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When I was younger... my Grandma used to tell me when people were saying 'curse words,' and never to say them. The only time I recall her telling me this is when someone said something bad in spanish (her 2nd language). I got really afraid, thinking that spanish was an evil language and when somebody was telling you something in spanish, something horrible would happen.

She would also tell me never to 'swear.' One day at school, my best friend told me a secret. He told me to swear not to tell anybody. I instantly was alarmed, ran to the teacher and said '--soandso-- is SWEARING!' I got him in sooo much trouble! I feel bad now that I know what it is :(

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When I was in Kindergarten, me and my friends heard the word "F***" in a movie and decided it was a quick way to say "forget".

Not too much later in the movie, we heard the word "s***" and decided it was the word "sheet" with a thick accent.

About a week later, we were all in class, and one of my friends was having significant trouble with a math worksheet we were doing. However, the sheet was not being taken for a grade, so, with the teacher all of three feet away, I loudly and proudly showed off my accent with the phrase "f*** that s***!"

I remember thinking, "Did the teacher mark all over her face in red crayon?"

I also remember taking math worksheets very seriously the rest of that year.

John 117
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I first heard the "F" word when I was in the fourth grade but I misheard it. When I told my Dad that I knew the "F" word, I told him that it was "fauk!" He was still ashamed of me.

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My sister told me that if you stuck your INDEX finger up it was swearing-so I went round doing that to everyone!

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I thought if you said a swear word the police would track you down and arrest you but if you said 'oh my goodness' after the swear word that it would take it back.

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I used to think that Mayonaisse was a bad word.

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When I went to a day-care center they showed the Disney Movie "Hercules" and there's a part where the bad guy calls him "Jerkules" instead and my friend told me that it was a bad word so I would always giggle whenever they said it in the movie.

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I didn't realize that the word my grandmother used when referring to my "girl parts" was truly a dirty word. I thought it was a word she made up, she never cussed, so it must be okay. When in college and discussing funny names for body parts, I spoke up and said "My grandmother always called it a twat!".

naive and chagrinned
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my parents belived in teaching me good grammer. So they told me that arn't is a bad word. So when ever a kid said it I would tell the teacher. My parents thought it was funny.

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My little sister used to think Belly button was a swear word. When ever my brother or I said it she would go tell on us.

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When i was 9 i didnt know what a blow job was. We were doing this science experiment in school (cant remember what it was now, but something to do with balloons) and our teacher had let us come up with our own titles for it. In discussion, a lad at my table suggested i call it " A Blow-Job" - well i thought this was fantastic and proudly wrote it down and went to show it to the teacher thinking she'd really praise me. Instead she laughed at me and told my mother!

Mary, England
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When my parents argued they would accidentally say "God-d***-it!" and I would immediately envision God building a dam in the "River of problems" so that they would stop flowing.

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My godson has is absoutly in love with all trucks. Unfortunatly he does not get the "tr" in there so it comes out f*ck. I could have dies when he yelled "Holy Cow big f*ck"

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I used to think that "Hitler" was a bad word. I would say "Hit" and then spell out the rest of the name in fear of saying a curse word!

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When I was younger i made an action figure out of paper and materials (glue and stuff like that) and i named it 'Jerry Anus.' Of course i had NO clue what an anus is so i went up to my older sister and i was like, "Look at what i made! I named him Jerry Anus!" She died of laughter and had to explain to me what an anus was.

I'm an idiot!
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I had an uncle who told me that "pilchards" was a swearword. I heard a presenter use it on a programme about fishing when I was about 6, and ran to tell my mum.
Sometimes I still catch myself using it..

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When I was four or five I was getting ready to go to outside and I was putting on my mitts. As I was putting on my mitts fuzz kept getting in the way so I finally shouted at my mom "THIS D*MN GREEN FUZZ!" she looked at me and told me to never say that again because it was rude. I looked her straight in the eye and said "fuzz?". So for years I thought that fuzz was a bad word that i should never say.

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When my niece was young, she heard the word "c*nt" somewhere and asked her mother what it meant. Her mother told her that it was a very "naughty" word and she would have to wait until she was a grown-up to understand. Trouble was, my niece must have been in a stage in which she thought all of the "naughtiest" words meant "poop'. For shortly afterwards I heard her say, "I gotta hurry to the bathroom before I c*nt in my pants!"

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my moms friends kid thinks shoot is a "bad" word 1 day she saw a bee and said:go make honey you damn bee!

electric killer
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When I was little my mom told me that flipping somebody off meant "go to Hell" and that I shouldn't do it. My friend and I decided that if we pointed our middle finger downward instead, it would mean "go to Heaven" and that it was a compliment. I think I was about 16 before I learned the truth.

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