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As a kid I thought there was some toy, game, or other cool thing that once I got it, I would be satisfied for the rest of my life and never get bored with it.
When an old friend of mine was a little girl she cut off her own hair and glued it to her Barbie doll's head because she thought it would grow on Barbie's head.
When I was a little kid my mom told me the garbage man's job was to come get the toys of oall the kids who had been bad. I used to cry when the garbage man came down my street. I was convinced that he was going to come get my toys becuase of something I did that day. Finally one day sick of my hysterical bawling my mother told me the truth. I was VERY bad from then on.
When I was little I used to believe that if I went to sleep I would wake up and all my toys would be attacking me I would have to hide them before I could go to sleep.
I used to believe (and still do to a point) that my stuffed animals were alive in a way; that they had feelings. If I were to roll over on the teddybear that I slept with, I would apologize to it....and I gave all my stuffed animals pats on the heads and make sure they weren't mad at me (for fear that they would hurt or kill me while I was sleeping). I would also talk to my teddybear at night; he kept all my secrets. The dolls in my room freaked me out too--I imagined I could just see them moving out of the corner of my eye, and they would stare at me constantly. There was also something under my bed that if I did not leap onto my bed it would grab my ankle and drag me under the bed. I was a very imaginative and paranoid child....and still am to a point.
When I was little, I'd never want to go near any Lego sets with flashing lights, thinking that they'd open up a dimensional vortex and suck me in.
i used to believe that Cabbage Patch Kids were made from real cabbage XD
I was a little girl and my Mom told me she was going to buy me a "jumper". I was so excited because I thought she meant like a "Pogo Stick". I couldn't wait til she got home and when she did, the only "jumper" she had for me was a dress! Can we say "DISAPPOINTING"????
I believed my baby dolls hair grew just like mine. While giving my doll a haircut, my Mom tried to tell me it wouldn't grow back. I knew mine did and couldn't believe my Mom was so stupid.
i thought cannibals were the same thing as cannonballs. i remember my mother being very surprised when i told her i wanted a pirate ship with cannibals for christmas!
When I was a kid there were these action figures for some show (I think maybe X-men) that on the back of each box had a little profile for the character they depicted that included their real name. However one of them for the real name just said "Unknown" and being a little kid I thought their name was actually "Unknown!" which I thought was a really weird name and also wondered why they didn't have any last name..
I was obsessed with playing barbies as a child. I then used to believe that similarly to how I played barbies and dictated what my barbies did, someone was doing the same thing to us humans... controlling and playing with us like barbies!
I convinced a friend that I had a pair of Starlight express rollerskates, that ejected sparks and coloured smoke, and I believe where also motorised and controlled remotely. He believed this even though he knew I couldnt rollerskate......
I used to believe that all my teddy's had feelings and that if I didn't kiss all of them goodnight then the ones left out would get offended. I drew up a roster of which teddy's got kissed each night for a week so it would be fair.
When I was little, about 6 years old, I made Barbies and Ken dolls "have sex" by rubbing them together. I was later disappointed to find that Barbie never became pregnant nor had a baby.
when i was like 5 i used to think that barbies lived in some little people town far away and people would trap them and put then into boxes so whenever i saw one i wanted buy so it could live with all my other ones and i would always get the car and house and clothes so she could live a happy life....i was a very stupid child
When I was little, I said I was not going to play Milton-Bradley's "The Game of Life" because I actually believed that what you did in that game actually came true, like a fortune teller thing.
When i was little, i used to believe that if I let one of my stuffed animals fall on the floor and did not pick it up, it would feel like I didn't like it.
When I was very young I used to always find marbles in the dirt of our garden. Because of this, for a very long time, I truly believed that marbles grew in the ground.
When I was really little, I thought the goo inside the Stretch Armstrong toys is what made them really stretchy. On one of my brother's birthdays, he got a Stretch Armstrong dog. Being rough-housing boys, my brothers promptly snapped it and left it lying around as they checked out the other new toys. I went to pick up the toy dog without realizing it was broken. When I noticed the goo getting all over my hands, I freaked out screaming and crying- I had frightening visions in my head of my brothers pulling my arms, stretching them, twisting them, just as they did with the toy dog. My parents had no idea why I was so inconsolable. When I washed my hands and realized they weren't stretchy, I was so relieved that I'd washed it off "before the effects started."
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