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One day for Easter my parents gave me a toy rabbit, which they hid in a cupboard. When I found the toy, my mother threw her voice and made the rabbit speak to me. For years after, I spent hours trying to get the rabbit to speak again - I thought my toys could talk but chose not to when I was awake.
I used to believe that toys could talk and stuff like in toy story. So I would set my cowboy and indian plastic things up and walk out of my room. Go down the hall. Then run back and try to see them fight.
I had one of those treasure trolls when I was growing up. The ones that you rub the jewel on their belly button and make a wish. All of my friends used to make wishes on them all the time, but I knew they weren't too smart. If they used up all of their wishes, when they REALLY needed something, their troll wouldn't be able to help them!!!
I used to believe that my stuffed animals were alive and that if I payed to much attention to any particular one the others would get really mad and destroy it. To get around this I would line them up in my room and read to them all aloud, however, I would always forget and end up reading in my head, so, to keep myself from feeling too bad about this I somehow managed to convince myself that after I read them a few pages aloud we developed a telepathic link and they could hear the rest of the book through that link.
When i was younger i had a HUGE red teddy.. being afraid of the dark i used to go to sleep with the door ajar, giving just enough light for me to see that beast of a bear....
I swear his eyes followed me round the room.
For years my mother wondered why the teddy was facing the wall in the morning, it wasnt till i was 20 (or so) that she found out the reason.
Dont have the bear these days.. but thinking back, it still creeps me out and im 25
when I was small I thought toys felt neglected if you didn't play with them enough. I even had dreams of dolls who wept from neglect. I felt so guilty that I made it a point to go around my room before bed and put them all in a lying down position as if I were putting them to bed. This nightmare of the neglected dolls even haunted me into adulthood.
I wonder what it really means...
After watching the "Rudolph" Christmas special when I was 5 or 6, I developed a firm belief that if I wasn't nice enough to my toys, that the lion from the show would fly into my room while I wasn't in it, and take my toys to the Island of Misfit Toys. I kept a close inventory on them from that day on.
My mom and I discovered a melted crayon in the basement once, and that's when I learned crayons were made of wax. I spent the next three years trying to figure out why candles didn't work the same way.
When I was about eight, I had a stuffed rabbit named Cuddles. She was made out of some kind of plushy material with a velvet dress. I adored that rabbit, and I carried her around everywhere I went except school. After I read the story about the Velvetine Rabbit, I developed this belief that Cuddles was real. I would argue with anyone who said she was a toy. One day, I brought her to school for show and tell, and my so-called best friend made fun of me so bad because I thought Cuddles was real.
I used to think my toys came alive every time I left my bedroom and would try and catch them out by peering through the gap in my door or quickly bursting into the room.
The homewares shop IKEA used to have a play area. In this play area was a pen filled with plastic balls and you were supposed to run and jump and 'swim' in between them. I was so scared that when I went under and in between these balls that I would swallow the balls and choke. Hence....I never went in.
from the little toaster movie, i thought all my toys and house hold objects were alive. i was about five. i never felt lonley.
Whenever my dad went to the toy store, I believed Master Splinter was there to advise him as to which Ninja Turtles figurine to buy me.
I used to believe that my toys played without me while I was gone and that was way before Toy Story!
I used to believe that my stuffed animals all had feelings. I would sleep with them all on my bed, covered by a blanket, so that none of them felt unloved.
I always felt as though my stuffed animals had feelings. I knew they weren't alive, but I was afraid that if I spent too much time with one, the others would get jealous. And I never could give any of them away, being afraid that I would hurt their feelings. This was all before Toy Story ever came out as well.
I don't feel that way anymore, except I still can't bring myself to get rid of any of them..
When I was little I used to think that all my toys were alive, and that if I didn't treat them nicly or cuddle them enough, they would attack me in my sleep. Thanks alot Toy Story!
When I was little, I thought that if you called the manufatcturer on the back of the toy package that you could find out facts about your favorite toys and they would be able to answer all the questions of the world like: What happened to the fantastic four?
When I was I would watch this show called "The Secret Life of Toys", and if you've never seen it, it's about these toys that are still when people are around but when they're gone the toys come to life. I used to try and close my door and open it fast enough to catch my toys talking. I even set traps to try and catch them.
I used to believe tat dolls had feelings and if i broke it it would die and I wold be sad....
I broke a doll one day and tried to put its head back on and i believed that it was crying.
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