i used to believe

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I still believe that toys are alive. I'm a kid. I make towns and stuff for them, I feed them once every 2 months, I put them to bed every night, I write them mail, I chat to them, and I teach them how to do things. I give them jobs, too. My little brother sometimes helps. I felt very sorry for my brother's Galactic Hero Han Solo when my brother and I lost his friend, Galactic Hero Leia. I know that he is very depressed over his loss, and so I sent another toy to comfort him.

If you have human toys, take care of them like i do. If you have stuffed animals or plastic animals, treat them like pets.

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When I was a child, I used to believe in Youtube tutorials to make slime with shampoo and salt and they never came out right for me so I always had to apologize to my mom for wasting the shampoo.

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when i was younger i used to believe a toy was alive

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When I was a little girl a friend told me that Peggy from the Muppets was evil and in the night she are going to kill me if I sleep in the same bedroom that the doll

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I used to believe that if you didn't dry your hand when you washed them you would get warts. I also believed that My dolls were real and that I could talk to them. I believed that everything was real.

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When I was 6 I thought toys and dolls could talk so I said its ok I won't tell anyone then I got mad and shock it.

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Iused to have a teddy, and whenever i went into the bath i thought that it would come and get me. I swearthat isaw it walking towards me.
Or did it?

James Faughnan
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I used to belive that blue playdough was what cable was. My firend told me so.

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When I was little, I thought that babies in the mothers womb had toys with them, so they couldnt get bored. Think: miniture cars, barbies ect.

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i am 10, and when i was like 5 i used to think tht power rangers were real :S i used to hope every night a green one wuuld come on his hoverbike and give me a box of fruit winders, rofl

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When I said "shut-down" mode the toy would "power down" , meaning they couldn't feel anything when me and my sister were done playing.We created this because we don't have a shelf and put our toys in a big wooden box thing and the toys would get crowded.

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When i was little i used to think that the ball pits in playgrounds had water in them, and that i would drown if i went in. It wasn't until i was too big for them that i learned otherwise.

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As a child I believed that if I didn't have stuffed animals completely surrounding me, it was quite possible I would be murdered in my sleep. My logic was that each animal had to be thick enough in key areas (heart, head, etc.) that a knife could only do minimal damage to me. Something about a child's brain not having adequate information to process probability. Strange.

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When I was little I had a stuffed lion and one time I took it on a trip and I threw up on him on that trip and I thought it was weird that he was smile so thought he liked it but I told him: no, I am not going to throw up on you again. Since he was smiling I thought he wanted to stay home so since that day (I still have him) he stays in my room.

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I used to believe that toys had life

Elian C.
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me & my friend we were playing with a voo doo doll and we found a sethascope and herd a heartbeat from the voo doo so we tested all of the stuffed animals and a i dog 2 see if they had a heart beat and they did
so we researched voo doo dolls and stuffed anmials comming to life we still think its true!!!!!!!

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