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When I was little I used to believe that the blank pages at the end of the book were for writing a different ending if you didn't like the original ending to a book.

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When I was younger, there was an ad for Looney Tunes that took place in a theater. At the end, Bugs Bunny lit up a sign reading "APPLAUSE", and everyone cheered.

I misread it as "APPLESAUCE" every time it aired. I didn't question this, I just assumed that the audience were big fans of applesauce.

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As a kid I read the line "won't stick to most dental work" on the side of chewing gum packages. I thought dentists must use special paper in their offices that wouldn't allow gum to stick to it.

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When I was about 4 years old my mother said that I would learn how to read when I went to school. I was scared I'd get sent to jail because I already knew how to read.

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When I was 7 I used to pick up one of my 'long' storybooks and start reading, then I'd sort of glance up to see who was around and I'd sneakily flip a huge chunk of the pages of the book. I would continue like this, reading little bits and skipping huge chunks until the book ended. I did it because I thought people would be impressed that I had finished the book so quickly. No one was.

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I thought the bass and tremble knob on the car radio said bass and terrible and I always wondered why would anyone set it to that if it sounded terrible

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I thought vegetarians couldn't read Chicken Soup for the Soul.

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I thought "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" was a somewhat casual manual for astronauts.

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When I was little, I would bike past the City Motor Company on my way to the library. However, I thought it was the City MURDER Company. I was scared to go past it for years.

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My parents had a lot of self-help, how-to, historical, and factual books when I was a kid. I used to think that authors didn't write stories for adults, and that when I grew up, I'd have to read boring stuff about gardening and wars.

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When I was little I used to believe that cursive was read in a British accent and print was read in an American accent. I have no idea where this one came from.

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I thought the word debut was actually "day view" since it was the first time the thing saw the light of day. Even when I did read the word for the first time I thought it was pronounced "debbut" till someone corrected me

Alberto Richardson
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I thought there was a such thing as a writing stutter and people who had it would write things like "They went to the bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb-boat"

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I used to read Highlights magizine and there would be drawing contests. There was a section for the winners and a section for the honorable mentions. For the longest time I thought this said horrible mention and felt embarassed for the kids with the horrible drawings.

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I thought the Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings books were written in the middle ages (I think maybe I got Middle Earth confused with middle ages)

Neverwinter Nate
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When I was little, we lived near a catholic church. There was a sign on the sidewalk that said pedestrian crossing, so i used to think that a pedestrian was was what you called a person who went to church.

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When me an my little brother were little, we took a family vacation road trip to Disney World. On the way there, my little brother would ask me what the billboards said because he wasn't old enough to read yet and I was. I told him some of the roadside billboards near Disney World said, "Tommy is a a dummy." and he believed me.

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My parents both work in the medical field and there's this big book at home entitled "anatomy". Now, I thought my brother Anthony was named after that book, since my parents loved anatomy so much...

Anathomy's sister
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my childhood was complete wreck (due to parents who were still children emotionally). I loved to read. I would read Dick and Jane and all those great books about life. I used to believe that if we would just move to a street named after a tree our lives would be perfect, just like in the books I read. My all time favorite was Maple Street.

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I used to believe that when an author's name on a book cover was in bigger letters than the title of the book itself, it was meant for adults. If the title was bigger than the author, it was a children's book. I got this belief by comparing my parents' books to my own.

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