make sure they all liked me. I was the nicest to this talking mother goose doll I had, I was convinced that was the first after me. I even did this at sleep overs and my friends still bring it up to me today.

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My mom got sick of putting the tails back in my "My Little Ponies" so when I asked her for the tenth time that day to fix it, (they were always getting pulled out when I brushed them) she told me that every time you pulled the tail out it grew a little more and that if it got too long they would get caught around their necks while they slept and possibly strangle them. My ponies had messy tails after that. Looking back it seems evil to tell your child that, but NOW being a Mom to 4 kids I can understand why she said it!

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When I was younger, my Dad would tell me as we walked through a store that if I didn't pet a stuffed animal, it would get its feelings hurt, so I'd have to touch every stuffed animal I saw. I still have to do this, and I'm 19 and in university. Also, if someone says that the stuffed animal is ugly, it makes me cry. This happened less than a year ago when I was shopping with my roommates. And I always had to get the stuffed animal that I thought no one else would want, the one that was a little injured, because I didn't want it to feel like no one loved it. I still don't know what happens to them when no one buys them. It really makes me sad, writing this now, to think of unwanted stuffed animals. Thanks Dad, for dementing me!

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When i was about 4 or 3, my dad, a carpenter, made me this hand made rocking horse. it was absolutely amazing now that i see pictures of it...but anyway...the only flaw was that the eyes on it were kind of like a large version of those googly eyes you buy at craft stores...those eyes scared me so badly. my parents thought that if we put it in my room i would get used to it. one night, i was trying to go to sleep..and my eyes MUST have been playing tricks on me, but i could have sworn that the horse started moving toward me....i thought i saw it getting closer, pawing..moving its tail and mane...everything...yet somehow it never got really close to me. so i ran out of my room, and i thought it chased after me. i woke my poor parents up, and my dad came into my room, turned on the light, and showed me that my horse hadn't moved a bit...boy did i feel stupid!!!

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I used to have this stuffed bunny when I was little that my grandma had gotten me for Easter, and boy, did I love this bunny. He had long limbs and tan fur and he was really gangly and floppy; I just loved him.

I also used to sleep in a bunk bed with my mom; I had the top bunk and she had the bottom bunk. Every night when I climbed up the latter, Bunny would be waiting for me at the top.

But one night, as I was climbing the ladder, for some reason I got this really horrifying image in my head of Bunny's face suddenly peeking out from the top of the mattress and bgi sharp teeth and evil eyes, and every night for a month after that I was too scared to climb up the ladder because I was afraid Bunny would appear like that while I climbed up.

Ivan Elbisivni
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I was deathly afraid of this marionette bride hanging from my bedroom ceiling. Every night I would see it staring at me and I swear it looked like it was swinging ever so slightly. The fan was never on, so this freaked me out. I made my dad take it down and put it in the garage. I was still always worried that it crawl back up to my room and kill me.

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I used to think that if i put my barbies into the sink while they were wearing their swim suits, they would start swimming!! Then they didn't swim so i got discouraged. a few years later i started reading catalogs with beach outfits for the dolls stating: "do not place dolls or outfits in water" and I thought that my barbie pool party incident had been broadcast on the news!

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Once I had a Chinese finger trap. I thought it was a powerful weapon, and I said I might be able to go and defeat the terrorists by trapping their fingers inside of it.

A bad enough dude
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