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I used to believe that when people couldn't hear that they were "death" not deaf!

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When I was in kindergarten to third grade, I used to believe that scientific-sounding words were grownup words and that I shouldn't say them. I would try to avoid saying words like "atmosphere," "digestion," "photosynthesis," "abdominal," etc., and if I did have to say them, I got really embarrassed. I was even embarrassed by the song "Let's Go Fly A Kite" in Mary Poppins because it had the line "Up through the atmosphere, up where the air is clear."

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When I would hear the phrase "gag order" on tv, I pictured people gagging when they tried to speak about the thing they were ordered not to speak about.

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My family went on vacation to Hawaii and we went to Pearl Harbor to do the tourist thing. They were refinishing an exhibit out doors and there was a sign that said "PLEASE WATCH FOR FLYING DEBRIS." My brother says, "what's flying DEB-ris (pronounced as it looks) and my dad says, "they are part of the Flying Wallindas." Dorks :)

never mind
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My Dad had a saying for when we were having lots of fun. It was "I haven't had this much fun since the pigs ate my little brother!" I thought it was hilarious and never actually believed it or thought anyone else took it literally. When I was almost 5 years old my kindergarten teacher heard me say it. My little brother was about 6 months old at the time and the teacher asked my Mother to come in for a serious discussion about my mental health.

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My sister used to pronounce demolish as de-lom-ish.

Anonymous because I suck
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When I was younger, I knew nothing about accents and thought that when someone talked with one, they had gotten into a car accident. One day when my mom's friend who had an accent came over, I said to her "I'm sorry about your accident, but I like your voice!"

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This happened to my brother. He used to call everyone "maggot" as a rude term to get a rise out of people. It was many years later he found out that when he thought he was calling people a racist term, he was really calling them a form of larvae.

Lee Scott
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When i would explain an action by saying"well, I THOUGHT......:, dad would reply "you know what thought did, uh uh in her pants" . I thought he said "you know what "dot" did" which is my aunts name. I was left with the impression that my aunt had a bowel control problem for a long time.

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whenever i would ask my dad where is was going, hed answer "crazy, wanna come"? For the longet time i thought he said "Gracies" and couldn't figure out why my mom was letting him go to another woman"s house.

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When I was little I didn't know what the word 'determined' meant and always pronounced it 'dettermind.' It took me ages to realise what it meant and how it was really supposed to be pronounced. How embarrassing!

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I used to get lesbians and leprechauns mixed up.

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When I was little, I did a lot of reading on my own. If I had read the word incorectly or pronounced it as it had looked, I became stuck with that word in my language. When I took my first human origins class in college, I asked my professor whether or not it was the "Oran-goo-tens" that made nests up in the trees....I was nineteen years old!!!

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When i was little, i thought that pig latin came from pigs. I was so frightned to eat bacon afterwords :S

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My friend used to think that a 'gander' meant a group of geese, not a male goose. So, she thought the expression "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" meant "What's good for one is good for all!" Her version made perfect sense...it was just wrong! :)

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When I was in 7th grade I remember reading something or other on organisms with our Life Science, and this Special Ed. girl had just moved into it, and right in the middle of a paragraph she said, 'Most orgasms can move." boy...Mrs.Collins looked suprised at that one!

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My mother used to tell me that were only bale to say a million words in our lives. From the age of six, till i was around eight or so i kept a ver strict check on exactly how many words i had used, to the point where i even had a diary with ticks in for each word i had used....

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When I was in Kindergarten, I had the thought implanted in my mind "Say no to things you don't want, and say yes to things you do want". Well, I hadn't really learned the concept of "Would you mind?". One day my friend came up to me during class, and asked "Would you mind if I sat with you?" I responded "Yeah." because I thought saying 'Yes' meant 'Yes, she can sit here'...I was suprised when she suddenly got up & walked away o_o; One day during lunch, my teacher walked over to me, smiled, & said cheerily "You seem to be enjoying lunch, Melissa! Would you mind if I sat with you?" and as usual, I said "Yeah, sure!" cluelessly. Her face changed to one of a shocked & confused look, and she asked, "You don't want me to sit with you?" I looked at her as if she were crazy, and replied, "No! I just said yes!" And then she smiled, and corrected me.

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when i was really young i was on the potty in the hallway and my mum was standing waiting for me. she said 'hurry up, there's a terrific draught coming down the stairs.' But i thought she said 'giraffe' and i jumped up and ran away as fast as i could!

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I use to believe that silver was gold and vice versa. When my mother told me she was getting a silver car and it would be there when I came home from school, I spent all day in a state of nervous anticipation. I thought I would be coming home to a fantastical car made out of pure gold, glinting and gleaming in the summer sun. When my ride home pulled up and I saw a dull grey car sitting on the driveway my heart sank to my feet. After that I always took the things my mother promised with a pinch of salt (or was it pepper?).

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