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When I was little, I had this poor habit of repeating every angry thing that I heard on TV because I thought it would make me sound cool. For example: "Mommy, what the hell is that?" "Oh, I didn't wanna come to this stupid place anyway." "Everybody SHUT UP!!!!!" "Will ya knock it off already?" Oh yeah, I heard a lot of this stuff from my dad too (not bad language really, but a lot of the above). My parents would slap me up and down for saying it, and of course never tell me why it was wrong.

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I used to think that whenever I heard (or read..) someone say 'Nuff said. I thought that it meant that someone named Nuff said it. I used to think "Wow, this Nuff guy must be really popular and smart!"

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When I was little, I still mixed up my words.

One day, I walked up to someone and said, "Hello! I'm a terrorist!" ...I meant "tourist"! OH I was wrong!!! lol

Rebecca Sears
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You know how you call someone stupid a squirrel? well I was about 2 or 3 and i was in the backseat of our car while we were driving down the road. i dont know what happened, but my dad said to my mom, "I can't believe they let that squirrel drive!" (a person who couldnt drive well) and my mom has told me that i said "mommy! i want to see the squirrel driving a car!"

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i believed that when i was playing hide-n-seek everyone said ollie ollie oxen free. i just found out they were saying all the others in free.

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I used to believe that knock knock jokes were always funny and you could make them up out of any words. My favourite that I made up was:
Knock Knock
(who's there?)
door handle
(door handle who?)

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When I'd first get home from work, I'd bring in the mail and seem if there was a letter fromauntsusan. My daughter picked this up and began to call my sister Mant Susan

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for some reason, when i was little, i thought "wealthy" meant "poor".

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I really believed that a brothel was where you got broth.I heard my aunt talking about "that brothel they call a cafe" once, and whenever I went there, there were always old men sitting around with bowls of home made broth.

Libra Lady
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i used to think the word "friendship" meant a special kind of rocketship that you went on with your friends.

chips ahoy!
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i used to think stigmata meant the really clear, white sunbeams that you could see reaching down to the earth.

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When I was young I had mixed up many words e.g. cinnamon and cyanide and when in the kindergarten I get some dish with cinnamon I thought it's poisonous. I told to everyone who sat around me, they can't eat this, otherwise they'll die. Nobody wanted to eat, we were sitting so frightened.

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When I was 9 or 10, I used to call my friend a "dildo". For some reason, I thought it meant "silly", until my friend's horrified mother told me otherwise!!

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When I was young, my mother would say "May I speak to..." when she made a phone call. I thought she was saying "Mass peak to..." So, when I got old enough to call my friends, I would say,"Mass peak to Jill?" or whoever it was that I called.

Lauren P
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In Kindergarten, I asked my friend what she was dressing up as for Halloween. She said Tina Turner, but that meant nothing to me, for years I thought she had gone as a teeter-totter(Playground Equipment).

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My dad told me at a very young age that I should read the book "To Kill a Mockingbird". However, I heard him wrong and until I hit the seventh grade I called it "Tequila Mockingbird"

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My mom was hosting a fundraiser one year, but I thought she was saying "fun razor". I wanted one (a fun razor)so badly because my dad would never let me play with his razors.

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When I was little there was this asian teacher at school. She had an asian accent so i was havin trouble understaandin her. I figured that if another asian woman could understand her but i couldn't, it must be because asian people have different shaped ears to white people(me). To solve this problem I tried to twist my ears into different shapes so that i could hear her too.
BOOYAH! It didn't work. I learned nothin.

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My sister used to pronounce demolish as de LOM ish.

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When I was young maybe 5 yrs. old whenever my mom would talk on the phone I always thought she was saying to the person she was talking to "potatos again". So I thought eveyone she spoke to ate only potatos. It was 4yrs. before I realized she was saying "Say this again". And I don't have a hearing problem.

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