i used to believe

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I used to believe (until 2 years ago, I'm 25) that the word excavator was pronounced "ex-cav-a-gat-or". I have other words I could never pronounce right either. My family still makes fun of me...

Patty, NY
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When my third child was about 2 years old, she was having a fit in the car because she was hungry. I told her to wait, that when we got home I would give her somthing to "Tide her over", meaning to stave off her hunger til dinner-time. Silence. A moment later, she let out a wail of such grief and fear, and she began to sob hysterically. "What's the matter, honey?" I asked, quite concerned. Between sobs, I discovered she was afraid I was going to tie her up, and so she pleaded with me...."Please, mommy, don't tie me over, please don't tie me over!"

Jewel Atkins
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As a child I did a great impersonation of Mae West saying "come up and see me sometime!" with the hip wiggle and all. My parents told me I should bat my eyes when I did it too. I got into charecter, wiggled my hips, said the phrase, removed my glasses and began hitting myself in the eyes.

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I used to think that when my parents said "we're having a lie in" was actually "we're having a lion" So used to think there was a pet lion I knew nothing about!

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I was working on a science book report in third grade and decided that liquid and liquor must mean the same thing since they looked similar so I used them interchangeably much to the pleasure of my teacher.

Shaman Rikki
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When I saw the word "idiot" in print, I mentally heard "I-did-i-ot". Makes absolutly no sense why, just did.

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I use to think elevators were alligators & cantalope was antelopes.

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When I was a kid, I just couldn't understand why we were human beans. We weren't long and green and stringy and we didn't look terribly edible...it was an enormous mystery to me...

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I was always in trouble in one form or another, and hated having to apoligize. One day I decided that I'd get all my "I'm sorrys" out of the way and skipped around our neighborhood singing 'I'm sorry' over and over again so I wouldn't have to say it what I was angry. Too bad that one didn't work.

Jenni Winfrey
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I used to think the phrase "throwing caution to the wind" was "throwing cosh into the wind." Whatever cosh was. I think i thought it was some kind of grain.. a type of couscous maybe.

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Until the age of 16 I thought velcro was called crow-felt.

T Smith
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For a while I thought that volcano was ballcano - which seemed feasible seeing as they chucked out great balls of fire.

Ju Ju
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When I was very little, I couldn't understand what the grown-ups were always talking about. I hadn't learned to speak properly yet.
I remember thinking back then: "Oh no, do I have to learn that awfull dificult language one day?", or something of that kind.
Looking back on it, it was kinda funny, since I work with languages now.

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I used to believe there were only three directions: north, south, eastnwest. I would argue with my mother when she tried to tell me that east and west were two separate directions,"But my teacher SAID!"

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top belief!

Back in the day, we used to refer to losing a game as getting "creamed." Unfortunately, I got it in my head that losing really badly was to get "cremated." So I would run around yelling "OOOH, you guys just got cremated."

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When growing up in New Orleans I remember my parents saying the "Surgeon Water Board"....I didn't realize until I was an adult and actually looked at a man whole cover that it was the Sewerage and Water Board....well they have the Surgeon General of the U.S. right?

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top belief!

When I was learning what things are, my dad pointed at his foot in the swimming pool and said "Foot!"

For a year I thought "Water" was called "Foot"

Sean Murricane
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When I was little, I thought dump truck was pronounced dumb truck, better yet I thought tow truck was pronounced toad truck. Now I hate trucks.

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My parents used to say, "six of one, a half dozen of the other." They said it so fast that for many years I thought they were saying, "Sixty-one, a half dozen, or another."

Lee Coursey
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When I was very young I believed that,like a record,everyone only had a fixed amount of verbal communication and would no longer be able to speak.Thats why Im typing this.

zip it or lose it
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