i used to believe

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When I was around five years old back in the 1980's, a local shopping mall had a KB Toys store. I always avoided that place because I was convinced by the name that the KGB owned the store pretending to sell toys just to lure American children in there in order to kill them.

Alf was here
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When I was about 5 my mum bought me a little plastic toy plane - I couldnt wait to get home as I thought it would really fly because it said 'pull back for short take-off' on the bottom. Can you imagine the mental torment finding that when you followed the instructions it just trundled forward across the carpet?? People get counselling for less torment these days. I was devastated!!

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As a small kid, I believed that we were given two weeks off from school at Christmas just so we could play with the new toys Santa brought us. I remember feeling sorry for my teenage sisters because because all they got were clothes and jewely. How could you have any fun with stuff like that for two whole weeks?

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When I was about 6 or 7, my friend and I used to think stuffed animals were alive. We would even stand outside my bedroom door, hiding, to see if they would move. I was convinced that I had heard one breathing!

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Call this obsessive compulsive disorder if you will, but I used to think that if you twisted the arm/head/whatever of a toy all the way around, you'd have to twist it back the same number of times, back to how it was before, or else that toy would be in silent agony.

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When I was a kid I used to believe my stuffed animals had feelings. I had about 200 so everyday I spent about 2 hours talking to each and every one of them and asking them how they were, if they were hungry or sad, ect. Also, they all had birthdays, and their was one birthday every day. So I had a stuffed animal birthday party every day where we would dance around and play truth or dare.

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When I was in the 2nd grade, I slept over my schoolmate's house one night. Well, I had brought my dolly over, and as we laid on the bed, she said, "I hope you are not going to sleep with your dolly."
I asked why, and she said, "Because she could turn alive, get a knife from the kitchen and kill you."
As a result, I had a hard time to sleep with my dollies at night after that.

Scared silly.
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Whe I was about 6 or 7 and learning to read, I loved to look throught the pages of a cataloge at the toys. But every single thing said "Cat. no." beside it and I wondered why they kept writing about cats, when the picture was of a barbie, or a puzzle. Looking back, it obviously was cataloge number!

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I used to believe that stuffed animals had cameras in their eyes and thats how the toy companies knew what kids wanted in toys. which is why they always came out with better toys the following year.

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My Sister Jenna Once Beieved That She Could Shrink Herself To Fit Inside Her Dollhouse.
I Told Her She Can't.

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I used to think when I cut off my dolls hair, it would grow back. I'm still waiting, for I learned the hard way.

dumbo baggins
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When I was very young, I liked to sleep with all of my toys. One night I wanted to sleep with my Barbie doll, but my older sister told me I couldn't because Barbie would come to life while I was sleeping and poke my eyes out with her pointy hands From then on, I wouldn't go to sleep when a Barbie doll was in the same room as me, let alone the same bed!

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I used to think that board games were called bored games because you play them when you're bored.

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when i was little i thought that stuffed animals were really alive so i would be terrified of them, like if they fell i'd give them a million kisses and hug them and say " i'm so sorry!!" and i'd always be scared to do n e hting like change infront of them

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you know how when most kids play with toys, you hear them chattering away, making up their own conversations and the like?
i never did that. i beleived that my toys were actually alive, and that i could talk to them telepathically. each had their own personalities and quirks, and their own groups of friends and the toys that they didn't like so much. oftentimes they would fall in love, get married, and have families. sometimes new toys had a hard time adjusting and would get homesick for their old families, and wouldnt want to play with the other toys.
i kinda miss the good old days, even though the high school drama is a lot like the situations my toys would find themselves in! oftentimes i still find myself conversing with the odd stuffed animal...

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I used to believe that ET could come and kill you at night--but only if you had all of your stuffed animals in a big group. I always had to have mine in a big long single file line--that way, ET couldn't hide among them.

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When we were small, we had the UNO playing cards where there are two different types of wild cards. We thought that one of them is 'wild' and the other one is 'plim' (that's what it looks like when the card is upside-down).

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I used to think that everything had feelings. like things like scooters, or chairs, or dolls and such. so i would make sure i sat in the chairs the same amont, and i wuld actually talk to my scooters. when i was like 10 or 11 My brother had a scooter, and I just got one for christmas, I talked to it. I said something like "So I will take care of you and If you are sick, or cold I will ride red" (my brothers scooter, i called mine blue, they were red and blue, i wasn't necessarily creative) I still haven't exactly gotten over that either, sometimes still i have my self thinking that something will feel bad if i don't use it soon. weird, right?

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When i was little and i went out somewhere and came back to my house i always rang the doorbell because i thought my dolls came to life and i wanted them to get back in the spots i left them in

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Like many small children, I thought that my toys would become living, breathing creatures at night and in the morning, they would still be alive, but they would not show it. I made sure that I played with each and every one of them, give them names, give them friends and enemies and shape each of them a distinct personality. I would bring as many as I could to bed, so I could show how much I loved them. When I woke up in the middle of the night, my blurred vision made me think I saw them move.
I also thought shops and boxes imprisoned the toys, and that they could not breathe while in them. Man, I was weird.

The Big Bad Brony
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