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I used to believe that my stuffed animals had feelings and felt bad when they were squashed or I ignored them. I only got over that a few months ago...
I used to think that all my toys which had eyes were watching me and if I treated them well, they wouldn't do anything while I slept.
I used to believe that whenever I left my room all my toys came to life and had a party, and whenever they heard somebody approaching, they all jumped back to their places. I was so desperate to catch them in the act, it resulted in several days of me creeping down the hallway trying not to make any noise, in order to catch my stuffed animals partying!
I used to believe that my toys had feelings and I didn't want to make them feel bad by playing with some more than others. So, I was always careful to spend equal time playing with the toys I didn't like to make sure none of them felt bad or thought I didn't like them.
That the peewee herman doll that my dad got for christmas was posessed. One day when I went in the room alone it was sitting in the closet starting at me and I thought I heard it talking as if the batteries were going dead. I slowly put a pillow case over it and took it outside and threw it in the dumpster.
I could've sworn, at the age of 6, that my stuffed animals had conversations when nobody was around. This is why I'd place them facing each other when I would make my bed in the morning. I actually treated them like real people.
I used two think two of my toys were possessed by the devil. First was my
troll who I sweared would talk by itself (it was supposed to talk if you squeezed its stomach), and the other one was a porecelain doll which my sister told me was possessed and I believed her. I was scared to walk into my room because she was always sitting there staring. I was terrified of them!
After I got the book THE DOLL PEOPLE (mind you, I'm not too old yet) and read it, I was firmly convinced that all my toys could come alive... needless to say. I still believe...
I used to think that my stuffed animals were all alive and they would come alive when all people left the room(like in Toy Story) I thought that they had feelings, too. Whenever I got sent to my room for misbehaving, I got really angry and threw all my stuff around the room, including my animals. Later, I thought that they would get angry with me and eat me while I was asleep so I picked each of them up one by one gave them a big hug and a big kiss and said, "I love you! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you I was just so angry! please forgive me!" And I would always try to treat them all the same and not give more attention to one of them because I thought that the rest would get jealous and attack me in my sleep.
when i was little i used to believe that if i didn't kiss all my stuffed animals each night before i went to bed that they would get mad and kill me during the night. there were about 100 of them just next to my bed and my bedtime used to take forever because i had to kiss each one.
I think I saw one too many killer doll movies because before I went to bed I used to talk to all my stuffed animals for a little while and then say goodnight to them. I had to make sure I gave them no reason to want to attack me in my sleep.
Somebody submitted something similar, but I always believed my stuffed animals were alive and I would make sure to give them all equal attention so that they don't think I love one more than the other. If I stepped on one by accident, I would apologize and hug it. I still think this way and I apologize to my stuffed animals...
I apologized to other inanimate objects too, like in grammar school there were coat racks to hang up our coats and backpacks and sometimes I would accidentally knock someone else's backpack down and I would apologize to the backpack. I still do this sometimes too...I just feel like everything has life and can feel.
when i was littel i had an ET cuddly and after seeing the film i belevied that the goverment wanted my ET doll so i hid him under the bed when i was at school
when me and my little brother were little we would set up his GI Jo's and leave the room when we came beck they were in a different place everytime then we figured out that our dad was moving them!
......i think
When I was younger I would always hangout with my older cousin Ashley. She had quiet the active imagination. One day me and her where playing with all my dolls when she told me if you stare at a doll long enough they will move. I was shocked but we both grabbed a doll and held it infront of us as we stared not allowing ourselves to break the gaze. After about 5 mins I swear still to this day the doll's mouth moved. I let out a scream and threw the doll. I was afraid that all my dolls thought I knew their secret. I stayed up late afraid that they would kill me! eek!
i used to believe that if you out grew your toys and gave them away that they would forget that you ever had them and think of their new owner as one they've always had
I used to believe that when an electronic toy commercial said the "Batteries not Included" disclosure that it meant the toy did not need batteries at all to operate.
i had a furrbe that was broken and woke me up in the middle of the night and was talking to me.
so scary.
that thing was possesed
the worst part was, i didnt know what it was, so every night it would talk to me again.
i was too young to relly understand what it was saying. Now i am deathly afraid of thoes.....things
i used to think my toys were alive. i thought that when i left my bedroom they would get up and talk to eachother, and do chores and go to work, you know the usual stuff people do.i used to leave my barbies in a particualr order and remember it so when i came back if they had changed places it was true!
my brother who is 3 years older knew i thought this and would rearange them, so i believed this until i was about 9!
As a kid I used to think my toys were real and had feelings. I had so many that I used to talk to them and when I only hugged one, I used to think that the other ones would get jealous, so I would spend half the day hugging about 100 soft-toys. One day I remember hugging my toy monkey Bennie twice so I went around and did the other 100 soft toys again.
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