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One day my Dad came home from work and told my Mom that he'd hit a pigeon on the way home. I was very young and was still learning and confusing words. At the time, I thought a pigeon was a small person. I remember being very interested and shocked at the news that my Dad had hit a midget. I was even more amazed that he was so relaxed about it, like it was no big deal.

Joe ski
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When I was young (about 3), I learned how to pronounce simple words from Sesame Street. They would sound out each letter of a word and then say the whole word. From this, I believed for a short time when you said a new word, you always had to say "buh...buh..." before it (sounding out the letter B), as in buh...buh...hand.

John Miles
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When I learned that a piece of glass that you look through was called a window, I naturally assumed that a piece of glass you see your reflection in was called a mirrow. It never made sense to me that the words for such similar things had different endings. Still doesn't.

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I was watching the news with my mom when I was about 6 or 7, and heard about a woman getting raped, or "ranked", as I heard it.
A few weeks later at a boyscout meeting, we were given patches for our uniforms saying Rank ??. After the meeting I built up enough courage to pull thee scout leader aside and tell him i wasnt going to wear the patch because ranking someone was very bad, as my mom told me. I still remember the puzzled look on his face.

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In our seventh grade science class while reading a chapter in our books out loud, when one person was asked to read a paragraph about squids, he said "A squid has ten 'testicles' while an octopus has only 8." He was supposed to say TENTACLES!!! The whole class burst out laughing!

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i used to think alka seltxer was alka sexer

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I used to beleive that a nightgown was called a nightdown

matthew ouellet from canada
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I came home from school one day with a notice about Picture Day. I asked my mother if I could get a new pair of shoes. She asked me why I needed new shoes. I said that I wanted to look nice for Picture Day. She said nobody would be able to see my shoes in the picture. I pointed to the flyer and said "Look, it says right here, 'We will be photographing the entire student body.'" I don't think she stopped laughing for a solid two minutes.

Photographic Memory
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My family is quite religious. Every Sunday my Dad, my sister and I would go to church together (we're Catholics) but my Mum always went to a different church (she's a Protestant). When I was little nobody actually told me what religion my Mum was. Eventually I picked up on what it was and got it loged in my mind that she was a prostitue (see the likeness???).
Come Christmas time my entire family (you know Granny, Grandpa, Uncle X, Auntie Y, Cousin Z) were about to leave for midnight mass. But my mum wasn't coming. So my grandad asked me "Why isn't your Mummy coming to church with us?" and so I replied loudly and proudly "Because she's a PROSTITUTE!".

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Ok, I'm from Germany. Here in Germany, a nun is called Nonne and a prostitue is called Nutte. So when I was small I always thought that was the same.

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When I was 4 I thought the word "zit" was actually "dazit" and I used to tease my aunt about hers all the time. Now she gets her paybacks and teases me about my "dazits."

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when i was little i used to think that an appetizer was called lingerie, and that lingerie was an appetizer, so once i saw my mom maken like shrimps, and dips and such and i was like: "mom nice lingerie!"

Christina L.
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when i was little, my big sister convinced me that she had invented and patented the word "wow" and that i was not allowed to say it.

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i used to think that faggots were midgets

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When I was a kid, isntead of "bra" i used to say "Boobytucker" and instead of "hamburger" i used to say "hangaburger" :)

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Up until I was like 10, I thought anything you bought that said "pre-" meant it was done half way and you had to finish the other half (like a pre-sharpened pencil was only sharpened half way).

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I have a little cousin who for the longest time was convinced that a "pervert" meant a dead fish... it sure was funny to hear her call her younger brother a pervert whenever he did something stupid... "Gabe, you're about as smart as a pervert!" ... I guess the statement is still a viable insult, though

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Just recently my mom told me about some of the odd things I used to say when I was younger, one of them was this: when my first nephew was born, I was about three and didn't know what that meant. She told me I had a nephew and I replied 'neph-me?' because I thought she said neph you I guess...

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top belief!

When I was younger I thought I had made up the word "nipples" and "thinga-majigger"

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When i was about 6 or 7 my brother (older) told me that VD stood for verbal Diarrhea, meaning that any one who spoke al lot and spoke fast ad Verbal diarrhea.
Once,during my aunt's funeral ( She was quite talkative and also spoke very fast) i over heard some of my relatives discussing her death. Eager to but in i remeber vividly saying "Yeah, i think she had VD. don't you ?" my mom was sipping a drink and nearly the entire contents came out through her nose.

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