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top belief!
My parents were huge hypocrites growing up. We kids were told profusely not to swear and do other things they called "ungodly". However, we learned quite a few curse words from Dad. When my brother was a teenager, one day he remarked about something or other: "that sucks." Well, my parents got all over him for it, and I couldn't understand why. I had never heard the expression: "that sucks", and i thought my brother had been mumbling about socks. I thought my parents had misheard him, thinking he'd said the word "fuck", and i tried to stand up for him, telling my parents that he'd only been talking about his socks!
When I was little I'd hear my dad swearing on the phone but I thought it was some cool grown-up language he'd made up. There was this one word that sounded the coolest and I thought it was a driving direction or something. So one day I was in the car with my mom and I asked her which way it meant. She looked at me wide-eyed and asked me where I learnt it.
when i was in 5th grade i was in catholic school. well we were allowed to bring toys to school, so this little 1st grader had these little "bionicle" robot things, and he was making them fight, w/ all the sound effects and everything. i rolled my eyes and said "bionicles are dumb" so this kid, he gasps and his eyes get real big as if i had just totally cussed him out. then he gets all teary eyed and runs to the teacher screamed (rather loudly) SHE SAID THE D WORD! lol ;)
top belief!
i was on the school bus as a 3rd grader. a couple of 5th graders were giving each other the middle finger and i asked what it meant. Being 5th graders, they told me it meant "i love u". this caused complications with my dad....
When I was a little kid I was told by some religious person that swearing would make God put a curse on you, but if you were a child, God would forgive you, but when you got older and sweared, God would give you consequences. I believed then that if you cursed when you were over the age of ten, God would electricute you and you would die on the spot. :O However, if you were nine and under, he'd forgive you, but you'd be warned and watched for a long time.
top belief!
My boyfriend's great aunt told me a story about when he was a little boy. He was raised Catholic, and one day he went to Mass. When he got back, somebody asked him how he liked church, and he said that it was okay except for the fact that they made him cuss. Mystified, he was asked what he meant, and he replied, "They kept making me say, "Hell, Mary!" (Hail Mary)
This belief was caused by "A Christmas Story". Because Ralphie says "fudge" during the movie, I thought that fudge(when used in that way) was the real F-word for a while. I later found out from my friend's potty mouth older sister that this was not the case!
when I was three I believed it was ok to say cuss words when you got mad at people. So when I was ridding in my mom's van with her a guy cut us off so I yelled at his car move f***head.
I used to think screw you was just like saying forget you in a different way. So when my mom where joking together in the car she kinda dissed me and I said screw you boy was I set straight. This happened when I was 11
top belief!
I thought "f*** you" meant "thank you" in an ironic way, like if you messed your work up and someone is upset.
when i was at recess in first grade a girl told me that if you flip someone off it means you dont realy like them so i went up to a girl on the teeter-totter and flipped her off! she oviesly knew what it ment and told on me! all the teaches did was make me sit down on this red line for 5 minutes! lol
top belief!
My grandmother has always had very colorful language and I overheard her saying the word "bastards" as she was hitching up her knee-highs so I some how came to think that panty-hose were called "bastards." Imagine my moms surprise when I went into her room tugging at my tights and told her "MOMMY, I CAN"T GET THESE BASTARDS PULLED UP!" I think she later had a good laugh about it after she set me straight.
when my friend luke and i were little, luke belived that the word '' indian burn'' was a bad word.
Not my belief, but that of a friend's brother:
Try to allow me to take you back to a few years ago, when the (terrible)* band Papa Roach released the video for the (equally terrible) song "Last Resort". For whatever reason, the word "resort" in the chorus was decidedly bleeped out on television, as if it were a cuss word (Still mystified myself, but I choose to file it under Douchebaggery and not think about it too much). Anyway, Friend's Brother, who was maybe 9 or 10 at the time, sincerely thought that the word "resort" was a legitimately offensive one and told on my friend, the older sibling, once or twice for saying it before he was set straight.
*understatement on my part
I wrote some naughty words on the typewriter one time, thinking as long as you don't say those words, it was all right. I still got a whipping.
When I was five, I was in a daycare thing for my school waiting for my mom to take me home. While I was waiting, I wandered into the place where only the 5th graders (or "wise guys" as they were called) were aloud. One big 10-year-old looked at me and said "hey, little girl, you cant be in here!" and I said "Oh yeah I can! I can do whatever I want!" then he told me to shut up. Like most young children, I thought "shut up" was a swear. So i said "AWWWW, you said the 'sh' word!" At this, all the older kids cracked up.
Once when I was about 5, I was riding bikes with my friends and his older brother. His brother was riding toward their mom and said "Move, pedestrian!"
Iwas shocked, because for some reason I thought pedestrian was a "bad word." When we passed his mom, I said "I can't beleive you called your own mom a pedestrian!" he just rolled his eyes and kept peddalling
As a younger child than I am now I had a blanket, but being only small, i would not say " iwant my blanket" I would say, without realising "I want my back shit." It never gets old.
When I was 4 yrs old, my Dad was adding a room onto our house. I saw him hit his finger with the hammer, he didn't say anything afterwards and I asked him "Daddy, aren't you going to call it a "sonofabitch"? I think he had a hard time keeping a straight face.
When i was a chid i used to think the word "mofo" was a general insult like "fool" or "idiot"...so of course i said it a lot in public and i got a lot of looks.
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