i used to believe

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When I was young, my evil cousins would tell me the story of the China doll that wouldn't die! She was an evil doll from China that murdered the family that purchased her. For years I heard different versions, but all of them ended in scary fashion. To this day I cannot stand to look at any Oriental dolls and if I happen to catch sight of one, I have this compelling urge to run by it as fast as I can.

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I was a great one for giving feelings and emotions to imanimate objects, and I still do!! You know those little rubber finger puppet things with big eyes and wiggly arms? Me and my sister would sit for ages in shops picking out all the ones with one arm, or some other disfigurement, because we thought nobody else would want them and we felt so sorry for them! We kept them in egg cartons and I ended up with over 200 "Wigglies" as we called them! To this day I well up at abandoned cars, unwanted toys at jumble sales, bald/crooked Christmas trees, and anything like that!!

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I used to believe when barbie kissed ken a kelly would come out

!!!!!!! loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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When I was younger, I used to believe that my porcelin (sp?) dolls and my stuffed animals were alive...and have feelings and stuff. You know, kind of like in 'Toy Story' but creepier. The dolls would freak me out and I would hope that they wouldn't come kill me like in the movies, and I would talk to my teddybear that I slept with that my grandmother gave me. Even to this day in the back of my mind I make sure that I am nice to all my stuffed animals including the bear my boyfriend gave me that I sleep with now (and my dolls are packed away I'm happy to say)....strange, I know, and I'm nearly 21!

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When I would play with my Barbie's I would sit in my room alone and think that our lives were like Barbie's that some big person was playng with us and making us do things we did. Exspecially when it was something bad. And then when I would play with barbies and make them to something stupid I would think boy they are going to get mad at me for this.

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I used to believe that when you left the room or the house stuffed animals would come alive.

Can you believe?
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i use to belive that mum could vac up my toy no matter how big or small

beach bum
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When I was younger, I would often hump my stuffed animals, but thought I had to keep my clothes on when I did it or I would get pregnant!
I wonder what a half human, half teddy bear would look like. =)

Teddy Lover
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In kindergarten I was afraid to take home the class teddy bear because I thought it was carrying all the germs from the other kids in my class who had taken it home, and that I would get chicken pox from it.

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i used to believe that my stuffed animals had feeling and i used to put on shows for them. i would dance and stuff and make them dance with each other. then my brother would come in and throw them against the wall and stuff and i would start crying my eyes out saying "don't hurt them!!!!".:)

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My stuffed animals would feel bad about themselves if I showed favoritism.
I'd torture myself weighing in my mind which had had the most attention, getting up several times from bed to switch animals.

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I so wanted for my baby dolls to come to life, I decided that if I made them warm, like real babies, then they would become real.
I dressed them in their warmest clothes and hugged them close to me, even taking them to bed.
Mum would try to take the dolls away and I would scream because in my mind she was killing them.

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i used to think that anything that was shaped like an animal, was a living animal. i would be very careful with my stuffed toys. i was careful never to drop them, lie on them/ roll over them in my sleep, or suffocate them or neglect them. like when i went on vacation, i would bring as many plushies as i could ... and different ones everytime so none would feel left out. even the ugly ones that i didn't like as much.

also, i felt really sad to eat gummi bears/ gummi worms, i thought they were real and could feel pain. i would alway suck on them until they dissolved, never bite into them

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When I forgot my Power Ranger action figure at the beach, my father told me he swam across the ocean and found a poor toyless child to amuse.

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I am 13 and i used to think that barbies were alive and would eat my toes in my sleep so I threw all of them away

Erin M.
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When I was about 7 or 8, one of my friend's older sisters had a doll whose hair would change colors based on the temperature of the water inside the doll's hairbrush. She told me that this also worked on humans - hot water would yield blonde hair, cold water would make you a brunette, and lukewarm water would change you to a redhead. Since I was a "Little Mermaid" fanatic, I longed to have red hair. I brooded over this for months until I finally asked her if I could borrow the hairbrush to use on myself. She then confessed that she had been lying.

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When I was about 8 years old, around 1983 or so when the Smurfs were all the rage, I actually believed Smurfs were real. I even tried to look up the word "smurf" in the dictionary, but to no avail. Oh well. I got over it, though. :)

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I remember my dad worked for an amusement machine place and brought me home a puppet sailor - similar to a laughing policeman as seen at Blackpool. It had all the workings and I sat him on the window sill.
We (my younger sister and I) watched Poltergeist (you can guess what is coming)
Remember the clown doll scene? I woke up one morning and for some reason I winked at my sailor puppet - and he winked back. I realise now that it was because I had only just woken up but I FEKKING SH*T MYSELF!!!
He was gone just a few short hours later. That damn film had put me off soft toys for life.

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When I was younger I used to kiss whatever stuffed animal was on my bed goodnight, but then I started thinking about all the other stuffed animals I had...they didn't get goodnight kisses!! So I used to kiss my hand a billion times and then blow all the kisses all over my room so that all of my stuffed animals could have one, and that way they wouldn't feel bad!

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I was in Kindergarten when Pokemon started appearing, and for a while the Lunchables lunch kits had these little miniature cards on the back the you could cut out. The Pokemon "Mr.Mime" was on one of the cards, and I was convinced it said "Mr.Mine". So one little boy I was sitting by pointed to Mr. Mime and goes, "What's that one's name?" I reply, "Mr.Mine!" The little boy said, "What does he do?" I told him, "He is a coal miner that works in the coal mines all day. That's why he's called Mr. Mine." I bet that poor little boy believed that all his life.....

Mr. Mime
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