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Ounce in kindergarten i put a marker cap in my mouth and blew really hard and it flew out and it hit someone in the head my teacher asked me if i did it on purpose or accident at the time i had NO idea what it meant and i didnt want to ask because they would think im a moron so i thought it meant cities or towns so i chose purpose because it sound like a bigger city then accident so i got in trouble..

Top Spitter
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I'm not american and english...and the most of the words i know is from my friends !!
And one day someone asked me if I had a fag...i wasn't sure what he was asking and after a while i understood fag ( like a gay person ) i got mad and said WHAT ??!! ARE YOU CALLING ME A FAG ???
he started to laugh and said he was asking for a cigarette...i felt so stupid

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Up until my twenties (yeah, I know) I was seriously confused about the saying "you can't have your cake and eat it too." I thought that if you were eating your cake, weren't you HAVING it? For some reason, the light dawned one day and it was like a spiritual awakening.

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i thought everyone spoke english

still stupid
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I often did not do reading homework when it was assigned. One day in religion class in high school the topic of discussion was "euthanasia". Since i had not done the reading and had never heard the word before, I thought we were discussing kids in China......

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When I was about 6 I was so excited about going to the library. I told my Mom "Can I please get that pacific (meaning specific) Harry Potter book?" I thought specific was the same as my "Pacific Blue" Crayola crayon.

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When I was about 4, my family went to get our Christmas pictures taken at a studio. The owner happened to have a glass paperweight that read "Noel" on the front. I asked my dad what Noel meant, and he told me it meant "don't touch", because he thought I would break it. From the age of four until I was about 14 that's really what I believed, but I found it very rude to be posted inside a church during the holidays.

Joe Mama!!!
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wen i was younger i used to belive that the word character was pronounced charaCHA and it used 2 drive my sister crazy!

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We had an antique lamp that I thought was hideous and for years I thought "Art Deco" was a synonym for ugly.

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When my sister was little she didn't know what a migraine headache was called. I told her they were called "lobotomies." For a while she used to tell people, "Whenever I get a lobotomy, my head hurts."

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When I was younger I loved potpouri. But I always confused potpouri with diarhea, so I would go around stores chanting, "Diarhea! Diarhea!" because I always got excited when I saw a bag of potpouri. (I think I thought this because I pronounced potpouri as poperia, so it sounded like diarhea to me! And to this day I still pronounce it as poperia.)

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When I was around 8 I thought the word rape was rake and I wondered how you would rake someone.

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I once saw a sign that used to the word 'Prohibited" and I asked my dad what he meant. He said it meant it was forbidden.
So for the next few years I believed the word "prohibited" was pronounced "forbidden". It wasn't until I was reading a sign aloud that a friend of mine asked why I said "forbidden" instead of "prohibited" and I realised that they were actually separate words.

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After hearing a comedy/parody show where the superheroes referred to their nemeses as "evil fie-ends" I honestly believed for YEARS that the word "fiend" was pronounced "Fie-end". It was highly embarassing when at age 12 my friend pointed out that I'd been mispronouncing it.

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i used to believe the proverbial "straw that broke the camels back" was a drinking straw. sadly, i was 23.

jennie kay
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My best friend's mum is called Anne, and when I was small I used to call her Antique Anne. I didn't know what antique meant - but she wasn't very happy because she thought I was that she was very old!

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When I was young, I thought that the word "utter", when spoken, was acutally "udder." So, I was often confused when adults would say phrases such as "an utter embrassment." I always wondered why a cow's udder would be embarrassed....

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when i was younger, instead of saying 'ladies and gentlemen', i used to say 'ladies and jelleyments'

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I knew that 'playing hooky' was to skip school, so I logically drew the conclusion that one who plays hooky is called a hooker. Needless to say that when I exclaimed "Lets go be hookers!" to my friends, laughing ensued.

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top belief!

I used to believe that "priceless" meant the same thing as "worthless". I was quite confused when a TV show mentioned that the fossils in a museum were priceless. Surely, those fossils must be worth SOMETHING...

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