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i used to have a whole bunch of plastic food, and one night i wanted to go into my parent's room and crawl into their bed but i stopped dead infront of their door because it was so dark .then i went back in to my room to look for a flash light ,but settled for a plastic french fry and figured :it's yellow so it'll give off light right?i then returned to my parent's bedroom and plunged in to the darkness i completely freaked out when i realized that my french fry wasen't working.
Okay, so I'm going to admit something that scares me, my mom, and my dad (My brother dosen't remember) to this day. When I was a little girl I had this doll. Now, it was a rather old doll and had been sewn up very often, including right across one eye. Well, I was in 1st grade, and while I didn't need a night-light I HAD to have this doll. I believed that it was hurt from protecting me at night, and if it was with me it wouldn't get hurt anymore.
Well, one night we apparently had a prowler. My room is on the second story, but my dad had the ladder out, so the guy climbed the ladder. I woke up to the sound of my window opening. now, being REALLY little, I freaked out. I threw my doll in his face and screamed. Later, when my parents were asking me about it, I told them I threw my dolly at him and she hit him hard and punched him and kicked him.
Needless to say, I still have the doll. I was convinced for YEARS that my dolly was a hero..
When I often went to stores with a doll/stuffed animal section with my mum, I always wanted the ones of which I thought were the ones that didn't sell the best. Just because I believed that they were the loneliest or I would hurt their feelings if I chose a better selling doll over them. I could also not stand putting toys back into the aisle, not because I was mad for not getting the toy, but because I thought I hurted it's feelings for picking it up and putting it back again.
I only recently found out that accordions had bass buttons. I always thought that the piano keys or right hand buttons were the only way to get it to make a sound, and that whenever somebody in a video was playing an accordion with both sides they had edited in the bass part.
I use to believe that the fur on my teady bear grew! So I would give it a trim. Maybe I was just cutting it shorter each time?
I believed that when I fell asleep, all my toys and people on my wall posters would protect me from evil monsters. I made sure I had big strong people on my posters, and toys that could look after themselves!
I used to believe that my dolls' hair grew just like everyone else's hair. My mom was really mad when I gave one of my dolls a haircut. I figured out why when the hair never grew back!
As a child I had many stuffed animals and one of my favorites was an armadillo that was relatively realistic but I had never seen a live one, only pictures. One day when I was very young I left my armadillo out on bed and when I came back to my room from lunch it was standing in the middle of the floor. I'm convinced now that someone moved it but for so long that Armadillo was my favorite because it was alive as long as you weren't watching it. I was sure to tell all my friends. =)
As a child, I was afraid to play Twister without my shoes on. Because of their slogan "The hot spot" I thought I would get burned if I touched the wrong circle.
i used to think that when i went away from home on holiday, all my toys would start crying and be really sad because they would be wondering 'where's mummy gone?'. So when we went to malaysia and canda i brought my whole collection of toys (i think i had about 20-30 combined with my sister) How silly!!
When I was 5 or 6 i believed the Pilsbury Dough Boy was real. I asked my parents for one for Christmas. I was very disappointed to discover he wasn't real when I tried to poke him in his stomach and he didn't giggle.
My little cousins believe that if you let go of a helium balloon and it floated up into the sky, it would go to BalloonLand and be able to sing, talk, and dance. It would also become a star in the sky.
I have a stuffed cat named Sassy, and I've had her since I was four. One time when I was about six, I was at a friend's house and we were playing with Sassy and my friend's bear, Beary. We pretended they got brain amputation, and colored with red marker all over their heads. Then we cut off all their fur there. When his mom scolded us for ruining our stuffed animals, my friend replied nonchalantly, "Don't worry Mom, it will grow back." I believed it would for months and was mystified when Sassy remained clear-cut for over a year. Finally at age nine I realized that stuffed animals aren't alive, and they can't grow more hair if you cut it off.
I also cut another friend's Barbie's hair, and made her believe it would grow back like those Barbies in the commercials that have "growing" hair. She got really mad when she found out that her Barbies were terminally bald.
I used to beleive that all my stuffed animals had not only feelings , but also families somewhere out there. I would never get rid of my stuffed animals because I was afraid they would be angry or sad . Also I made up a birthday for each of them and got them presents . It was quite pathic , but it also makes for something that my family can taunt me endlessly about.
I used to strongly believe that toys were alive, like in Toy Story. And that everytime you blinked, they moved. So whenever I blinked I would do it quickly so I could try to catch them in action.
When I was younger, I'd watch commercials on television for toys, and I thought it was such a great thing that "batteries [were] sold separately" to the point that I would tell my parents that.
My dad had this really nice illustrated book when i was a kid. Parts of the book had holograms on it, highlighting pictures of ponds, rivers and whatnot. He told me that if i ever touched the holograms, i would get sucked into it, and be frozen!!!!!! I'm still pretty reluctant to touch a hologram!
I used to believe that most of the toys you get for presents (especially at Christmas) would run away after a few months, because you didn't buy them yourself. In the case of Christmas presents, Santa was just loaning them to you. Around the time I was 9, I learned that my parents had been selling these toys at the annual yard sale a friend of the family had, or giving them to my friends as birthday presents... To curb this practice, I started carving my initials in my favorite toys with a steak knife.
My sister taught me a card game called "Spite And Malice". At the time I was unfamiliar with the words in its name. I played it for years without understanding its name, but thinking it was "Strike The Mouse", never understanding why it would be called that. Now that I know the real words in its name, I don't know why it would be called "Spite And Malice" either.
When I was young, a friend of mine had a doll called Lala. My friend and I wanted Lala to come alive, and become a real baby that we could raise together.
Everytime we saw dandelion clocks, we would wish on them that Lala would come alive. I would do it whenever I saw a dandelion clock, even if my friend wasn't with me, because I wanted it so much.
One day, my friend said to me, "Look! Lala is turning into a real baby. You can see her veins." and, sure enough, there were wiggly blue lines all over her.
I eventually realised that my friend had just drawn on the 'veins', and had lied about Lala coming to life. =(
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