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i had heard the word naive before and knew what it meant, but whenever i saw it written i thought it was a completley different word, pronounced like 'nave'. i beleived this for a very long time, until finally i was reading or something and suddenly it clicked that it was the same word! sadly that was only about a month ago
When I was young, I believed that all letters and numbers had genders. U was male, 2 was female, and J was female.
I used to think that 'awesome' was spelled 'awesmne' and I was proud of myself because I thought that I was the only one to ever spell it right.....
I used to believe that all numbers and letters had gender, ACGKNPQRSZ were female and the rest male. Girls could only have names that started with those letters and someone named Barbara or somethign just had parenst that messed up
when I was learning my ABC's...you know? the song...I always thought it went " L, N, O, P". because that is how it sounded. you imagine my confusion when I learned to spell my name....Amanda M.
When I was a kid learning how to read and write, I thought "K-N-E-W" was how you spelled the boat("CANOE"). Hey, if the "K" wasn't silent....
When I was in kindergarten my teacher taught us how to spell bird. She said B-I-R-D but the I is silent. So I went home and told my family " guys I learned how to spell bird! B-R-D!" No my aunt said its B-I-R-D no no I replied the I is silent
In sixth grade,I didnt know the difference in spelling between sex and six. One day Mum bought me a new book and she let me write my name and grade on it.
well it so happened that I wrote sex instead of six on the grade space and she saw it one day.
I dont remember the exact words she said but it felt so embarassing cuz I was 12.
When I was 3 years old, my father was telling me about the difference between the physical and the spiritual. I was just learning to read and spell at the time but wasn't very good yet and I asked him if physical was spelled "f i s c a l". He then had to explain to me what fiscal meant.
Mom received a stuffed Snoopy as a baby shower gift for me, so I was destined to be a Snoopy fan. As such, Snoopy was one of the first words I remember writing. I would spell it S-N-O-O-P because that's how it sounds, snoo-p. Boy did I feel stupid when I learned I was wrong. I tried to hide that I didn't know before by secretly adding the Y to previously written SNOOP's.
I was a precocious reader, and due to construction going on at my school, I attended kindergarten at a local church. I came home one day and asked Mother what "off ice" meant since I saw it on a sign outside the church where I went to school. She was very puzzled. I kept asking her day after day, so finally she got tired of being pestered, bundled me up, and we walked to the church to see. The sign said "office."
top belief!
Back in elementary school, our school song would start: "Emerson, Emerson, E-M-E-R-S-O-N," and so on. As a kindergardener, I had no idea how to spell the school name, so I would choose random letters to go in that part, such as "E-V-R-T-N-P-N" until I gathered up enough courage against sounding stupid to ask how it was really spelled.
when i as little, about four years old i used to sing the alphabet, but in stead of L, M, N, O, P, I thought it was L, a minow, P.....like the fish! :D
When I was in elementary school, I had this strange affection for the letter "T", connected to a hatred for "S". "S" always comes before "T" in the alphabet and is a mean bully. "T" just sits next to "S" minding it's own business, but "S" shoves "T" around all the time. Stupid "S".
When I was in kindergarten, I asked my teaker why there were two "N's" in the alphabet (as in n o p... w x y N z)... My Mom would get the giggles when I asked her so bad, she finally said "Ask your teacher" When I did, I was disappointed to hear that it was AND, not a second N. To this day, I refuse to say and before Z, cause it's not meant to be there. LOL
I thought if a person writes WAY too much then he will never write ever again. I always save my handwriting power until needed. I even refused to write notes during classes then my teacher made me to write sentences on the board 100 times and I was SO worried that I will never write again from it!
top belief!
When I was little, I would see calendars that had the letters "SMTWTFS" on the top. Whenever I saw these calendars, I figured that SMTWTFS, one word, was a company that made calendars, and not an abbreviation for the days of the week. One day I said to my mom, "Wow Mummy, smitwiffs must be a really big company! They make calendars EVERYWHERE!" My mum is still laughing to this day.
When I was young I always called Darth Vaider from Star Wars Dark Vaider.People must have thought I was a nut!
Up until I was 5, I would always say "Lay" instead of "L". My brother and sister were 9 and 13 and always asked me to spell "lollypop" I would always start out " Lay, o " They loved it.
iused to think that L-M-N-O-P was a Diffrent kind of p an ELMNO P
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