i used to believe

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I lived in Germany when I was younger, as my Dad was in the British Army. Saddam Hussain was an the TV alot, and for years I used to run around shouting 'Mum 'That Damn Hussain' is on the tele again!'

I coudn't work out why she just laughed at me, now I know.

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when people said it was "raining cats and dogs" i'd always go out to check but always came back disappointed because it was only water.

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I used to think that getting "knocked up" meant getting hurt. One day when I was about 5 years old I scraped my knee then told my mom i got "knocked up". You should have seen the look on her face.

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I used to think that the phrase "It's a dog eat dog world'' was its a dogey dog world.

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I used to think that it was bad luck to say sweet dreams before someone would go to sleep.

Amy S.
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i thought that weed eaters were called we deeters

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I had a dream once that if you spoke while you were moving, you'd turn into an animal. For weeks afterwards, I'd make sure I was perfectly still before saying a word.

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one time when i was like 5, my grandma told me she wanted to take me to a ballet sometime. but my dad said, "no, you don't want to go to a stinky ballet. you want to go to a monster truck rally! those are awesome!" and my grandma said, "don't brainwash the girl", and i thought it literally meant sticking my head in a tub full of soap and water, and scrubbing my whole head, until the soap got in my ears and washed out my brain. i was sooo scared of that concept for the longest time.

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I used to say "Suck My Blue" instead of Sacre bleu. My parents always corrected me and i never realised why.

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When i was about 5, I thought "clouds" were pronounced "clowns" and everytime me and my little sister where outside, we'd look for the clowns in the sky

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When people call Mexicans 'wetbacks,' I thought that 'wetbacks' were meant when a person takes a shower or plays with water, they're back was wet.

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I used to think that the word ornament was was 'orderment'.

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my little brother used to think that turantular was said 'tri-antular'.

anty man
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I used to believe that when someone said that a woman had been raped, it meant that a stranger had run up to her in the street and scraped at her skin with a cheese grater. In public school, a couple of older girls consistantly picked on me, and when I told my mom about it, she told me that I needed to stand up for myself. So I asked her if I could take her cheese grater to school. When she asked me why, I told her that I was going to rape them. Horrified, she asked me to explain, and when I was finished, she was laughing so hard that she had to sit down on the floor. Then she (very carefully) explained what it really meant. Even now (20 odd years later), if we're joking around and I'm getting mouthy, she pulls out her cheese grater and threatens to "rape" me.

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When i was 9, i went to the graduation of a family friend. I went over to ask my mom why they kept telling people to "come loudly" and why they told some to "mega come loudly". She explained to me that they were saying "Cum Laude" and "Mega Cum Laude" and those were for the people with really good grades. That made less sense to me though since a lot of the people were walking up rather loudly.

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i used to think that original meant plain and old like the original flavor of something is usually the blandest.

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I used to believe that the "long run" was an actual race. When I was 7 I spent the whole summer running back and forth in the yard because I thought the long run was part of the gym curriculum in the coming school year.

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i never knew how my mum and dad spoke to each other i thought they spoke alien until my mother exclaimed it was called languges now i know three english ,german and chinese

three languages
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I used to make up jokes when I was very young, that were really stupid but for some reason i thought were hilarious. My favorite went like this:

Q: Why did the fish go into the oven?
A: Because it was wearing sunscreen!

(I know, I know...)

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I cheerfully told the kid down the street "Good Riddance," when they moved away,thinking in all honesty that it was something people said to each other in a good bye. My other friends mother was furious at me and would not allow me to spend time with him anymore. She didn't explain why to me eiether. I was fearful to ever say it to anyone for many years.

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