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When I was little I just learned how to spell pizza, so I would always spell pizza. One day we passed bye a plaza and for like four years i thought they spelt pizza wrong.
now folks this may seem weird so beware!!!! when I was about 6 or 7 I thought that "plaza" said "pizza" when I said that my mom and dad started laughing their bottoms off. I swear it's not that funny!
It took me the longest time to differentiate between the words "horse" and "house". Drove me nuts, it did.
I used to always try to firgure out how to spell letters. i used to try and sound them out and spell them. i didnt understand how the letter U could be slept you but u couldnt spell M.
just like wendy down there me and my sister used to come up with genders for each letter of the alphabet..and we still remember them all!!!!
I can't believe how many other posters use to believe the same thing as me. When I was really little I also used to believe that the alphabit had elemento as one big letter. Somehow a t got in their, and whenever I heard the alphabit song I thought it was elemento instead of l-m-n-o.
This happened with my teenaged son. He actually could spell quite well, but his handwriting was atrocious. One day my spouse and I were packaging foods in plastic containers in preparation for a long camping trip, and we assigned our son the job of writing the name of the contents on the lid of each container. When we began opening the containers, each one was like a surprise package! I don't remember them all, except "Raisins" looked like "Raisies," which of course, we never let him forget. Raisins remain Raisies to this day!
In the kindergarten every1 is tought ABC as a poem or a ryam & so was I, but I always kept joining my LMNOP & never got the sence that these are actual characters & not a single one, this practse was corrected in 6th grade by my teacher !!!
I thought chore was spell like "choir"
about 2 years ago (im 16 now) i learnt that february is spelt that way instead of febuary. i felt so cheated!
I think it was year 1996 ... a mate told me that button [SMS] in some homepages means a link to (S)ado(M)asochist (S)hop ...
When I was young I always called Darth Vaider from Star Wars Dark Vaider.People must have thought I was a nut!
I used to believe the word firefighters was actually "firefire" because they sound similar.
I knew they put out fires, because that is why they would be called firefires. Their job is about fire.
I used to think facade was spelled f-a-s-o-d.
When I was about 10, I would play "lawyer" in my room. My mom came in one day and saw on my "legal papers" the word prostitute. I had gotten confused between the words prostitute and prosecute.
When I was little, I used to write a lot of my letters backwards. This caused confusion when I wrote a letter to my dad whilst he was working away that started 'dear baddy...'
I never understood why booger wasn't spelled like sugar.
Took me a minute to realize that M-N-L-O WAS REALLY L-M-0-P
i used to belive that L.O.L. [Laugh Out Luod] ment
Little orfan lama. don`t ask me why.
When I was littel I thought the alphabet went A...B...C...D...E...F...G...H...I...J...K-mart!
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