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A friend of mine only realized about a year ago (when she was 12) that a laptop computer was called that because it sits on your lap. And I didn't realize until 6th grade that the Beatles was spelled funny because it includes the word Beat...I just never thought about it...

Black Lotus
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So when I was little I used to think the alphabet song just named a lot of letters and I spent inordinate amounts of time trying to think of the letters that weren't in the song.

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I was with my younger sister, who was 11 at the time. Just for fun, we were reading graffiti in a public bathroom. She read the messages aloud - "I love Robert", "Jackie was here", "KB+IH forever." Then we came across one that annouced, "I love porn." I was silently hoping she wouldn't notice it, but no such luck. My sister squinted at it thoughtfully, then declared, "They must've meant 'popcorn.'". I had to struggle not to laugh, but I didn't want to give it away that whoever wrote that definitely did NOT mean popcorn.

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In preschool and kindergarten, the class would sing the alphabet together every morning. We'd say x, y, AND, Z, but my little ears thought we were saying n. It wasn't until recently that I realized why I was so confused.

Jamie Elaine
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I used to believe that organism and orgasm were variations of the same word. Then while reading aloud one day in Grade 7 science class, I replaced the word organism with the word orgasm. Most of the class, including the teacher began laughing. I was dumbfounded until about 1 year later.

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i have always thought that letters have genders and personalities. for example, 'A' was very soft and kind and showed up when you needed her. 'B' was sad and masculine, because boy and blue start with B. the masculine letters are B, D, G, H, J, M, N, O, R, S, T, W, and X. the feminine ones are A, C, E, F, I, K, L, P, Q, U, V, Y, and Z.

dont ask how i came up with this

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I used to think "Disney" was spelled D I S N E P. because they'd loop the "y" and it looked like a "p"!

Rebecca Sears
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I used to spell visit, vist until I was 16.

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when my sister was around 7 she thought doing word search meant circling the letter of each word in the search, ending up with a whole bunch of circles in the word search

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I'm not sure if this is quite in the right category, but before I learned cursive handwriting, I used to scribble on pages and pages of paper, making sure to put lots of loops in. I had to be ready for the third grade, and I wanted to be ahead of everyone else.

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I thought that no matter how you arranged any letters, it would always make a word. So 1 day when my teacher was asking for spelling words to put on a test, i Suggested ngfzztplk or something like that and everybody was like huh?

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I'm not American nor English. So as you understand english isn't my first language so i had to take lessons to learn english. i don't think you know it but there are a lot of exams even for kids who learn english as a second language. when i was about 9 years old i was taking one of those exams and i had to write an essay about my summer vacations. i wanted to write that i was going to the beach but i had a spelling problem and by mistake i wrote that i was going to the bitch. i don't know if thats the reason i failed the exam...

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In the first grade , i would have spelling tests 3 times a week ...i used to study a lot for these tests ...and my mom would always say write them around your head ( as in spell them out in your head) ... i thought that she meant write the words on your skull ...so every day after studying i would get a pencil and lightly write everything that i had studied on my head! i thought it helped!

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when i was little i thaught the bit in the alphabet song, where it goes LMNOP
actually want ENNEL MENNEL BEE

im going to the movies now
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I was confused by words with similar pronunciation or spelling.

- cavalry vs. Calvary (Did they take Jesus to a horse? And what did Jesus have to do with war and the armed forces? I was baffled.)
- prostate vs. prostrate (When I read sentences about men lying prostrate on the floor, I thought that one of their organs had been dismembered and tossed to the floor. Horrifying!)
- Andes vs. Alps vs. Appalachians vs. Adirondacks (Were these different names for the same mountain range? Then I thought maybe all mountain ranges started with the letter 'A'.)
- Mozart vs. Michelangelo (With so many similarities, I didn't realize they were different people. Both were men, and long dead, and European, and artistic.)
- Einstein vs. Edison (Hmmm. Both scientists of a sort...but it didn't help that one made discoveries about the speed of _light_ and the other invented _light_ bulbs.)

Kevin Wiatrowski from Colorado, USA
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When I watched Countdown when I was little, I thought there were such words as LJTEBDOFV and DLBAECGUV. They weren't, but letters that Carol put on the board for the word games.

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My cousin walks up to my grandmother and myself and said "I can spell trashcan, B.F.I." We both bust in to laughter and then try to explain to her that B.F.I. is a company, not the way you spell trashcan.
That same cousin also thought sec. (as in second)and sex were the same word.

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At my primary school we had to take it in turns to read part of a story out of a book, and then we'd go through some of the longer words and say what they meant. During my turn, I came across the word "cupboard". I didn't know that cupboard was spelt like that, so I pronounced it as "cup board". The teacher asked me if I knew what it meant, and I said it was a board that you hung cups on, and that we had one at home. Oh, the shame.

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When I was small I thought that the L,M,N,O,P part of the ABC's really was "Elliot went pee". I have no earthly idea why but that is what I thought until I was singing one day and my mother informed me otherwise.

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When I was young, I clearly didn't have all of the language skills that I do now, so I was often frustrated by the fact that I could not spell many words. I thought that in order for a vowel to say its name, the word had to have an "e" in it. Thus, I would spell a word like "cold" as "coled." Also, I would write notes to my mom using only the first letters of each word because it was easier, and I was sure she would understand what I ment. Thus, if I wanted to say "I made my bed and I love you" it would read "I M M B A I L Y." I cannot imagine why she never asked me about this.

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