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When I was younger, I always wondered if my stuffed animals, or toys in general, would come to life when I left, like in the movie "Toy Story".
I used to believe that when I went to sleep all my animals would wake up and have parties
i used to call stuffed animals "stuffed up animals" because that was what my mom called them, and i didnt see the difference then, although now, it sounds like animals that have a cold.
when i was about 9 or ten. i slept over my best friends house and she had this lil mermaid in a class jar on her dressser. so her mom told us that whenever we went into my bestfriends room the mermaid will be lookin at us and like followin us around in her one day she put it away and then her mom told us it was jus a fake mermaid and jus wanted to frighten us.
when i was a 11 i slept over her house again because she sed her toyy doll was alive. so i went into her room wit her n set the doll about 6 feet in front of us n my bestfriend turned off the lights. then like 2 seconds later she turned them back on n the doll was like 3 feet in front of us.... it still kinda wonders me whyy and how a doll would move like that. so we then slept in the livin room down stairs.
I used to believe that every time I got out of bed at night, my toys would be alive and they would find me awake and try to come and eat my toes and fingers.
When I was a child, I used to believe that my teddy bear was alive.I used to imagine it to play with my others toys.
I used to believe that the Smarties book prize was when a writer won a packet of smarties for the boom they had written, even it probably means something about kids being smart when they are reading.
I used to belive that the toys would become real and they would speak and play. When I stopped looking.
When I was growing up I use to think that if I put my Cabbage Patch dolls in my closet overnight, in the morning they would be real and then I could have a little sister.
I used to believe that when you left the room, your dolls and other toys would awake. They would dance around playfully and just be goofs. But some were evil. Me and my friend used to always try to catch her American Girl Dolls awake...once we left them on the floor and came back 10 minutes later and they were on the other side of the room...haha
I used to lay naked Cabbage Patch Kids around my house as a four and five-year-old. My brothers once collected them all, piled them up on the couch and took a picture. They said there were about thirty or so of them, all naked. I think I liked their belly-buttons or something, but I can't always understand the things I did as a child, so who knows why I had naked dolls lying around.
I also used to think one of my dolls was alive. It was a tiny little thing, probably not bigger than an adult's hand, but I was just positive it was alive. I would talk to it and stuff, I would "feed" it, and have it "talk" to me about its life. I thought it had come to this earth from outer-space and needed me to be its adopted mommy.
That State Farm (Insurance) was the poor farm from the game of LIFE. Who knows where I picked that one up?
My grandparents had a deck of cards for playing pinochle...somehow I imagined that pinochle must be some kind of cross between Pinocchio and pumpernickel.
my barbies were evil and wanted to kill me
i never stayed in a room alone with them
to this day i am terrified of their evil staring eyes
Once, when I was five, I went to Vietnam on vacation with my mom and 2 of my siblings while my dad and my other brother stayed home in America. Well, anyways we were at the beach one day when my favorite little raft thing floated away(someone had forgotten to take it in when we finished playing in the water). When I got back to America, my brother told me that he saw my little raft thing float by and I cried asking him why he hadn't swam out and saved it for me.
i beleived my toy bear colud talk and he would fight away the monstors in my dreams ! WHAT I WAS YOUNG lol
I used to believe that my stuffed monkey was alive
because when I wake up in the morning he would be starring at me......creepy...
...That the dolls I had in display cases talked at night and followed my gaze with their own.
One year, when I was like 7, I got a Super Nintendo for Christmas, but I didn't get it til Dec. 26 for whatever reason. After that, I was convinced that Santa was real and I used to believe that he could hear my thoughts. So one day I couldn't get my batteries into my Gameboy the right way so I left it on the kitchen table and walked away for a little while, sending mental messages to Santa to come help me, expecting to go back in there and find my Gameboy with the batteries and working.
I used to believe that my toys moves in the nights like Toy Story.
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