i used to believe

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I thought that people only said, "Guess what?!" when delivering good news. So when Dad said, "Hey, guess what?! Eva broke her arm!!" (Eva is my friend and she's OK now, this was years ago), I was shocked at him and wondered why he thought it was good news that my friend broke her arm.

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My Dad had a saying for when we were having lots of fun. It was "I haven't had this much fun since the pigs ate my little brother!" I thought it was hilarious and never actually believed it or thought anyone else took it literally. When I was almost 5 years old my kindergarten teacher heard me say it. My little brother was about 6 months old at the time and the teacher asked my Mother to come in for a serious discussion about my mental health.

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I thought sadism involved being sad and depressed. Obvious, I think.

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i used to think it was a "soupcase" instead of a "suitcase" i didn't learn that i was wrong til i was in 9th grade

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I used to believe that if something was labeled “Adult” it just meant that it was really boring, and that kids wouldn’t like it. Because of this I often wondered why church wasn’t considered “Adult”

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I used to wonder why we had to pay taxes when we never got to ride in one. I thought taxes and taxis was the same word.

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until I was about 12 or 13 (now 20) I thought "making ends meet" was "making ends meat" and that "ends meat" was a really cheap type of meat, and that when people said that, they meant that they were making just enough to afford that meat.

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In my family, before leaving the dinner table, one was required to ask, "May I be excuse?" I never quite heard anyone right when they said it, and for years and years I mumbled something like "May-beg-screws?" until I finally figured it out.

Misty A. Smith
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My parents, whenever on a family holiday would say "oh! what a picturesque lookout" (however would pronounce the word 'picture-skew' the way it looks like it should be said). It wasn't until I was 18 when I said picture-skew that my boyfriend at the time pointed out that I had been made a fool of!Darn Parents

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One day my Dad came home from work and told my Mom that he'd hit a pigeon on the way home. I was very young and was still learning and confusing words. At the time, I thought a pigeon was a small person. I remember being very interested and shocked at the news that my Dad had hit a midget. I was even more amazed that he was so relaxed about it, like it was no big deal.

Joe ski
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when i was little, i used to wonder how language ws invented. i once asked my mom and she didnt really know either so she just said, it got around.
i would always imagine some king type guy would be in a throne with people beside him and be thinking and every so often he would say something, 'ha! i got one!'and he would tell his servent who then would run around the neighborhood whispering the new word to all the people who answer the door.
i always thought it must be very tiering work. telling all those people on your street.

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I thought the holiday was called "Merrychristmas" so I would tell people "happy merrychristmas"

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When I was little, I was (sort of) allergic to a certain preservative found in most hot dogs. When I ate them, I'd get this weird feeling in my throat, like there were chunks at the back of my throat. So it seemed logical to say i felt "chunky". My family and I used this commonly around the house for the next few years. At my friend's 6th birthday party, I remember refusing to eat hotdogs " 'Cause they make me chunky!" Now I know why everyone was looking at me weirdly the whole time...

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I used to believe that when my mother was going to run errands, that she was actually going to the retailer called "Aaron's". I was confused when we never went there!

Run some Aaron's
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Ounce in kindergarten i put a marker cap in my mouth and blew really hard and it flew out and it hit someone in the head my teacher asked me if i did it on purpose or accident at the time i had NO idea what it meant and i didnt want to ask because they would think im a moron so i thought it meant cities or towns so i chose purpose because it sound like a bigger city then accident so i got in trouble..

Top Spitter
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I'm 56 and, until quite recently, i thought that a local anaesthetic was one that you had done in a hospital near where you live.

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I though my country is the center of the world,and ppl who spoke other laungages were thinking on my laungage(Croatian) but talking on English(for example).
I was so proud I can speak the same laungage I think with.

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When I was a kid I thought that New Hampshire was pronounced New Hamster. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why everyone (including the teacher) laughed at me in 5th grade when I gave my presentation on New Hamster!

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i used to believe that our voice is limited. if you talk too much as a kid, you wont be able to talk again when you're old.

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When I was little I thought This Old Man was "Dissell Man" and the only "man" I could think of was a snowman. When the song says "This Old Man came rolling home" I pictured a snowman, completely adorned, on its side rolling up to my back door.

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