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I used to have the idea that scrimshaw was a card game.

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When I was in 2nd grade, my teacher would make the class share news stories that we had read in the paper. We'd have to make a speech presentation about it. When we'd do it, it was time to share our "Current Events." When she explained what we had to do, I always heard "current events" as all one word strung together. When it was my turn to share, I designed a poster board with a title that read, "My Curnavent."

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My sister is older than me and when she got to a certain age, she did not have to wear knee socks any more, but instead got to wear leotards. Since her name was Leah, and my name is Holly, I thought that when I grew up I would get to wear holly-tards.

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I used to believe that the definition of "party pooper" was "a person who poops a party." I guess that was because "party pooper" has the word "poop" in it. But now, I know that being a party pooper has absolutely nothing to do with pooping.

Joey Schwartzman
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For the longest time I thought the phrase "Dog eat dog world" was actually "Doggy dog world" and this made me happy because I liked dogs.

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I used to believe that all four-letter words are bad words.

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When I was about seven, I used to get the words "Wesleyan" and "lesbian" confused (I already knew what a lesbian was, because I have a gay uncle). Anyway, I heard people talking about a Wesleyan church, but I was thinking lesbian. I was quite shocked, as I knew God didn't approve of gays or lesbians.

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I used to think that there was such a thing as baa lambs,I only found out they were sheep when I was publicly humiliated by the teacher aged 8.My second astonishingly wrong belief was that we had neck curtains at our windows, not net curtains. This belief was only corrected when I was about 12. That there was such a thing as Ringing Carnation, I later discovered the word was actually Reincarnation! Parent's who'd have them?

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Till I was 13, I used to think that "lust" meant hatred. Think about it...love and lust. They should mean the opposite, otherwise it's too confusing!

I'm Stupid, I know
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when i was little, i used to wonder how language ws invented. i once asked my mom and she didnt really know either so she just said, it got around.
i would always imagine some king type guy would be in a throne with people beside him and be thinking and every so often he would say something, 'ha! i got one!'and he would tell his servent who then would run around the neighborhood whispering the new word to all the people who answer the door.
i always thought it must be very tiering work. telling all those people on your street.

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when someone would sneeze I would say "blush you" instead of "bless you".. to this day i still have a problem saying "bless you"

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When I was younger, I thought that Babylon was pronounced "Baby - lon".

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When I was about 9 or 10 I used to confuse the meanings of "sensitive" and "sensible", so once I was like to a friend "You're very sensible" when actually I meant sensitive, and her brother(6 yrs older than us) was like "No she's not!" and that's when I got to know the real meanings!

Sensibly Sensitive
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My mother speaks excellent English and is somewhat intolerant of us children when our grammar is less than perfect. She enjoys playing with words, however. When we were younger, she tagged rubber spatulas with the nickname "baby robber". When she made icing or cookies or some other treat, the baby of the family had the agreeable task of taking care of any little bits left in the mixing bowl. If a rubber spatula was used to scrape the bowl clean, then the "baby" was "robbed" of part of their prize. Knowing my mother's low tolerance of inaccuracy in speaking, I assumed that was the correct name. Imagine my horror, in seventh grade HomeEc class, no less, when I discovered the truth.

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I remeber sitting in the bath one day contemplating when I was about 4 or 5. I called my Dad into the bathroom and asked, "If lesbians are girls, are leprichauns the boy version of the same thing?" I was puzzled when my Dad fell about laughing. Thinking back, I think the letter 'L' made me think that being gay, you had to have an alternate 'boy' description starting with the same letter, and since Leprichauns were boys...it was logical to me!

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i used to believe that a hooker is a female hacker

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When my youngest brother was about three years old, he asked our mother, "Mom, what does 'tell a fib' mean?"

Mom explained, "When you tell a fib, you say something that isn't true. You lie."

My brother was silent for a moment.

Then he asked, "Mom, did *you* ever use a telefib?"

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I grew up in a predominantly Catholic neighborhood, and went to Catholic school. There was a family around the corner who had 3 boys that were mildy retarded. One day I asked my mother why they didn't go to the same school as me and my other friends. My mom said "because they're Jewish", without further explanation. So I made the association that "Jewish" meant "retarded", and it was years before someone cleared it up for me.

bee sting
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When I was young, for some reason I was absolutely terrified of saying the word "please." My parents were always telling me that it was rude not to say please when you're asking for something, but somehow this only made me more scared. I still don't know what I was so frightened of.

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