i used to believe

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I thought as a child that sweet candy fell from the sky and I thought that the world of toys existed.

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When I was sevenish, I was playing a game online and whenever I lost, it said, "Bad Luck!".
I thought that this was because the game creators were superstitious and believed that it was bad luck if someone lost at their games, like breaking a mirror or whatever.

Andres Solis
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When I was a child I liked to play marbles with my friends and sometimes I arrive very late to stay playing and my parents used to talk to me and tell me not to play anymore but I kept playing until once my father got angry and told me if I am still in That was going to seem like a goblin to me and he was going to take me as I was only 7 years old, I believed him and I never played again for fear of what he told me.

Dennys Sisalema
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I used to believe my toys were alive

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When i was younger, i used to my cudlly toys would talk.

ptite du 55
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I belief my teddy bear 🻠come to life at night even in the day time when am not in the room since I watched toy story

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If you don't put all your toys on the bed at night, some will feel left out.

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when I was younger, I used to believe the toys could speak

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When i was young i used to belive that my bear basket in witch i put my toys was in fact a monster beacause when I slept and open my eyes he was staring at me eyes to eyes I thinked he wanted to kill me beacause it was the night and he looked realy scary
Sometimes beafore sleeping i would turn him around so he couldn't see me , but when I wake up he was back looking into my eyes .
I know nowaday that that was my parents who turned him back when i was sleeping .
Even now I dont sleep with that bear in my room

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when i was little i used to believe that everytime i wasn't looking my teddy bears would come to life and start moving and talking.

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One night, when I was about five, I thought all of my brother's stuffed animals where sick and it was up to me to cure them. So I took them all of them,(there were about five),and covered each one, head to toe, with vasaline!(you know, that gooey clear medicine stuff) My brother wasnt to happy to walk in on me telling his vasaline covered stuffed animals that they would be alright.

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i was a big GI Joe fan in the 80s, when i saw Sgt Slaughter in a wrestling show, i thought GI Joe and cobra were real(i was only 8)

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i use to think that my brother was really flushing my stuffed animals down the toilet when really he was putting them in the bathtub (no water) and just flushing the toilet over and over again haha!

my brother was a asshole!

tormented by brother!~harley brielle
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i used to think that toys (dolls) will look at you with there wee little eyes

frankie the monkey
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on time when i was playing with my barbie dalls, and i had to sit then down but i dident knoe hoe to make there knees bend. so she did it and i was sooososoo happy and i said "how'd you do that?" and she said "i have mommy magic" i believed that for like ever!

Gina baldino
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I used to belive that my benie baby dog moved during the night. The fact that i got him from the tooth fairy prompted this.

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I used to believe that porcelain dolls were real and would try to kill me in my sleep. I was so scared, I would break my mom's dolls (I know, I was bad) or hide them. I'd have awful dreams about them trying to kill me. I collect them now. Haha!

Sarah M.
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I used to believe when I was a child as long as you don´t let the toys sleep in your bed (because it is warm there), they will die till the morning

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when iwas young i had a huge crush on pierrot my room was a shrine to him you name i had it and i belevied pierrot was real once not a story iv grown out of him now i got 3 dolls left and sold the rest on Ebay

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when i was little i had whatched the show toy stories when it was over i ran to my room a came back downstairs telling my mom the toys weren't talking to me

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