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I used to believe that "tranquilizer" was short for "tranquilizer dart".
When I was a child, I used to believe Sherlock Holmes was a real person. But I learned that he is just an imaginary character.
top belief!
I thought a coworker was someone who worked on a cow.
I saw a truck that said "non-potable water" on it. Not knowing that word, I thought it said "non-PORTABLE water", and wondered how they could transport it in a truck if it's not portable.
I used to think that "boobies" was a bad word all the time
I used to think that everything involving the name Alice had to be Wonderland or Looking Glass related.
I used to think that when you saw comments from 'the Guardian' on the back of kids books, it was somebodys guardian saying their child enjoyed the book, as I didn't know it was a newspaper.
I used to think the Guardian newspaper was named after someone's guardian, and when I saw comments from the Guardian on the back of books that I read as a kid, I thought it was someone's guardian saying their child enjoyed the book.
I used to believe the letters were squiggles and each squiggle represented a word.
When I was little I saw the word "applause" and thought it said "applesauce"
I used to think people read books because of that overwhelming smell of the pages that you can bury your nose in, rather than the actual subject!
I used to think Jane Austen was related to the Bronte sisters, maybe like their cousin or step/half-sister.
I thought the word lackadaisical was something to do with lacking daisies.
When I was learning to read, I pronounced "fire" as "fury" and "crocodile" as "croco-DEE-lay".
This one is actually my uncle. He lived with Granny and Granddad and my mother and aunt in a house next to a butcher's shop or something that had "hydra" written on the sign.
My uncle couldn't read back then and thought that the sign had his name on them.
I used to get "jaw" confused with "palm."
When I was about twelve or thirteen, my mother was reading me The Odyssey, and at one point, Queen Penelope has these men who want to marry her because they think Odysseus is dead, and they say, "We'll draw lots". I didn't know what that meant, so I thought it meant they'd draw (as in sketch) a lot of Odysseuses.
I learned about opposites from Sesame Street and naturally assumed EVERYTHING in the world had to have an opposite. Spanish was the opposite of English, the sun was the opposite of the moon, candy was the opposite of vegetables, recess was the opposite of classtime, rollerblades were the opposite of bicycles, and cats were the opposite of dogs.
I used to believe that "sue" meant murder, so in movies when someone is getting sued I got really confused
I used to believe when you'd see a company sign that says "Est. 1928” it meant they estimated the company was founded in 1928. I always wondered why some companies had to estimate when they were only a few years old. Much later I realized est stands for "established" and not "estimated".
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