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My son used to say that when he played with his "action figures," his hands disappeared.
when i was a kid i believed that all of my stuffed animals could really see and they were watching you all the time and they followed you. I also believed that there was always a ghost right behind me.
I used to think that my favourite stuffed animal, a rabbit, was able to fly. One day when I was at my Granparents, I left her (my bunny) on the kitchen hanging lamp. When I got back she was three feet away behind the washer and dryer! My Granpa was also astonisished and I still don't know how she got there to this very day!
this one is actually about my lil brother (bless him) when he was about three my nan took him and my little cousin sophie shopping and bought them a 101 dalmation teddy each when the two kids got out of the shop they started arguing about who got which teddy(the teddies were identical)my nan gave my brother his one saying "there's your poxy dog". Later on when my mum asked him what he had named his teddy he said Poxy as he thought that was its name
I remember losing a toy gun while on vacation when i was five. It was my favorite toy in the world. When i got back home, i had a dream one night that it was at school in the playground. I spent the next two weeks looking for it. My friends couldn`t understand why i kept looking at the ground. Too this day, i still wonder where my little toy gun is.
I used to think my stuffed toys had feelings and I let them share the covers!!!
When i was younger i would think that when you leave the room your toys would talk to each other and play around and when you come ack the would go back into place, one time i left my room and i came back and my toy was moved i was like oh my god and then i found out it was just my mom cleaning up.
I used to believe that when I cut off my barbie's hair, that it would grow back...but it never did
When I was a little girl, I used to believe that our toys were real. Me and my sister used to get out of bed at night and cover a lot of our stuffed animals in blankets when we had really cold weather. We would lay them down on their stomaches and even leave the nightlight on. We also used to believe that since Barbie was such a preppy girl, she had to live in the bathroom. The bathroom was where the water was and Barbie had to have her pool. The other stuffed animals had to live in the toybox because she thought they were beneath her.
When I was youmg, me and my three sisters would make a mess with our toys or whatever (as kids do). Mum would come in and say "It looks like a bombs hit it in here!" For years I thought she was saying "It looks like a bum's attic in here" Well, it made sense to me....
I used to believe that if a doll projected shadow it was because the doll had live of its own
When i was younger i used to think that all my stuffed animals were real
and i loved to play docter .When i was about 5 i had a serenge (i think thats what its called.. to give ppl shots.. ne ways.) But it didnt have a needle on it.. Once i thought my toy clown was *sic* so i "injected" Chocolate milk into him. Amazingly it never turned bad... i think my parents washed him. I still have him though.. and he still has that stain.
and 2.) this carries on to now, I still have a feeling that my stuffed animals can feel and that if i accidently sit on them or bend them a weird way they get hurt and i have to appologize... dont know why but i just do..
One time during a sleepover at my house when I was about 8 or 9, my friends and I got a little crazy and began thinking that the Barbies were going to kill or hurt us. We locked the barbie in a room and went downstairs for a long time and when we came back up we were CONVINCED that the barbie has changed positions, so we tied some yarn around her neck and hung her from a doorknob. I then thought that Barbies could scream silently and that all her friends could hear her screaming when we hung her, so we had do the rest with all the other Barbies. After hanging them, we threw them in the outside garbage can so that if they came back to life, they wouldn't be able to ge us. We were kind of paranoid, sadistic little kids...and i guess we still sort of are in a way...
when I was 3, my sister got a barbie phone. I liked it so much, I asked if I could play with it all the time. Sometimes she would let me, sometimes she wouldn't. I stole it on her birthday and brang it to my room. I pressed the number 4, (because it was my favorite number), and made a wish. I said " I wish I had a barbie phone for my 4 birthday. I actually belived it! I couldn't wait. Then on my 4 birthday, I got 2 barbie walkie talkies. I still wanted the phone more. From that day on, Ibelieved everyone got a barbie thing. Even boys! LOL!!!
When I was little I hated dolls! They scared me like crazy! Of course, I was much to proud to admit it. So, my parents,grandparents,aunts and uncles, never saw a problem in buying me dolls....lots of dolls! I had at least 20! I use to think they were staring at me, moving when I didn't look. Or they were planning to hurt me.
So, I tried to hide the dolls random places, hoping they'd go away. I hid some under my parents bed, some i hid in my sisters closet. Onetime i took a bunch of them with me to my grandparents house and hid them there.
But all this did, was make my family buy me MORE dolls!
Let's just say, it took me much longer to sleep then it normally should.
When I was 6 (I had my own room then) I used to have this toy clown hanging over my head in the front of the bed. it looked alot like the candyman with a huge grin on its face, I always thought it was getting closer to my face when I slep or it was moving so I kept the balnket over my face. Its been long since than (Im 12 now) and I threw that thing out . I still dont like clowns today
...the game Guess Who had a commercial that came on all the time. Wacky people would become animated and talk to you and tell you if it was them or not. I thought the game cards would actually come alive and talk to you. My parents never bought the game for me and would constantly have to talk me down from thinnking the charecters came alive and were interactive... =( soon enough lol
I used to believe that all of my toys that had eyes could see me, so I would always turn them around or cover them up whenever I changed clothes.
When I was little I believed my dolls were staring at me, so I poked their eyes out.
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