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I remember that when my friend's sister was really little she thought that the pointer finger was the "swear finger", so she would always start counting with her middle finger.
I used to think 'crap' was a cuss word. And a girl at my gymnastics class would always say 'crap' whenever she fell. I always wondered why she didn't get in trouble.
When my brother and I were little my parents told us that it was against the law to swear if you were under 18 (probably to keep us from repeating some of the stuff we heard from our father). I'm embarassed to say that I believed this until I was about 10.
i remember one time i got mad i was about 10 and i went nuts and let loose a 20 minute chain of random profanities words like "shit and fuck and damn slut cunt" and i went on and on and boy did i get it
My friend had two older siblings and seemed to always know more than me. When we were in second grade, he said, "I don't know why everyone thinks f*ck is a bad word. It just means butt." Not wanting to seem ignorant, I said, "Oh, I know!"
when i was younger i had watched the movie a Christmas story, and remembered the one kid getting in trouble for saying something bad.it had said fudge instead of f*** and then was saying how it wasn't fudge but another word.i hadn't paid attention to the last part ,so for years thought fudge was a bad word.
i used to think that i couldn't say the store name hechts because i thought it was a bad word because my mom always said use the word heck instead if hell when saying what the heck(or hell) so i also thought heck was a bad word
top belief!
My younger sister saw South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut when she was 4 years old. As most of you know, that movie was VERY, VERY profane. Being only four and believing that animated movies were kid movies, she must of thought all the swear words they said in that movie weren't really bad. So...you can see what happened. Oh God, you should of seen my mom when she caught her singing "Uncle F***er".
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When my brother was little, he used to get his sounds mixed up (specifically "sma" and "fa"). On a visit with a Doctor, he decided to have a tantrum in the very busy waiting room. Mum gave him a stern talking to and the threat of a smack at which point he dramatically sheilded himself and, much to the horror of the other paitients (especially my mother), cried out "Don't fuck me, Mummy! Don't fuck me!"
In my house it has never been ok to talk to someone badly.....so we never said shutup to each other. One day i got mad at my sister and told her to shutup. Anyways she got upset and told my mom that i said "bitch" i got in so much trouble...still haven't gotten her back yet.
When i was about 10 i was in a resteraunt with my mum andbrother. After i eat there was some sugar cubes. so me and my brother kept eating them all.He said "suck it" and i said "in a min". About 2minutes later he said " OH bite it". Then i replied " No im F****** it" I Ment to say im sucking it but it was so big i could hardly move my mouth. Because it was a accident my mum thought it was quite funny :D
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I used to believe that 'amateur' was an extremely bad word.
I was about 6 and my mum and I were on our way home from the movies. Well, it was pretty late, and as we passed a store, I saw a sign in the window that read "Store Hours..." I read it aloud "Store WHORES". Well, that's what I thought it was. Needless to say, my mum made me promise never to repeat it again
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When I was about 5, I was in the car with my mum and I told her that I knew the "F" word. Worried, she took a deep breath and said "What is it?!?" I proudly replied "Fat!"
WEll, this isn't exactly my belief, it's my friends, but still....
when my friend arthur was little, he called his mum the C word. he was amazed at his mothers reaction, as he thought that it ment 'twit'!
I was always the type of kid to want to show everyone what I knew. I was about 6 and I was talking to my mom and she called me one of those pet names that was still kind of insulting like "rump roast", so I thinking that I would make a come back would call her a w(hore).....thinking it was another way to say horse. OPPS! My bad.
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From early childhood to about the age of 7 i really used to beleve that the word "woman" was a bad word. This is because the only time I heard anyone say it was when my father would sigh "I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS WOMAN!!!!" I felt that it was a bad thing to say about a girl.
I used to always believe that the word "garbage" was a curse. To me, the first syllable (gar) was okay to say but -bage was the curse part. I thought it was pronounced gar-Bitch. I know, kinda dumb.
my cousin was taught that the word for asshole was "pipe."
i used to think "BS" stood for "Britney Spears."
When I was in third grade, my friend's older sister convinced me that when some one said 'BS' it meant ' boloney sandwich'.
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