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when I was in third grade I saw this show on TV about this boy that had a teddy bear and when he packed away when he was older it came alive and burned his house down as revenge. this was supposedly true, and me, being young and niave, thought that would happen to me. so I always gave all my stuff animals more pillows than i had at night, and never insulted them....hey I talked to them too!
i used to have numerous amounts of teddies at the end of my bed. At night i would give each and every one a kiss because i didn't want any of them to feel left out or that any of them were my favourite
When I was little my mother had me and my sisters believe that play do was illegal in Rhode Island, which is my hometown. So we never bought it.
I used to think that all of my stuffed animals had their own private lives, and yet they managed to find time to be with me. I was very afraid to offend even one of them, so I had to sleep with every single one each night. I thought that if one of them became angry, it might harm me. I had quite a few stuffed animals, and managed to achieve this by making a little nest out of all my animals, and sleeping in the middle of them. I have now aquired a small collection of stuffies over the course of a relationship, and they all have to sleep on my bed with me. I'm 27! You'd think I would have gotten over that irrational fear. Now, I think it is just habit rather than terror that keeps them near me.
See, when I was younger, I had this Talk With Me Barbie doll with a CDROM. I read the manual and precautions, and I mis-read and thought you couldn't touch Barbie's jewel. I had bad dreams for months about me touching the jewel and this weird color combination occurring and Barbie blowing up. O.o
I saw this commercial for binders. In the commercial the binder woukd open and everything in the world would get sucked in it. My mom bought one for me but I wouldn't open it.
when i was little, like all kids, i beleved my toys were real and that i could catch them in the act. I would stand outside my door and stump on the floor (i was running downstairs, haha) then i would fling the door open and see they hadn't moved and then i thought they were just cautious. I also would blow a kiss to one at night and then keep blowing kisses till i fell asleep, so that every stuffed animal got a kiss. Yeah, i was sad, but i had so many friends (refering of course to the animals)
I used to believe that stuffed animals got cold. During the winter, I would layer blankets on them to keep them warm. I never understood why they were still cold the next morning.
When I was 5, I saw a puppet show at school - I had no idea that they were puppets though, and so I believed they were real and wanted one to do things for me.
I use to beleive that if I played with one toy more than the other, that the toy least played with would be sad.
When my daughter was young, whenever we visited my sister she loved playing with all my nephew's 'boys' toys. She was always asking to play with 'The Misters with the Uniforms' - Could it be Action Man, dressing up games?
No it was 'The Masters of the Universe' models!
when i was about 4 I got a fairy Barbie doll. On the commercial for it on TV they said it would make all your wishes come true. So, i made a wish and when it didn't come true, i ran up to my mom and told her that the Barbie didn't work. I don't think I ever played with that doll again.
In second and third grade i used to believe that dolls had evil souls inside them. Everytime one looked at me I would get sooo freaked out! I took off all the dolls from my bed and even sometimes now (in 5th grade) i get freaked out by dolls looking at me.
I used to think that Barbie and ken were brother and sister, until i saw a commercial that showed ken and Barbie making out.
When I was little, thanks to ideas planted in my head by Toy Story, I used to think that toys came to life when you left the room and went back to their old positions when you came back. I'd say loudly "I am leaving now" to my toys and stand outside my room to try and hear them, but then I thought that they knew I was there. I'd tell them "You know, it's okay, I know you guys can talk, you don't have to hide it," but they'd never talk. Finally I called them all meanies because they wouldn't talk, then I apologized and "forgave" them for not talking, and said that if they wanted, they didn't have to talk to me. I was a weird little kid.
The first time I ever saw a hand puppet was in kindergarden. The teacher put the puppet on my hand, played a record, and told me to make the puppet mimic whenever I heard the person talking. I thought the puppet's mouth would move on its own until she showed me to move my thumb and fingers.
I was only little when the movie ET was released and my mum thinkin that i would love it brought be an ET doll ........... i was petrified of the thing, it sat on a shelf in my room ( As far away from me as possible!) and stare at me and i could swear i could see that little red mark on his chest glow, i made mum turn it around every night before i went to bed or i couldn't sleep...... eventually mum caved and got rid of it , even to this day ET still gives me the creeps...........funny though i can't ever remember watchin the movie.........
when i got my first cabbage patch doll at 7 i beleved the dolls were born in cabbage patches not bought in stores so i was never out of my neighbours cabbage patches looking for the dolls
I used to believe that Koosh balls had batteries in them, and when you touched them, that's why they shook for so long.
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