foreign languages
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top belief!
I used to think that people that spoke different languages just made up jibberish as they went along in a converstion.
top belief!
I used to think that one letter in English ment one letter in another language. So I thought that "A" would be "h" in French or something like that. I was so stupid!
I used to think that people speaking another language were really just speaking English with a really strong accent. I was convinced that I could speak those languages too by mimicking their "accent."
When I was 4 or 5 years old, I believed that all black people could speak Spanish.
top belief!
I grew up in Estonia, speaking Estonian. When I was nine, my dad moved to Sweden and after about 6 months me, sister and mum went to visit him. I knew that in Sweden people spoke Swedish, so I was convinced that once we'd get off the boat in Sweden and met dad we would all speak Swedish to each other and understand it perfectly. And when we returned to Estonia we would speak Estonian again... When we actually arrived I was very confused as to why we still spoke Estonian and, worse, why I couldn't understand what other ppl around me were saying....
top belief!
When I was about five or six, I used to think that everybody saw and heard the world completely differently. For instance, one person might look at everybody else and see a bunch of green monsters, another person might listen to a conversation and hear it as a series of high-pitched squeals.
I was so disturbed by this theory, which seemed unassailable by any logical argument, that I would lay awake at night dreading that I might someday accidentally see things as someone else saw them, and abruptly find myself surrounded by awful noises and monsters.
Oddly enough, I was cured of my terrors when I finally grasped the concept of foreign languages. If it was possible to completely misunderstand what another person was talking about, then maybe perception didn't take place entirely in our brains after all. What a relief! :)
When I was little, I used to believe that people who spoke foreign languages would think in English. So before they said something they would translate it from English to whatever language they were speaking. Also, when someone was talking to them, they had to translate what they were saying from that language to English. I still find myself thinking that every once in a while but then I quickly correct myself. :-)
when i was little i thought everyone spoke the same language so when i heard people speaking different lanuguages i thought they were speaking gibberish so i joined in with words like "uggabugga" and "soupada".
i used to think that all foreign people were actually english people, but that their government had come up with a secret code for everyone to speak so that we couldnt understand them
top belief!
I heard my mum talking about foreign people, and I later asked, "have you ever been to Foreign?"
I speak French and my sweet little sister, always trying to impress me, announced proudly that she could also speak French and spoke for the rest of the day in English but with an outrageous French accent, insisting that this was proof she was fluent.
My early childhood was spent in Latin America. We moved to the US when I was 5. There I befriended a newly arrived Chinese girl who didn't speak English yet. My parents wondered how we communicated, and I said we just spoke Spanish. I honestly thought that if you don't speak English, you speak Spanish. There's probably some poor Chinese girl out there right now that's speaking Spanish thinking its English.
top belief!
i used to ask my mom how people laughed in diferent languages!
When I was young and I first heard about Tina Turner, I thought her name was Tina TrØnder. A Trønder is a person who lives in the middel of Norway, and since I'm norvegian it made perfect sence to me... My brother is still mocking me for beliving in that...
For a while I believed that French version of "Are you Sleeping" was a giant government conspiracy, and that they were trying to cover up secrets by singing a song in French that nobody would understand.
top belief!
i used to believe that american was an enitrely different language than english. I'm from wales and speak both english and welsh, and i always assumed that this was because england is right next to wales, and the language had kind of "leaked". When i was 10 (i can hear you laughing) a boy from the U.S. came to my school. Everyone thought his accent was totally cool and i said "wow, you already speak perfect english. can you teach me some american?"
i thought that (when i was little) the French used numbers instead of letters to spell things!!!!!!!!!!! CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!
Janine was getting ready to study abroad in France and her friend was very concerned that all Janine's e-mails would be written in French automatically.
When i was small i didn't know what french kissing was so i asked my sister. she simply responded "it's kissing a while speaking french" so i was like "o let me try!" i grabbed my doll and started to speak the lil french i knew a while kissing it. my mom walked by when i was "french kissing it"....she later told me the truth...
I used to believe that a person who blows on the french horn would suddenly say words in French out of the horn.
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