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When I was about 5 I heard my mom say B.S. I asked what it meant and she told me brown sugar. I believed this until I was about 12

Chris C.
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when I was younger, I knew the word "khaki" in the spoken language, but I always thought it was spelled "cacky." I knew the word "khaki" from reading, but I always thought it was pronounced "ka-hee-kee" and that it meant "hawaiian print."

It wasn't until my late teens that I made the connection between the two. Luckily, I figured it out before anyone else did.

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One of my former close friends had a young sister, I believe she was 3 or 4, whom, at the sight of any sort of vehicle not deemed a "car," would excitedly scream, "Fuck! FUCK!!" until it had left her sight..

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When I was a child there was a campaign called "keep Britain Tidy" . I was firmly convinced for many years that what I had heard was keep brit and tidy - like spick and span . At about age 11 it finally dawned that there was no such word as brit!

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I used to think Wong Ming Chuen (a Hong Kong celebrity) is called Orange because of there pronounciations are similar

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When I was young i mixed the two norwegian words for curious ("nysgjerrig") and shy ("Sjenert"). Come to think of it, I really was both... I guess people said I was both, and both words a "ch"-sound in it..

Aikeel (Norway)
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My third grade student, protesting a story one of his classmates
was telling, said "That's a bald-headed lie."

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When I was 4/5 I switched the meanings of hump (the verb) and
noogie (rubbing someone's head with knucles). I told my dad that
the dog was giving him a noogie by rubbing his leg up and down
and would yell at my brothers to stop humping my head.

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When i was at nursery school i was driving a toy car and drove into someone. The teacher then asked me if i had done it deliberately, i didn't know what this meant, i took a guess at yes and was immediatley smacked.

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When I was younger, my and my (female) cousin used to role play at my nans. Anyway, one day, I decided I should play a criminal. So, I suggested she walk down the hall, and I'll jump out and rape her, and steal her purse!!

I ment I'd 'mug' her, but at the time didn't know the difference between the 2 words...!! oops!

As you can imagine, the our parents and my nan just went silent... :o/

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For a worryingly long time (until I was 15) I used to think specific was pronounced Pacific much to everyone’s amusement.

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When people used to say 'Search Me' when they didn't know the answer, I got terribly confused because surely that meant they did have the answer somewhere about their person?

One day I asked my dad if you searched a person who said 'Search Me' you'd find a small piece of paper with the answer written on it. I still have visions of this whenever people say 'Search Me'. I am 30.

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that terraced houses were actually terrorist houses. and if there were terrorist houses, why didn't they just arrest all the terrorists since they knew where they lived. I'm from ireland so this was a really big deal.

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Cause as a child, ur still developing those speech skills, I used to be absolutely convinced it was Amemeca (America). And oh yeah, all colours were purple.

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I was brushing my 3 year olds teeth the other day and she suddenly pulled away in discomfort. I asked her what was wrong and she annonced that 'her teeth were feeling sensible'.

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My 3 year old little girl announced after spinning around for ages that she was 'feeing guilty' :-)

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Age 15. Playing a word game with my parents, I got the word 'Lingerie' on my card. Obviously it's only us romantics who like to linger, because they laughed their heads off at my naive pronounciation.

Mark (England)
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One morning when i was little i made my mum a bowl of grapes for breakfast. I told her i was "doing her a flavour". Once my parents had finally stopped laughing they explained the word was "favour".

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when Dad was watching TV, I used to block his view to try and get his attention. He would always say, "Get out of my way!" One day I asked, "Dad, where is your way? I can't see it!" I still get teased to this day...

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i used to pronounce the name sean as seen for years right up untill i was at least 16 yrs untill my mum corrected me when i announced that my idol maddonna had married seen peen my mother was in fits of laughter for at least a week..

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