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I still hang onto the "toys have feelings" thing... and I'll be 24 in March. I know better now but... can't help it. Jessie's Song (She Used to Love Me) in Toy Story 2 must have darn near killed you. Well, I almost lost it, anyway.
when I was five I saw toy story and was convinced that my toys were alive so I'd talk to them and one time I left a video camera in my room while my family and I were gone and hope I'd catch them on tape but when they didn't move I thought it was because they knew I left a camera I believed this untill 2nd grade
I used to believe that all my stuffed animals were alive, and that they talked to eachother when I left the room.
When I was alone in my room I used to talk to my dolls and try to get them to talk and then i would get fustrated and start screaming at them!
my mom thought that the card game "spit" actually involved spitting, as in saliva, and she strictly forbid us from playing it because she thought it was a mean or negative game in some way.
when i was a kid i was told if i cut off barbies lovly hair she would come to life and cut off my long hair whilst i slept so no haircuts for barbie or any of my dolls
When I was younger, and had alot of legos and stuffed animals I used to belive that my legos would try to kill me every night in different ways each time. But my stuffed animals would always end up protecting me.
when i was little i thought that if u didnt play with toys enough that they would feel lonley and cry so every now and they i would play with all my toys!!!
i used to believe that my dolls would come alive every time i left the room .
when my cousin and me were little we were convinced that this teddy was moving towards us and that it was trying to get to us to eat us XD
one time i really wanted a pink cloth child's wallet at a toy store, that had a kitten holding a star-topped magic wand painted on it. somehow i thought this picture meant the small wallet contained a full-sized wand, and when my mother bought me the wallet i was crushed that this was untrue. i felt absurdly self-pitying about my deprived childhood afterwards.
I used to believe that barbie dolls would come alive at night when i was sleeping. i soon realised by the age of 8 that this was a lie lol.
I beleave that when I am out,my Monster High dolls have classes and my fairy dolls start to fly around the room!Bye!
When I was 6 - on my 6th birthday - I got a cardboard circus & a Lego fire engine as my presents. I took my Lego fire engine to bed as it was the best - I was very scared of clowns as lots of children are. In the middle of the night the cardboard clown was glowing & grew & grew & came over and took my fire engine & put it on the shelf. I was crying "Dad - Dad" - and my Dad came into the room and said "it's alright son, it"s just a dream" - but the fire engine was on the shelf. I remember a few months later we moved & a plastic figure with 1 leg told me they wouldn't bother me again and once we moved to Harlow I never dreamed of circuses again.
I got it stuck in my head that inside weeble woobles (a small egg shaped toy) there was lipstick. I broke every one of them open looking.
I used to believe in the childhood days that our dresses get shortened after certain period so we can wear it for dolls,without knowing that we used to grow.Later my cousin explained me the process :))
I used to believe that my toy animals were alive
My mom bought me a whole collection of trolls of the internet. My friend came over one day and she said that if you rub thier belly and then kiss it and make a wish it would come true. So i tried it and i asked for 20 bucks but i never got it. :(
i used to believe that pokemon were real and i have a pikachu doll and i still think its real and i talk to it ..............................its still my best friend and i would not trade it for any other pokemon in the world.......I KNOW YOU THNK IM CRAZY!!!!!!!!!
I used to believe that my stuff Mickey toy was alive and that it would attack me whenever I stared at it. So I put it in the storeroom! Finally it was transferred to my Aunt's house and I felt suprisingly comforted, even playing (and staring) at it.
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